Hows my grow looking? Nirvana Papaya and Joint Doctor Easy Ryder Soil 100-400watt CFL


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Cabinet grow with both fems, using Garden Time Organic Soil dont know if anyones heard of it but i found it at lowes and it looked like the best they had (mostly miracle grow and other inorganic brands was the selection although miracle grow has an organic soil ive never wanted to try it). It consists of 1/3 Course Vermiculite, 1/3 Peat, and 1/3 premium compost and it was the only one that i saw there with a break down like that it was a little pricey but i got it. I germinated the papaya seed in a shot glass of ph balanced water and the easy ryder in a paper towel, planted both right when they popped and the taproot was showing(papaya yesterday and easy ryder today). Before planting both seeds I treated the soil with fox farm big bloom organic nutes which are the weakest i could find and let them settle/dry for about an hour. With the papaya I may have planted it too deep (about 1/2-and inch) but the easy ryder i made sure to only put it a half inch down. After planting i gave them a light watering with some vitamin B-1 to hopefully stimulate faster root growth and now im not watering until they are dry. Right now the light I have is a 125 watt 6400k CFL and I also have the stealth hydro 3 light ballast with the whole spectrum of lights; all of the lights i could get that came with it(costed me a pretty penny) , the reason im not using this yet is because i tried it but i haven't found a way to combat the heat with it in the cabinet that i have it in ( reaches 90 degrees easily within 10minutes :\). right now it ranges from 80-85 with 20-40% humidity(las vegas) so basically i figure this will be good enough for the first stage of life and a good part of the vegging stage. If anyone has some tips for keeping the heat down im all ears, I already have 2 fans blowing 1 in 1 out and I'm trying to avoid cutting a hole in the wall, but i will if i have to.



Well-Known Member
cabinet grow with both fems, using garden time organic soil dont know if anyones heard of it but i found it at lowes and it looked like the best they had (mostly miracle grow and other inorganic brands was the selection although miracle grow has an organic soil ive never wanted to try it). It consists of 1/3 course vermiculite, 1/3 peat, and 1/3 premium compost and it was the only one that i saw there with a break down like that it was a little pricey but i got it. I germinated the papaya seed in a shot glass of ph balanced water and the easy ryder in a paper towel, planted both right when they popped and the taproot was showing(papaya yesterday and easy ryder today). Before planting both seeds i treated the soil with fox farm big bloom organic nutes which are the weakest i could find and let them settle/dry for about an hour. With the papaya i may have planted it too deep (about 1/2-and inch) but the easy ryder i made sure to only put it a half inch down. After planting i gave them a light watering with some vitamin b-1 to hopefully stimulate faster root growth and now im not watering until they are dry. Right now the light i have is a 125 watt 6400k cfl and i also have the stealth hydro 3 light ballast with the whole spectrum of lights; all of the lights i could get that came with it(costed me a pretty penny) , the reason im not using this yet is because i tried it but i haven't found a way to combat the heat with it in the cabinet that i have it in ( reaches 90 degrees easily within 10minutes :\). Right now it ranges from 80-85 with 20-40% humidity(las vegas) so basically i figure this will be good enough for the first stage of life and a good part of the vegging stage. If anyone has some tips for keeping the heat down im all ears, i already have 2 fans blowing 1 in 1 out and i'm trying to avoid cutting a hole in the wall, but i will if i have to.
it sounds like your doing pretty good. You can place bowls of water in the room or hang a towel up. It will make humidity go up and will cool the room. U can also open the door and place the fan on the out side to blow cool air in to the box.
with open bowls of water in the little space you have, maybe watch the humidity closely cause of the fans are electrical and might interfer with the humidity and have some electrical problems.


Well-Known Member
with open bowls of water in the little space you have, maybe watch the humidity closely cause of the fans are electrical and might interfer with the humidity and have some electrical problems.
I do have bowls and towels hanging thanks though


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Anyone else? How long should the seeds take to pop up? Should i have my light running?


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New Pics taken last night, redesigned the grow room and added a few things, New fan + Reflectors and Upgraded to the 400 watt CFLS . Temp stays around 30*C



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The papaya is starting to show up but it looks kinof yellow :\ maybe im tripping though will upload a pic soon


Well-Known Member
New pics!
Update, the papaya is looking super healthy, on the other hand the easy Ryder is looking like its getting burned and not growing at all, using only distilled water anyone heard of auto flowers being super sensitive to nutes? Ive been using the fox farm nute i flushed it out twice with watwer and poured the runoff down the drain. I have been letting it get fairly dry


Well-Known Member
How about now :)
the papaya is the only one that survived and is looking amazing got some clones going in the back too(still vegging away):weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed: Its 2 feet tall by the way! :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
i just ended up using an oscillating fan in there with anther fan on the outside of the cabinet, i cannot close the door when i have the 3 lights on it though


Well-Known Member
Hey man I have a few easy ryders going and did a search to learn more about the strain and found your thread. You said it didn't make it and I was just wondering what exactly happened?


Looking really good, I have a single papaya growing indoor in soil as well! Yours looks really good and big!! How often do you water and what nutes are you using if you don't mind me asking?