Noob needs help please


Hi guys
Well this is my first grow and i have done a tonne of research and thoght i had it figured.
I got 4 out or 5 seeds to sprout and they all got about 3 inches high and then all of the sudden i wake up one moring and they are all on their sides looking like they are dieing.
So i changed to a soil that was Compost Hummus, Peat moss, sand and perlite. Not sure what ratios are but its premiuim organtic mix from homedepot. And teir planting a few more seeds and they did the same thing.
My Lights are on 16 on and 8 off. I really dont think i am over watering them cause im waiting till the pots almost dry to re water. And i am using water and soil with the right ph i have tested it.
If anyone could please give me some advise i would really apreciate it


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
sound like they are streaching for the light. get the light closer but to close that i will burn up your babies.. do 18/6 or 24/0 for beter resuls. keep your soil dampnotsaturated.


one mistake alot of new growers do is they let the soil dry for to long, you need to keep your soil damp. change you light cycle to 18 light 6 dark. what kind of light are you using?


I am using 4' floresents and they are the the daylight ones color temp 6,500k. and the light is about 2 inches over the plants.
Im using premium nature mix by Hortibec for soil.
I havent given them any nutes yet cause only about a week old maybe i should try that??
Ill try lengthning out the light period to 18 thanks
any more advise or thoughts would be awsome


Well-Known Member
If your using T12s you can put the bulb right up to the leaves and they won't burn. Anymore than 2inchs and your gonna see some stretch. With those lights your gonna wanna atleast do a 20/4 light scheduale, if not 24 hour lighting. Giving nutes will probly burn them, depending on the strength, but if thier green, thier fine. Just stick your finger about an inch or so into the medium. If its damp your fine, if its dry water them a bit, then wait until first few inchs of soil go dry again, and repeat.
Good luck.....


Well-Known Member
they all got about 3 inches high and then all of the sudden i wake up one moring and they are all on their sides looking like they are dieing.
And teir planting a few more seeds and they did the same thing.

I really dont think i am over watering them cause im waiting till the pots almost dry to re water.
you almost certainly are not keeping them moist enough. if you put a 6" tall clear plastic cup over the seedlings they will retain moisture better. when young it pays to water the sprout a little it every day. switch to the wait-until-its-dry watering scheme after a week.


Well-Known Member
Righty o mate, lets havva think

Both times has this happened? and have you used the same water technique for both attempts?
if so i really think its something to do with that,

also to help additional strength in the stems incase it is due to that you cud put a nice small osculating fan on them on a lower setting for now, from sprout this will really help them strength and get thicker preventing them from getting top heavy later on

if this is a water issue, then it can be due to over or under.

To check for over watering, check the bottom of the pots, see if you can see or even pick out a bit of soil from the bottom of the pot, if its still moist down there you know to leave it a bit longer till you water again (will also encourage root growth as they search for water).

When your watering do you have water running out the bottom yeh? Just to make sure the water is running through and not drowning them.

Hit us up when you've answered some of these questions and i'll give ya some more answers :) (or try at least, very high).

If its under watering the soil at the top of the plant should be really dry, like crispy and if you dig your finger down an inch or two at the top of the soil near the side of the pot and see if its damp, if it aint, then it might be too dry, specially if the bottom is as too.

I dont know if anything i just wrote made sense.,...

also just realised, thiese plants shud be put in a prop tank for now, my clones all go limp wen i cut them and if i leave them under a plastic tank from wen cut they dont flop, so that cud really help, place them in like big jiffy bags :)


Yeah I think i must be under watering them because ive been waiting for the soil to drty out befor watering them, heheh got scared by all the overwatering things on the internet hehe.
I also ended up gettign some more seeds i ordered in the mail today so i went and bought a Jiffy dome thing that im gona try using this time to keep some moisture in. But how long should i leave them in the dome after they sprout befor taking them out of it and getting some fan on them?
Thanks alot for all the advise