growing marijuana on the moon


Well-Known Member
ya man, seriously i dont get it. cus like u said , they already knew there was water on the moon, so lets go spend multi millions of dollars to crash a fuckin' rocket on the moon lol... hey we are in debt to china BILLIONS of dollars, most families are struggling to make a decent living but we got our government crashing shit into the moon whats up now bitches!? lol


Well-Known Member
ya man, seriously i dont get it. cus like u said , they already knew there was water on the moon, so lets go spend multi millions of dollars to crash a fuckin' rocket on the moon lol... hey we are in debt to china BILLIONS of dollars, most families are struggling to make a decent living but we got our government crashing shit into the moon whats up now bitches!? lol
Our government should absolutely be removed shit is so fucking ridiculous too bad everyone is too busy stuffing there faces with McDoubles and scrambling for dollars so they can afford the next one. Im sick of how this country is being run and I want so badly to change it and I'm not the only one but when are any of us going to say enough is enough and do something about it?


Well-Known Member
how long would it linger though? I think it would be cool to watchbongsmilie im sure the guy on shooms would think so too
hahahahaha. i think id like to watch it either way. that would be cool to be in your space suit filled with some kush smoke while your tending to your moon plants.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha. i think id like to watch it either way. that would be cool to be in your space suit filled with some kush smoke while your tending to your moon plants.
holy crap that would be absolute bliss. probably wouldnt be able to stop laughing. I mean you would be like the only mother fucker ever to do that ever and I would really not care about shit cause who else could ever say they did that. I mean you literally would have accomplished more than any other head will. too bad its science fiction ...... for nowbongsmilie lmao


Well-Known Member
how do you smoke a joint in your space suit, you cant magically put the joint through your helmet. And if you just kept it in your mouth what if it fell and burned a hole through the suit. Alot of thinking to do before anyone tries this. I would like to be the first person to try and shot gun a beer in zero gravity.
Nasa experimented with growing plants in space. That's how aeroponics came to be. Growing with no medium. don't forget to post us pics of your space weed when you do.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so i was thinking, i want to be the first person to try growing weed on the moon, the light would be hella intense and theres no gravity to hold down the plant, the plants would be 20 feet tall with buds the size of boulders!
do you see any thing growing on the moon i don't. it would notgrow.


Well-Known Member
Buzzed aldrin,neil armastrongjoint were the first to grow on the moon they bet you to it.But maybe they grew it in a film studio.LOL