Liquid culture is something I plan on looking into after I get farther along.I make casings which is when you take a jar of colonized substrate and mix it with vermiculite and coco coir then allow to colonize again for 5 days. This increases yield by a lot. And you can flush your casings alot more. Towards the end of the casings life, (say the 6 flush) i would get foot long golden teachers with inch think stems. Only 6 at a time but they were heavy suckers even when dried. My casings usually yield about 2-3 ounces of dried shrooms each. I use 1/4th a syringe with is like 2.5 mil for each jar. So 4 jars to one syringe. The liquid culture is really cool. Its simple but hard at the same time. You just take a tbsp of organic honey or something similar and water. Preasure cook them together...for sanitary reasons....Let cool and then inject half a syringe. After about a week you will see alot of white floating. Thats the mycelium. Some people even put a few shards of glass in the culture. When using a syringe to suck up a little of the mycelium it can be hard. The shards are so that you can shake the culture and cut the large cloud up into smaller pieces. Keep in frig for up to 6 months. From one jar of good liquid culture you can make about 100 jars. Also it speeds up jar colonizing by alot. say it takes 3 weeks to fully colonize your jar, using a spore syringe. Using a liquid culture it will take 5-7 days. give me a bit to find the 2 links that i used for my shroom grow.
Sweet! I have not checked mine yet. I am gonna wait til day 10.By the way, I would like to report the first sightings of white mycelium inside the mason jars... my eyes beamed like I witness the grace of God
Congratulations, sir. This process is pretty exciting, isn't it?By the way, I would like to report the first sightings of white mycelium inside the mason jars... my eyes beamed like I witness the grace of God