Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Finally the light came bro....22" seems a litle far away for a 600 in a enclosed hood, I would think you could be less than 15" away and be totally cool, but either way I bet those ladies are stoked!


Active Member
Looking nice, they looked a little small for quite a while, but once they started to fill out they have become real pretty. Very nice :) How are you finding the heat with the new lamp? I'm just about to switch to flowering and a 400w HPS, but my testing has shown me it can be a bitch to control the temp in a smaller space.


i have a pretty sick dresser setup but i have one flou and one agro day light both 75w. Right now i have a 3 month old k.b plant and its doing good but the new leaves all get heat stressed and im expecting some citral skunk and nl seeds in the mail soon and im worried the seedlings will be to hot. I just had 3 middie test seedlings die def from the heat stress, I have a nice box fan blowing around in there but its still to hot any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Finally the light came bro....22" seems a litle far away for a 600 in a enclosed hood, I would think you could be less than 15" away and be totally cool, but either way I bet those ladies are stoked!
Yeah man I know what your thinking. I hung them 22" above so they could get used to the heat and light but Im gonna be keeping it 18" away cuz I dont have a blower like you do so it seems to be perfect around 18". I have a string hanging marking 18" so once their tops hit it Ill be keeping it there. Once I move though hopefully Ill have a bigger space to grow in so I can get a blower and raise it real real low to them girls. But yeah they are loving it a lot I tell ya! :bigjoint:

i have a pretty sick dresser setup but i have one flou and one agro day light both 75w. Right now i have a 3 month old k.b plant and its doing good but the new leaves all get heat stressed and im expecting some citral skunk and nl seeds in the mail soon and im worried the seedlings will be to hot. I just had 3 middie test seedlings die def from the heat stress, I have a nice box fan blowing around in there but its still to hot any suggestions?
As for you Id prolly say get a bigger fan or I dunno. Im using a tiny ass fan as well and its prolly around 80ish degrees or so. I need to get a bigger fan as well but wal-mart n home depot n shit dont have their spring shit out yet so Ive been chillin with a really tiny tiny fan lol. Been thinking about hooking up an inline fan with out aluminum casing just to blow hot air outside of the hoods casing, I dunno just a little nervous about it being so hot in there but I dunno seemed fine the past four days so who knows. Good luck to everything though bro! :fire:

Pics coming sometime next week son!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie
Damn, Allday looks like some serious progress in the what like 3 months you've had the plants growing? Well anyways very impressive. Its absolutely amazing the things us potheads can do with some seeds, soil, and some good lights. lol. Im very much looking forward to seeing the end pic's before the harvest. Good luck as always!


Well-Known Member
Damn, Allday looks like some serious progress in the what like 3 months you've had the plants growing? Well anyways very impressive. Its absolutely amazing the things us potheads can do with some seeds, soil, and some good lights. lol. Im very much looking forward to seeing the end pic's before the harvest. Good luck as always!
Lol thanks Truth. Yeah it was a very very slow start but from now on it wont be lol. 3 weeks behind I should have some decent bud on the ladies by now but fucking htg sucks ass and doesnt tell you when things are on back order until you call the day your stuff is supposed to arrive and they jerk you around for the next two weeks. Shits bogus but whatever Im over it now :bigjoint:

80. Not bad for a 600w, wuts ur room dimensions again?
Im not at home right now but Im pretty sure its 4'wx2'lx9'h. The length will double once I move shit out of my closet haha :dunce::dunce::dunce: But yeah my next day off is devoted to cleaning that shit out so they can grow n grow n grow. Gonna pick up one of those tall cylindrical fans from wally world which I think with the limited space I have will work. And with the tiny ass fan I got ill put those on the clone since the hoods heat is like a foot away from where the clones will be chillin so they gonna need some air lol. Cheers!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the fuck happened but yesterday I got a new an improved osculating fan for the room. After 8 hours of the new fan being on the ladies and once I got home from worked I open the door and a dreadful, just dreadful sight...... My ladies were so dried out that their leaf tips curled upwards really bad and were extremely crispy. I had to cut the crisps off this morning cuz there was noway in hell that the ends were still alive so there are a bunch of half leaves on the tops. The one plant looks dandy theres a little harm in her but not much. The Blue#2 and Kush were affected bad but Blue#2 is far worse condition than any. Ive been spraying the room to try and cool it down. I use my shitty fan to blow the hot air around up by the hood and leave the door cracked open and use the good fan to try and rotate the hot air out the cracked door. Im not sure what the hell happened it might have been the wonderful weather outside the past two days and it just increased my temps that dramatically or I didnt water them enough or something. Ill get pics up around 7ish central time to get some help from you guys. They are only in the first week of flowering and this heat stress is killing them and its killing me of my dreams of wonderful looking budzz.... So please I beg all and any of you for your advice on what I should do. I know I need a blower for my hood but I have no space to vent any kind of air in or out other then just the osculating fans I have. Do they make mini air conditioners? That I could need, yeah itll jack up my electricity bill for the next month but itd be well worth it in the end. Please Please Please help me!!!! kiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Heres my poor pathetic excuse for plants now.....God i hate myself. Terrible terrible nutrient deficiency, over did big bloom by 1 tbs... its not a complete loss, been flushing them ever two days cuz the temps are pretty high still, need bigger fans lol. But the blue #1 might still pull through, so I think i might scrape the kush depending on how she is doing in a week. Blue #2 however is completely doneskis:fire::fire::fire: taking as many clones as i can from her and taking a few from the kush just in case but its not a total loss...I dunno trying to think of the better side of things lol. Lawlz....



Well-Known Member
Hey man that really sucks. Just flush'em out and get those temps down and you might be able to salvage them. It might take a week or two for'em to bounce back.

Good luck bud.



Well-Known Member
Hey man that really sucks. Just flush'em out and get those temps down and you might be able to salvage them. It might take a week or two for'em to bounce back.

Good luck bud.

Thanks... Cut down Blue#2 and took as many clones as i could from her. not sure how many are there they chillin in a cup of water under the 600w until i get the cfls setup then they get popped into some soil. Theres a lot there and i think they will pop back easy, and thinking about getting another osculating fan like the one i just got, its real nice and cheap. One love:weed:

P.S. It looks like the kush and blue#1 are already bouncing back, their leaves are still droopy but still a lil greener than the days before, and their top colas keep growing so who knows.....:confused::confused:


Active Member
Whoaaaaa what happened??? :O :O

What you needed the most was an exhaust fan :( The closet is also too small for a 600 watter.

Anyway, I hope they bounce back. Good luck.

P.S. I dig the skateboards!


Well-Known Member
Whoaaaaa what happened??? :O :O

What you needed the most was an exhaust fan :( The closet is also too small for a 600 watter.

Anyway, I hope they bounce back. Good luck.

P.S. I dig the skateboards!
Haha yeah I skate all the time. Just trying to make it so I dont have to work anymore and just stick to shredding lol. But yeah no I know i need an exhaust fan but i have no place to exhaust that hot air to so kinda fucked there. But yeah lol I dunno, I over did it by a tbs of nutes.....Didnt think they would burn up the way they did but i was totally wrong lol. I now know though not to over do it next time around. The top colas are still growing bigger n bigger along with some upper buddage by the top cola too. I dunno its just the fan leaves that got damaged, other than that the branches are healthy as hell, not crispy tips or nothing just healthy green leaves on them so I dunno I would like to think they are coming back around. A little freaked out about this CA trip im about to take though where Ill be gone for a week :wall::wall: Hopefully the person I leave in charge will let me know if shit happens.

Hey thats too bad, but at least they're tall and leafy. Sell them to some stupid kids or something
Chea thats what I plan on doing haha!!! Well at least the clones cuz I know they will be just fine. Just sucks though that it feels like I wasted time but not really, cuz in a month the ladies will be halfway along and at that time i can throw in clones and ill be right back where i am now except with healthy plants again lol.


Well-Known Member
Everything is all good. The ladies bounced back like I figured they would. But fucking the heat killed all the clones which Im pretty salty about that but also a dumb move on me which I should have put them some were else and Id be hella happy right now. The Kush is slowly packing on the bud while the strawberry is not messing around and packin on the bud like its nobodys business lol. Pics as soon as I can get a hand on some batteries which might be tonight lol. But a HUGE question that I need help with. How much nutrients do I give them now? I have a very watered down solution that I want to give them tomorrow or probably tonight depending on how damp the soil is when Im done with work. I have been giving them roughly 1.5 liters of water every other day and that seems to be the perfect ammount for it to dry out evenly. So I dont think I should give them 1.5 liters of nutrients lol. Should I give them like half that or what? I dont wanna burn the shit out of my ladies again lol. Please help lol. Otherwise Im just gonna give them like 900mL of solution like I used to do before shit went bad. Hints, ideas tips everything welcome.


Well-Known Member
Well besides having hardly any fan leaves to absorb light, the plants dont look too bad. Yeah they look like shit but they are still packin on the budz :-P. I was surprised on how well my camera did on the close ups lol. I know things are going well because last time i did this same kush indoors i didnt get any sign of budz til almost 3 weeks into flower and its only been a week n a half and i already have results. now its just a waiting game. Oh yeah gonna plan on giving them 600 mL of nutrient solution which is roughly .6 liters so Ill be giving them a full liter of water after that, it is an extremely hot day here and the soil was dried up already from last night so I may have to give them the nutrient solution at night and follow up with .5 liters of water the next day just to make it through. Any ideas peoples? Thanks

