Well-Known Member
20 days left!!!

Went out and bought a new Canfan Filter Today for better odor control.

The one I had was about 2 years old.

It was "High Time" to replace it!! :bigjoint:

The Glass Slipper is so dense, and chunky... Gonna be some good yield. :)


Well-Known Member
Iam thrilled over the results of the lucus Formula. :clap:

My vegging plants have really liked the GH nutes.

I rooted some GS in under 4 days using the dwc bubbler,
And added a 5-10 ratio of GH Micro and bloom, and they are completely enjoying their cocktail.

Within hours of adding this awesome mixture they stood up proud and seemed to even grow before my eyes.

What I really like about the GH nutes is that they are so clean to work with...Like Kool-Aid, instead of sludge.

The bottom of my bubblers were always covered with goo, and the big bloom made my roots look dingy, and clumped together after a while.

The other day, Before I put in the fresh gh nutes, I Gave each vegging plant a good bath in pure aqua to wash out some of that fox farm residue.

The bath worked indeed..White healthy roots once again! A site to see.(see pics)

I went out and bought the Floranova bloom today, and cant decide if i wanna use it or not.

Ive read that it is thick as molasses, and kinda like mud.

One guy said shake the bottle til your arms hurt.. WHAT?:o

After several more hours of study,
I think I'll stay with the two part, Micro and bloom, and that is all.

No more Superthrive either.

Im starting to face the facts here after reading non stop for days,..
Too much additives and crap can, and will mess up your plants.

Im going for the more KISS(keep it simple stupid ) method.

Like I wrote about 20 pages back,
Cheap chemical ferts blows the freakin doors off of highly $$$ inflated companies like AN...Its like that.

You'll see;-)

Whats really cool with the gh nutes, I haven't had to mess with the ph..Its dead on for days now.

Here's a few shots of my veg room.
I even watered my Northern lights #5 with a 5-10 mb ratio, and they have woken up!!!

So far, Ive seen nothing but the fastest growth and health with the gh nutes..

GH already Passed up the Fox farms, That I Will say.

The Fox farm worked, ..but its very messy, and the staining of the roots,.. and the expense using that stuff on 11 5 gallon buckets..Good God! LOL!!

Iam not really not into organics... And alot of the full line fox farm products have alot of organics in em.

Organics has its benefits, But nothing takes off like chemicals, and yields the highest..

Proven Fact.

You can believe it or not.

Im very excited to find the lucas Method/Formula.

Too easy..

I think its gonna be THE one :)

Made my Year :)

Peace out, and have a nice eve. :-)


Well-Known Member
Couple of weeks away from the big axe.

They are so crystalized, and the ladies are starting to really sparkle now under the 1k light. :weed:

Love the last couple of weeks of flowering,..its the fattening up stage...heehee! :hump:

There is still a lot of growth left.

Plenty of white hairs..

These girls will go into a major growth spurt before the show ends.

Its gonna be a good harvest. :)

But there is always room for improvement.. Dont think Ill be using organics anymore.

Always like to do better.

Stay tuned for more updates. :)


Well-Known Member
What up dude. I haven't read through your whole thread yet but I was curious are those the NL # 5 or are they the GS still?

By the way the buds look very nice.



Well-Known Member
What up dude. I haven't read through your whole thread yet but I was curious are those the NL # 5 or are they the GS still?

By the way the buds look very nice.

The pics Ive just added are the Glass Slippers.

The Northern Lights #5 are still vegging away for another couple of weeks, then they'll go into the flowering room with the new batch of GS.

Need to sex'em.. and figure em out.

Then, Ill most likely put a few of the females in their own bubbler, and grow em out :)

Thanks for the comments. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Awsome! I like your new avatar too Closetgrowth. Is that a poo-ponic system?

LMFAO!! :lol:

Thats right!!! Hahahaa! Poo-ponics!!! :clap:

For the organic lover in your life!!!!!

Not only do these girls put out, they also know when to flush!!!

Rare strain we have here! :)


Well-Known Member
Thats fuckin awesome CG!!
You should put that in the newbie section and tell them this is what flushing your plants means!!


Well-Known Member
Thats fuckin awesome CG!!
You should put that in the newbie section and tell them this is what flushing your plants means!!
Hahahahahahaaa! :lol:

Yea, but maybe someone will actually do it, and blame me after their plant goes into shock! :-|

Anyways, where the heck have you been???


Well-Known Member
Went to take ph readings on all the plants, and everything is staying between 5.5-6.0 without adding any ph up or down ever.

This shit impresses the hell out of me :)

The veg garden is so lush, and green now.

Northern Lights 5 is doing better than expected.

Here, Take a look for yourself :weed:


Well-Known Member
its getting close for ya man. i started flushing mine 2 days ago. i'm giving a full 8 or 9 days this time. are you gonna try out the clearex?


Well-Known Member
its getting close for ya man. i started flushing mine 2 days ago. i'm giving a full 8 or 9 days this time. are you gonna try out the clearex?
Oh definetely... I was thinking about using the clearex on the 51st day, for 2 days, then straight water til I harvest em on the 60th day.

Did your buds taste ok last time??

Or could you tell it needed more of a flush?


Well-Known Member
The roots look 10X better using the GH nutes.

These pics are clones that came alive on GH/Lucas Formula.

My diy cloning bubbler had a nice pinch of rooting hormone put into the water, And 3 drops of Superthrive.

7 days from the time I cut em til right now.. 2 of the days were on Fox farm, but the rest of the time GH :)

You have to admit it, these clones look prime for being chopped off a plant a week ago :)

And no, I do not wait to give my clones food.

The minute I see a root poking out of a stem, its feeding time for all of em!!!!!!! ;-)

Would you let your baby starve for a few weeks before giving them any food? Not me!

If you dont feed em, they have to live off their own resources.. Why?

They turn all yellow that way.

Get em on a feeding schedule..Immediately.

For the clones in the bubbler, I gave em 5ml per of Micro, and 10ml of bloom.. per gallon. Excellant results!!


Im a nub but had a question. Can I grow ak-48 auto and northern lights at the same time. Obviously the auto will be done sooner but can I grow them together and just pull the auto out when it's done?