Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)


Well-Known Member
Looks good man, May be your biggest yet.
Have you noticed any difference in the growth on the bottom screen with the light vertical and all?
NONE! :) Crazy growth beneath the bulb as well as in front of it. Couldnt be happier with this, cant wait to see how it unfolds over the remaining 6 weeks man.


Well-Known Member
sup bro!! i forgot about your grows, not in a bad way... just haven't been active here much lately. then i looked through your photos and remembered "wow.. this grow is fully automated!!"

lights, drip, and fans... thats awesome.

on a side note, i hope not asking too much... but uh... could you do a thread for your ghee recipe. i'm planning to do up a batch in about a week, just waiting on my last bit of trim to dry.

oh and dude, keep it up. grow looks awesome!!


if you dont want to deal with a thread, just PM it to me if you don't mind.


Well-Known Member
if you dont want to deal with a thread, just PM it to me if you don't mind.
Yes, I will pm it to you soon. Probably later tonight or tomorrow. I have been hella busy. Putting an update in here in just a minute and then I gotta jet again. Sorry for delays, I def am not Trying to ignore anyone. :)

Good job with your grow btw!


Well-Known Member

Roughly 2.5 weeks into flower. Setting buds fast this time. Should be a good turnout. About 6 Weeks left till chop chop. Im pretty excited.

BTW, noticed yellowing on the leaf ends so I upped the ppm to about 1000, was at 850 or so before this.




Well-Known Member
Just a comparison:

2 days shy of 2 weeks:

2.5 weeks. Amazing what just a little bit of time will do:


Well-Known Member
that some insane growth for 4-5 days worth :bigjoint:
I know man! I have never seen the buds come on so strong/fast before. Definitely never this early into flower. I have been using some new nutrients though.

Bud Blood once during 1st week of flower.

Now on Big Bud till week 4.

They will get overdrive from 5th week through the 6th and then I will combo
the overdrive with Gravity the 7th and clean them out for the last week.

I am also using at different times or as needed:
Iguana Juice Grow & Bloom
Super Plant Tonic (SPT)
Earth Juice Micro-Blast
FF Grow
FF Tiger Bloom
Bat Quano and Worm Castings

Naturally I am not OVER using any one of these and some only when things look deficient. My norm is just the Iguana Juice and the supplements with a once a week feeding of calmag, sensizyme, guano and casting, and SPT (in tea form). We will see how it all works out in the end.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Im impressed.
Makes me wanna change my light to vertical in the middle of this grow.

I think it is a good idea so far. The stuff directly under the bulb is fine because there is less light discharge from the bulb there, so the heat is less and it can be close. The other stuff is all equidistant from the bulb so it all gets about the same amount from the bulb. There is no top hood keeping heat down on the tops, instead all the air is being moved by a fan from the top and is also being sucked out by the exhaust fan.

When I build the new (new to me) metal cabinet I found, I think I would put a long cool tube in so I could just cool the light and exhaust the cab less, allowing the use of Co2 injection. Also, I would find a way to elevate a few plants to make better use of the side walls. I would continue to grow under the bulb as much as possible as well.. I mean... Why waste any light?

What I really want is build a greenhouse like you have going... Ahhhh, maybe someday. I would love to just flat out be able to give medicine to more severely disabled people. I already help several... but its not enough. No one should have to break the bank to feel better.


Well-Known Member
damn man, that comparison pic shows an awesome difference from your last batch. theyre all lookin happy and healthy.
stoked to see your new cab with the cooltube too :-o


Well-Known Member
Today is DAY 1 of Week Three! Whoo HOoo :)

Thanks! Notorious! It will be a while before I build out the other cabinet, but in time it will happen. This round is looking pretty bomb, I will have to take pics sometime during this week to update, they are already starting to sparkle! :)


Well-Known Member
Check out my new grow bin!!

It is two 45gl rubbermaid roughneck containers on top of one another. The top one has a waste drain that drains to a 5gl buckert in the bottom container and a feed line comes up from another 5gl res bucket through the waste drain. Here is what I am using:

-Screen that is in a slight curve.
-about 2.5gl containers for hempy buckets
-one 90cfm case fan. (not hooked up yet)
-two 30 cfm case fans.
-about 260w of cfl. Not all are screwed in all the way right now
-one timer for the lights
-one timer for the res feed line
-an airstone in the 5gl res and an air pump.

~These go on 12/12 next week. Enjoy the pics! :)




Active Member
Check out my new grow bin!!

It is two 45gl rubbermaid roughneck containers on top of one another. The top one has a waste drain that drains to a 5gl buckert in the bottom container and a feed line comes up from another 5gl res bucket through the waste drain. Here is what I am using:

-Screen that is in a slight curve.
-about 2.5gl containers for hempy buckets
-one 90cfm case fan. (not hooked up yet)
-two 30 cfm case fans.
-about 260w of cfl. Not all are screwed in all the way right now
-one timer for the lights
-one timer for the res feed line
-an airstone in the 5gl res and an air pump.

~These go on 12/12 next week. Enjoy the pics! :)

do you have a carbon filter for these?


Well-Known Member
whats up someguy? girls look like they have phosphorus deficiency pretty bad..whats your ppm?, and what bloom nutes are you useing?