seeds to PO box?


Well-Known Member
Ive definitely heard of such before. Just order from a highly legitimate site, like nirvana, to ensure discrete packaging. But legally they cant just tear open your package at the post office.


Ive definitely heard of such before. Just order from a highly legitimate site, like nirvana, to ensure discrete packaging. But legally they cant just tear open your package at the post office.
thank you :]

but what do i do lol

just go to post office and ask for a box lol i dont get it
then they give me like a number?


Well-Known Member
Don't you have to have ID and stuff to open a P.O. box? IDK, it just seems like you would have to, which would be just as bad as sending them to your house. :)


Don't you have to have ID and stuff to open a P.O. box? IDK, it just seems like you would have to, which would be just as bad as sending them to your house. :)
your right i just looked it up :c

any other way to get anonymous mail lol?


Well-Known Member
Use a pre-paid card with no connection to your name

In reality you can deny anything sent in the mail to you. Most vendors ship discreetly as well. The chances are if it gets intercepted, it does so before it gets near your house. They dont bother to follow up on the end route because they would never be able to use that as reasonable suspicion etc.


Active Member
when your placing the order, inquire about possibly using the box number only, without your name on the label??