In Defense of Free Speech: Is Islam a Hate Crime?


Well-Known Member
LOL that's what used to be said about the Soviets. They only understand violence blabla.:roll:

Was the middle east supposed to be happy about decades of outside interference by the west since the days of the CIA overthrowing Mossadegh in Iran for British petrolium & Mi6?

it is an illegal war, just like Vietnam was. Both were started under false pretenses.

But you can get away with murder if you are a Permanent member of the UNSC.
I suppose YOU'RE the expert, huh?:roll:


Well-Known Member
Expertise is not requisite to see this, just eye sight is sufficient for most people... :lol:wanker:lol:.
.............and a bit of intelligence perhaps (nice insult BTW). Outside interference by the west? Not saying we haven't done some shady things as a country but hey, that's life. We needed their oil, they needed our food. See how that works? Decades of imposing our will doesn't justify flying loaded jets into buildings witht the sole intent of killing as many civilians as possible does it? I always here this shit about illegal wars. What the fuck is an illegal war? If they were illegal then why hasn't there been more outrage by the international community and the U.N. And before you say it's because of our power and influence I will say to you that hasn't stopped them on less serious issues. If we pulled all of our military bases and western businesses out of the middle east do you think that would be sufficient to make Al Qaeda negotiate or cease hostilities toward the U.S.? I doubt it since their only stated goal is the destruction of the U.S. and death of all infidels (that's you and me BTW). Since you are such a smart guy why don't you tell everyone what your solution is. :confused:

BTW name calling is against forum rules and gives everybody who's reading this a glimpse at your intelligence level. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey what up guys... Idk what happened, but I lost all my posts and had to create this new name.. :(

But yeah... here I am if anyone was wondering..


Well-Known Member
Hey what up guys... Idk what happened, but I lost all my posts and had to create this new name.. :(

But yeah... here I am if anyone was wondering..
What's up bro? Good to see ya! :bigjoint: There was some problem with the servers. I couldn't even log in for a day and a half. There are some other people who lost their shit too. Hopefully they get it fixed. I hate to see you lose all of your stuff. :-(


Well-Known Member
.............and a bit of intelligence perhaps (nice insult BTW). Outside interference by the west? Not saying we haven't done some shady things as a country but hey, that's life. We needed their oil, they needed our food. See how that works? Decades of imposing our will doesn't justify flying loaded jets into buildings witht the sole intent of killing as many civilians as possible does it? I always here this shit about illegal wars. What the fuck is an illegal war? If they were illegal then why hasn't their been more outrage by the international community and the U.N. And before you say it's because of our power and influence I will say to you that hasn't stopped them on less serious issues. If we pulled all of our military bases and western businesses out of the middle east do you think that would be sufficient to make Al Qaeda negotiate or cease hostilities toward the U.S.? I doubt it since their only stated goal is the destruction of the U.S. and death of all infidels (that's you and me BTW). Since you are such a smart guy why don't you tell everyone what your solution is. :confused:

BTW name calling is against forum rules and gives everybody who's reading this a glimpse at your intelligence level. :peace:
you needed their oil & they needed your food, so you overthrew their democratically elected sovereign government? No i dont see how that work's. Hasnt worked out that well really considering Iran is now your mortal enemy.
There has been outrage over Iraq, the largest ever as a matter of fact. But it's censored to you & as for UN condemnation, maybe you should Google what a permanent member of the UN security council is capable of with a veto.

Also what has Al Qaieda have to do with Iraq? Afghanistan, fine... those guy's were asking for it, but Iraq? I thought you went into Iraq because your pears are ignorant regarding WMD's?!

Why didn't you go after Al Qaeida after 9-11? It's common knowledge that America was more interested in Iraq & that the plans to invade Iraq were drafted before 9-11 happened.

You see that's what an illegal war is, when you invade a country under false pretenses or your start bombing another because you claim that you were attacked 1st, like the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, when in fact you were not attacked at all.
What did you expect after decades of imposing your will, a pat on the back? Grow up & get over the fact that you have been found lacking once again.


New Member
I'm sorry, did he just say their democratically elected sovereign government?

Class dismissed. Speeka, stay here for some detention. You are far behind the rest of the class.


Well-Known Member
you needed their oil & they needed your food, so you overthrew their democratically elected sovereign government? I was speaking in general, not about Iraq specifically. We went into Iraq under the pretense of them having WMD's which they could possibly use against Isreal or sell to another enemy state, or in this case a terrorist group.

No i dont see how that work's. Hasnt worked out that well really considering Iran is now your mortal enemy. Iran became our enemy over what exactly? There was an islamic revolution which overthrew the monarchy in '79. This was pretty much a watershed moment for islamic fundamentalism. The reasons for this were many and subject to debate depending on how you view it.:shock:

There has been outrage over Iraq, the largest ever as a matter of fact. But it's censored to you & as for UN condemnation, maybe you should Google what a permanent member of the UN security council is capable of with a veto. We've seen the outrage over Iraq. Nothing is censored now thanks to the internet. ;-) There has been a lot of outrage over here too. My personal feelings about the Iraq war is that it seemed necessary given the new context we found ourselves in post 9/11. I'm also aware of permanent membership and the council (I was part of the U.N. peacekeeping force during Operation Restore Hope in Somalia in '92/'93). It doesn't prevent people's ambassadors from speaking up and not many of them did this. :-P

Also what has Al Qaieda have to do with Iraq? Afghanistan, fine... those guy's were asking for it, but Iraq? I thought you went into Iraq because your pears are ignorant regarding WMD's?! I address this in one of the above posts. Iraq had several years to hide and or destroy WMD's. We know he had them at some point since he used them a couple of times in the 80's. :dunce:

Why didn't you go after Al Qaeida after 9-11? It's common knowledge that America was more interested in Iraq & that the plans to invade Iraq were drafted before 9-11 happened. Um, I think we did go after them when we attacked Afghanistan like 5 weeks after 9/11.:dunce: I do agree with you that many more resources were diverted to Iraq than should've been and we lost focus on Afghanistan. Big mistake IMO. I'm not surprised that plans were drafted beforehand since they had U.N. imposed no-fly zones and the U.N. had been trying to get in to inspect their chemical manufacturing facilities and what not. We'd already seen time and again what Sadam was capable of. He was an evil mofo and had to go, period!:fire:

You see that's what an illegal war is, when you invade a country under false pretenses or your start bombing another because you claim that you were attacked 1st, like the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, when in fact you were not attacked at all. Wars are inherently bad things. I've been in a couple of them, I know. This is what humans do. Personally, I think that by their very nature all wars should be illegal. After all, the intent is to murder people and destroy/steal property. Sounds like human rights violations to me. If there is a good reason to go to war I think being attacked first is definitely high on the list. :hump:

What did you expect after decades of imposing your will, a pat on the back? Grow up & get over the fact that you have been found lacking once again. Don't be hatin' just because it's the "in thing" in your country to be an American basher. We aren't all bad people, just most of us.:lol: This is not a perfect world and we aren't a perfect species. This country was turned upside down after 9/11. If we didn't go to war we would've been wrong: we go to war and we're wrong. It's a double edged sword but I think not going to war would've been the worse move. The world changed for us all on that day. I hope and long for a day with no more war. I hope I live to see it, but honestly, I doubt I will. I can always dream. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, did he just say their democratically elected sovereign government?

Class dismissed. Speeka, stay here for some detention. You are far behind the rest of the class.
I know, I kinda let that one slide. I think now you can say they have a democratically elected sovereign government. ;-)


New Member
UR welcome Doc. Your hall pass is granted. You are free to mill about. :lol:

I disagree with the entire premise of hate crimes personally.

But on a lighter note... I think this movie is going to be hilarious....



Well-Known Member
UR welcome Doc. Your hall pass is granted. You are free to mill about. :lol:

I disagree with the entire premise of hate crimes personally.

But on a lighter note... I think this movie is going to be hilarious....

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!:lol: I've GOT to see this movie!


New Member
It looks killah funny doesn't it? I watched an interview with the director and the main character, and they said both Muslims and Jews have seen it previewed, and no one was offended.... it's just funny as heck.


Well-Known Member
We went into Iraq under the pretense of them having WMD's which they could possibly use against Isreal or sell to another enemy state, or in this case a terrorist group.
After a 10 year total embargo of Iraq from the 1st gulf war, anyone with an ounce of common sense will know that its impossible to sustain a WMD stockpile. Anyone with common sense.

You must have been "serving" lunch in Somalia if you don't know that much.

Lesson? One septic tank kissing another's ass? P-lease... I'm not even bothering to read the rest of your shite after that opening statement.


Well-Known Member
After a 10 year total embargo of Iraq from the 1st gulf war, anyone with an ounce of common sense will know that its impossible to sustain a WMD stockpile. Anyone with common sense. Impossible to maintain a stockpile of WMD's? Again with the hyperbole. There's no way they could've gotten components from other countries (notice the sarcasm). Maintaining a stockpile of WMD's only takes a storage facility in most cases. Not too difficult, but you already knew that with your infinite wisdom.:roll:

You must have been "serving" lunch in Somalia if you don't know that much. Yeah, serving lunch, that's it. Good one there squeaka.:lol:

Lesson? One septic tank kissing another's ass? P-lease... I'm not even bothering to read the rest of your shite after that opening statement. Awwww, I don't want you to take your toys and run home to mommy. Poor wittle guy. :cry: Do ya think I upset him CJ? I'm sorry speeka. Pleas come back and play. :mrgreen:


New Member
But, if one stays INFORMED, one would already know that it was SADDAM who boasted to having WMD's.

He later admitted that he didn't , but Ooops...that gamble back fired big time. His mistake.

He also admitted he was intent on BUYING WMD's.

Either way, he needed to go. he's gone and Iraq is today a MUCH freer and stable nation for the region.

Meanwhile Iran builds a bomb, while Obama looks inward towards creating a welfare state.


Well-Known Member
Nuclear weapons need constant maintenance because radiation damage affects the materials and triggering devices that must act together to make the weapon work.

The same is true for chemical & biological weapons, especially nerve agents, they must be stored under inert conditions with the absolute exclusion of oxygen and moisture.

So no, you cant just leave them in 1 of the big yellow storage company's lock up's.

lol how embarrassing.:lol:

Peace keeping force in Somalia?
Don't you mean, the piss-taking force in Angola penitentiary in Louisiana?


Well-Known Member
But, if one stays INFORMED, one would already know that it was SADDAM who boasted to having WMD's.

He later admitted that he didn't , but Ooops...that gamble back fired big time. His mistake.

He also admitted he was intent on BUYING WMD's.

Either way, he needed to go. he's gone and Iraq is today a MUCH freer and stable nation for the region.

Meanwhile Iran builds a bomb, while Obama looks inward towards creating a welfare state.
"INFORMED"... ? hilarious!

Link to anything said here from a factual source please, specially the bit about the Mid east being safer since America occupied Iraq!:lol::lol::lol: Safer for who? American pilots?:lol:
Wow it really isn't a myth how clueless a people you are!


New Member
You should look at a map some time. No really, they do exist, promise.

You may notice something which makes your post look inane.

Look carefully....