Oracle of Hallucinogens
and just out of curiousity, how would what i said be revoked by the fact that i never personally tested the LSD. i mean ive eaten plenty of LSD to know whats clean and what isnt. but i have never heard of this reagent youre talking about so im really just curious.
(dont mean to sound like a dick im just wondering)
You don't sound like a dick at all dude.
If it has never been reagent tested, there is no way to tell if you have ever really eaten lsd. You could have ALD-52, DOx's, 5-MeO-aMT, etc. your whole and been told it was LSD.
e.g. (use imagination):
If someone told you your whole life an apple was an orange, you would think, everytime you ate an apple, it was an orange.
Without reagent testing you could have eaten any DOx your whole life and thought it was LSD.