How far along is she?


So this plant went into 12/12 on Feb 17th so it's been in flower for about 5 weeks. Its from bagseed and it appears to be mostly sativa am I correct on that? She is about 2 feet tall. Can someone tell me ROUGHLY how much longer she has until harvest? The plant doesnt even have any amber trichs yet, even though the in the picture it looks like she does. Thanks!



bud bootlegger
its kinda hard to see much from your pix.. can you take some closer up of the buds? if so, that would be a big help.. if its sativa like you think, she's got atelast another five or so weeks left if not more..
try and get some closer pix though and we will be able to tell a lil better...


its kinda hard to see much from your pix.. can you take some closer up of the buds? if so, that would be a big help.. if its sativa like you think, she's got atelast another five or so weeks left if not more..
try and get some closer pix though and we will be able to tell a lil better...
Heres better pix



Well-Known Member
at least 5 weeks, those sativa's are slow dude, gotta wait though, it's worth it. hang in there for 4 weeks and post pics again. there will be a huge difference in your buds, they should fill up the main stem to the top!!!!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
So she's in week 6? You're looking at a 12 week plant..

There's no reason to bring up trichomes yet, there are hardly


bud bootlegger
thanks for the new pix, much better.. and yah, i agree with everyone else.. they are just starting to come along nicely and you still have about five or so weeks to go atleast.. keep up the good work though, they are looking nice.. and remember that good things come to those who wait, and its never truer than when growing mj..


So she's in week 6? You're looking at a 12 week plant..

There's no reason to bring up trichomes yet, there are hardly
I really dont even mind the wait at this point because that plant has been so easy to grow from day one. I shouldve cloned it while it was in veg, but I'm gonna do it today. The genetics are just too good to throw away.

Anyone have ideas on what a 12 weeker will yield? Hell if I gotta wait 2 more months she better be giving me alot!!! Any thoughts?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I really dont even mind the wait at this point because that plant has been so easy to grow from day one. I shouldve cloned it while it was in veg, but I'm gonna do it today. The genetics are just too good to throw away.

Anyone have ideas on what a 12 weeker will yield? Hell if I gotta wait 2 more months she better be giving me alot!!! Any thoughts?
With proper lights, and environmental control they should produce atleast 2 oz.. it
really depends on veg time, coupled with lights and environment.