Ever save a life?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Let's hear some stories, I've definitely saved one. But I wont type that out until some others share some stories!


Well-Known Member
Yea I saved 3 lives and had my life saved a few times also.
I got my cousin to the hospital when he od on heroin.I got him there when he got shot and I saved my friend from getting ran over lol he might of just become paralyzed from that though.


Well-Known Member
on my birthday i was gettin waiting to get my hair done at a salon. there was an old woman sittin next to me she passed out, hit her head on the glass window behind her, and started to have a seizure.
i grabbed her arm real quick cuz she started to fall off the chair on to the floor.
i dont think i saved her life but i did somethin to refrain from further damage.
felt good =)


Active Member
Damn these are all great Ive never saved someones life that I know of but i did save two horses once from a burning trailer I'm pretty proud of that.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Here's my story

We were doing some night dives in a location with some GIANT coral walls, well we tied up to the buoy, it was pitch black, no lights from anywhere but our boat, we were also diving with Nitrox, like a 34% O2 mix (we breathe 21% oxygen at sea level) and as some of you may know, Oxygen becomes toxic at a certain depth in water, you will have pretty much NO warning signs, and you basically have a seizure, and having a seizure underwater, breathing from a regulator that is easily spit out is really not a good thing.

Anywho, the reef is something like 50 feet below the boat, my buddy gets in the water, but goes down without me as the boat is drifting and he cant keep up with it or hold on to the back safely...

There's this chick that is there with her husband, no idea where the husband is at... So she jumps in the water and a few feet down her light dies or something, I jump in and descend about a minute after her... So I look down and I see, PRETTY FUCKING FAR DOWN, there is a FAINT green glow, and all the other divers have huge lights projecting 80 feet down, so I realize that this is that woman, without a light, in pitch black water. So I descend down there, and I'm trying to get her attention but NOTHING, I look at my dive computer and see were already 90feet down!!! I get down to her, GRAB her vest, inflate her enough that she stops sinking, and I show her my computer, 115ft! Then I pull the backup light I had on my vest, hand it to her, and give her the signal to surface, sure enough she does, and at this depth you cant even see the boats lights, you cant see the bottom either. Want to know why you couldnt see the bottom? Because the boat swung away from the reef about 60-70 feet from the actual coral wall... From what I know that wall descended down to the bottom, which was somewhere between 500-800 feet. The oxygen mix were using becomes toxic at something like 130 feet...

Anyway I ask her what happened and what she was doing, and she told me that she was waiting to hit the reef, which was at 50ft, and she couldn't tell how fast she was dropping or where she was.

So basically she would have probably had a seizure, drowned, and sunk to 500 feet. If she didn't have a seizure, she would have ran out of air in less than 5 minutes (you breathe MORE and MORE out of your tank with each breath the deeper you go, because the air is compressed a lot)

What a way to die huh? Thank fucking god for glow sticks.


Active Member
I have saved: a dog,it had cought it's choke chain on a deck and was strangling itself. my mom, pepper sprayed her ex while he was choking her with a phone cord I then stomped his head in. a girl, this was at work she cut herself WIDE open on a sheet of glass, I was the only one at that place qualified for first aid. and my cousin Sunko, his lame ass almost drowned but I pulled him out of the water, if your a chain smoking pothead don't swim in choppy water. for all the good Iv done I have been saved just as much


Well-Known Member
when i was 17 i went to a party and towards the end of the night i heard somethin about someone that was passed out and puking and shitting all over themselves. so i went to see what was goin on and when i got to him he was very pale and his lips were starting to turn blue. so i carried him to my car and got him to the fucking hospital (got shit and puke all over me and my mustang in the process). i waited around at the hospital to make sure he was ok and to tell his parents what went on when they got there and when the doc came out to tell me he was gona be ok he said that the kid's blood alcohol level was at .47 and his breathing was down to 5 bpm when i brought him in and that he wouldnt have lasted another hour if i hadnt. life indirectly saved, i give most of the credit to the doctors lol. the shit of it is that the fucking ungrateful kid never said thank you and he was bragging about it at school...bragging about how he almost died, what a stupid fuck. his parents were VERY grateful though, they paid to have my car cleaned and disinfected and took me out to a nice ass dinner...they still send me a christmas card every year. the kid ended up dying 3 years after that from a drug overdose....


Well-Known Member
wow that is pretty crazy.Scuba diving seems easy but I guess theres allot more to it,especially if its at night time.


Well-Known Member
When I was 16, my friend and I were standing on the side of this busy road waiting at an intersection for the light to change so we could cross the road. We were super blitzed... we just finished smoking a blunt and like 8 kief blades at my buddies house.... Anyway were standing there waiting for the light to change, when out of NOWHERE my friend just starts walking..... My instant reaction was WHAT THE FUCK!!! and I grabbed onto the back of his shoulders and threw him back onto the sidewalk..... not even 1 second later cars went whipping by going at like 70 mph..... needless to say he almost got fucked up... and to this day he still talks about how I saved his life

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
wow that is pretty crazy.Scuba diving seems easy but I guess theres allot more to it,especially if its at night time.

Yeah man, I was just thinking about the fact that if I didn't descent as fast as I did, or if she had another pound of weight in her vest, or anything to put her another 15 more feet below me, I wouldnt have been able to get to her, I would have had to watch the light fade down into nothing, and surface and tell them what happend... After 130 feet, breathing Nitrox it woulda been suicide to go any further down. Must have been some reason god spared her...

As far as being thanked like I read in one of the stories above this, her and her husband came and shook my hand and said thank you so very much, that was about it though :P


New Member
First dive I ever made was 135 feet. No certification...no lessons. :lol:

I haven't saved any lives, but I have identified a few corpses. :sad:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
First dive I ever made was 135 feet. No certification...no lessons. :lol:

I haven't saved any lives, but I have identified a few corpses. :sad:
But that was on Air, I've heard of people going to 240ft on air... DEFINITELY not safe, but possible.

How was that Nitrogen Narcosis my man?


New Member
Only 5 minutes.... no narco.... straight down....followed by about 30 cuda's... (why we dove there)...and back up. The rest of the time was lobstah lobstah lobstah.

Night dives are the BOMB though!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
crazy stories I'm sure I've bee that drunk at some point in my life or at least close. I'm not bragging but it's the truth. Never been in a situation where I had to save a life I guess this is the closest I have to that.

I am driving my regular route on my job deep in the mountains where the ski resorts are. First of all I drive it almost everyday so I'm familiar with the area and I'm coming down the mountain it's very slick and about halfway down there is a van next to me she just bought thje van so she wasn't used to drivin it and it was the same as mine: really long but empty so there was no weight she hits a patch of ice and her van turns 90 degrees right in front of me and she was heading straight into the gaurdrail which than goes down a cliff into oncoming traffic and than another larger cliff. Well as soon as she spun out I knew I was going to have to hit her cause I couldn't stop so I looked behind me and saw there was nobody behind me which was lucky because it's a 3 lane highway and usually there is huge semis all over the place. I just got as far over to the left as I could so I could angle it so I hit her right in the front and angle her back towwards the mountain instead of the guard rail and we both just coasted to the side of the road my bumper was behind my front wheels and it was totaled I think her's was probably okay after some body work. Anyways, I don't know what would have happened if there had been other trucks behind us because I wouldn't have been able to knock her back the way I did and would have hit her randomly and possibly hit her over the rail or something. Cops were already there we just passed em too so they saw everything.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Only 5 minutes.... no narco.... straight down....followed by about 30 cuda's... (why we dove there)...and back up. The rest of the time was lobstah lobstah lobstah.

Night dives are the BOMB though!

lol nice, narcosis is some CRAZY shit, its like going from a .0 to a .3 BAC in like a minute

Back on topic though - I've been reading all the stories, I really don't have the place to comment on them though..


Well-Known Member
I also think I saved my families life once.My moms straight up alcoholic ex boyfriend was driving us to like the chinese buffet or somewhere to eat.He's drunk off his ass swerving all over the road I had to grab the wheel twice to keep from riding up the curb lol.And if that wasn't enough a can of ETHER! randomly starts leaking in the back and its stinking up the whole van and we could barely breath.This dick head then try's to light a fucking ciggarette in this rolling bomb just waiting for a spark to set it off.I took that cigg out his mouth and chucked it out the window and made him pull over.We fight and he gets his ass kicked lol so we just walked the rest of the way to the buffet and he goes to the bar which was right next to where we pulled over lol that was a weird coincidence.He ended up getting arrested later that night to for disorderly conduct or something like that.
I dont know what would of happened if we stayed in the van with that scumbag I just know it wouldn't of been good.


New Member
I have never saved a life, but our dog did once.

An eldery neighbor was walking to the mailboxes down the street at about dusk to get his mail when he had a stroke and fell over in the street. The street was a cul de sac, so traffic was not his worry, rather it was lack of traffic. No one would have noticed him there and he would have likely froze before someone did the nexct morning.

But our dog barked on and on and on and we had no idea why. My parents looke dout the window and noticed him, called an ambulance (they were also on the emergency squad, so were able to help him until they arrived).

Funny how the animals just know sometimes....like being the first ones to run inland before a tidal wave and shit like that


Well-Known Member
Funny how the animals just know sometimes....like being the first ones to run inland before a tidal wave and shit like that
our cows come out of the woods and go into the barn 20-30 minutes before it rains, every single time. animal's instincts are insane. bongsmilie

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have never saved a life, but our dog did once.

An eldery neighbor was walking to the mailboxes down the street at about dusk to get his mail when he had a stroke and fell over in the street. The street was a cul de sac, so traffic was not his worry, rather it was lack of traffic. No one would have noticed him there and he would have likely froze before someone did the nexct morning.

But our dog barked on and on and on and we had no idea why. My parents looke dout the window and noticed him, called an ambulance (they were also on the emergency squad, so were able to help him until they arrived).

Funny how the animals just know sometimes....like being the first ones to run inland before a tidal wave and shit like that
There are SO many stories of dogs saving lives, or knowing when shit is about to go down.