growing marijuana on the moon


Active Member
Obama's starting from the ground up. He knows what he's doing. He's having a great presidency, sure mistakes have been made, and will continue to be made. But the future is bright.

edit. and growing on the moon would be amazing. i'd give a kidney for a gram of moon weed. just to say i had some.


Well-Known Member
Simply watching the global warming scheme cooked up by Gore and ilk is enough to know that the country averted that disaster of a person.

The sad fact is there hasn't been a real political leader in this country since Reagan.
Reagan! Obama is 10x the leader of Reagan.


I wonder, if you build a lunar space station, what plants could grow under direct light from the sun and what ones would need "tint" of some sort.


New Member
I know knowledge sucks... :lol:

Luckily Pothead and one11 can keep the thread going. They aren't hindered at all.


Well-Known Member
haha. very much so. thanks guys. so i wonder if you mixed perlite, peat moss, guano, moon dirt, and some good organic soil and used that, would that work better than anything we have here. lol


Active Member
I know knowledge sucks... :lol:

Luckily Pothead and one11 can keep the thread going. They aren't hindered at all.
thanks for throwin me in there. i love you and your "logic" and "reason". the universe doesn't revolve around these.


New Member
Obama's starting from the ground up. He knows what he's doing. He's having a great presidency, sure mistakes have been made, and will continue to be made. But the future is bright.

edit. and growing on the moon would be amazing. i'd give a kidney for a gram of moon weed. just to say i had some.
Comments like that will earn it every time....