** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!


A bit of background knowledge quickly (don't want to bore you) I am growing for the shear pleasure and for personal smoke not interested in no massive yields even though if I have some left over I will hook my friends up. This is my second grow and I am waiting for my other 2 Easy Ryders (auto's) to finish under my 400w HPS now (link in my sig). The LA was a freebie and feminised I believe so lets keep our fingers crossed and the Easy Ryder is feminised also. I have spent so much time on this website and learnt so much (and made my fair share of mistakes of course) that I have the basics well handled.


Everything I post in this forum is from a friend I have in the states who is a legal medi grower in Cali and he tells me the basics of what to write and sends pictures to my iPhone as he has no PC.

The Setup

Now this is the good bit. Growing with:

Bio Bizz All Mix Soil (I highly reccommend)
Bio Bloom Nutes for flowering (will get veg when get paid)
400w HPS with Magnetic Ballast (will buy new bulb when get paid and am looking to upgrade to lumatek ballast another time)
Small AC type fan unit
All in my wardrobe (closet).

So Far & The Plan

So far the Easy Ryder sprouted on 25/03/10 and the LA on 26/03/10.
They was germinated using the paper towel method.

The plan is to basically Veg the LA for however long it takes for the Easy Ryder to finish as its an auto and I keep my lights on 24/0 (personal preference). I presume this will make the LA rather big so topping once maybe twice will probably be necessary.

Thats It!

So I hope loads of you sub up to this and help me along the way, any questions feel free to ask. The end of my current grow is in my sig. I would love to hear any comments, suggestions, advice from anyone from novice to expert.

Pictures are from today 30/03/10 even though its like 1am... 1st Pic ER Day 5, 2nd LA Day 4.

Keep Toking!
p.s. Damn I need a bong after typing all this.


Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Hey up man, aint been round a while, bin shit busy! Your other grow is looking nice, let us know if you get your 1oz =D. That 400w must be doing the world of good!

This grow is looking good, what are the temps doing? Does you ac unit keep them down with the HID in your w'drobe?

Keep up the good stuff man.


Well-Known Member
Hey up man, aint been round a while, bin shit busy! Your other grow is looking nice, let us know if you get your 1oz =D. That 400w must be doing the world of good!

This grow is looking good, what are the temps doing? Does you ac unit keep them down with the HID in your w'drobe?

Keep up the good stuff man.
Hey dude, good to see ya! Was going to say I haven't seen you lately. Know the feeling of being busy but can't complain too much. Yeah the 400w is good I love it. Hopefully this easyryder with the 400w all the way through will be a monster lol. The unit does drop the temps but mainly it used to swing fresh air over the top of the canopy so they dont burn. I have to keep my wardrobe door open and my window open but its all good. You got a grow going at the moment? I have tried something a bit different with the last few weeks left on my other two and will let you know how it goes but Alex is really padding out. Had to tie her up today from the weight!


Well-Known Member
Hey man I have been following your first ER grow and inspired me to grow an ER myself! I just got mine sprouted today and transplanted it. I hope mine looks like that five days from now! Im using a 2L bottle for a pot as I am height limited. But we will see how I do. Guess I trying to just make it as low maintenance as possible. But def great job on the first grow and the beginning of the second. They look gorgeous man.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I have been following your first ER grow and inspired me to grow an ER myself! I just got mine sprouted today and transplanted it. I hope mine looks like that five days from now! Im using a 2L bottle for a pot as I am height limited. But we will see how I do. Guess I trying to just make it as low maintenance as possible. But def great job on the first grow and the beginning of the second. They look gorgeous man.
Hey dude, thanks I highly appreciate it, I hope I yield my 1oz with both the other ER's :)

Hope you subbed up I can feel this one is going to be good!

If you need any help I will always try and avise you as best I can (rep is always appreciated) and all the best advice I can give so far is Read Read Read!

Good luck and give me a shout when you start a journal!


Well-Known Member
Good luck mate.

I figured that since my Easy ryder was half way though now, i would drop another seed too. I guess im one step behind you once again ey.

Sussex love to ya bro.


Well-Known Member
Well you will always see what you got to look forward too then :)
In theory unless I screw up slightly again :/ haha


Well-Known Member
Nice to have you again Two Joints! Hopefully going to get some peppers and chilli's going and maybe some strawberrys :p
Unfortunately this will be my last grow for a while. But the LA being vegged for 10 weeks then flower for 8-10 I think so hey hoping big arse yields? Anyone want to hazard a guess? You know the set up. I like guesses. Closest person gets a gold star haha


Active Member
Just about to start mine as well. Can't wait to see what yours does so i know what to look forward to!


Well-Known Member
Im growing one Easy Ryder and Im using two T-12 24in tube lights both are 20W. I also have a 40W CFL pumping out 2700 lumens. Is that enough?


Well-Known Member
I take it that cfl is 40w usage and not 40w equivalent? I would say if it is usage then get another 2 minimum and if want to go all out get 4/5 more the better. Your buds won't be as dense with cfl and growth may be slightly slower but I will help you anyway I can.


Well-Known Member
Its a CFL that says its a 150W replacement using only 40W. I just dont know where to put them... Like I need something to screw them into

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
Im growing one Easy Ryder and Im using two T-12 24in tube lights both are 20W. I also have a 40W CFL pumping out 2700 lumens. Is that enough?
those t12s are even less efficient than the CFLs, I would say 40W of T12 = 1 12W CFL. But don't just go out and waste money on more CFLs, either.

if you cant afford a hps go with a two or four foot high output (HO) T5 lamp. the more tubes the better. you get 10k lumens for $50 here, reflector and ballast included. That's the same price as two or three CFLs with a dismal 40-60W equivalent lighting. it's what the pros use


Well-Known Member
I had the exact same 125w for my first 3/4 of my first grow. With that you need a E27 hanger for it to screw into. IMO a reflector is a worth investment with them as they bounce more of the usable light towards the plants. I have seen some really good CFL reflectors just depends what one you want.

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Hey dude, good to see ya! Was going to say I haven't seen you lately. Know the feeling of being busy but can't complain too much. Yeah the 400w is good I love it. Hopefully this easyryder with the 400w all the way through will be a monster lol. The unit does drop the temps but mainly it used to swing fresh air over the top of the canopy so they dont burn. I have to keep my wardrobe door open and my window open but its all good. You got a grow going at the moment? I have tried something a bit different with the last few weeks left on my other two and will let you know how it goes but Alex is really padding out. Had to tie her up today from the weight!

yeah man i got an adavnced seeds "sweet Dwarf" in, cant find any grows online tho so i hope it good! Anyone got any info on their seeds?