Just need to vent...


Well-Known Member
Soooo...this douchebag i went to school with got his card and has been growing for about a year. He was on myspace...and I was curious so I asked him "hey man, how long you veg for?"
He replies "at least 6 weeks...until they show sex"

"I veg for 4 weeks and switch photoperiods"

"what's a photoperiod?" he asks..

"veg/flower are photoperiods" i say...

"dude..have fun with that, you cant switch to flowering until they show sex..." he says..

"yeah you can...some people even flower from seed"

"whatever dude...i've been growing for over a year...i think i know what i'm doing." (what a douche)

"yeah...and i've been growing since i was 19...which has been 5 years now. had a few harvest's already"

"whatever dude...if you knew how to grow you wouldn't have asked me how long you have to veg for"

"I was asking just cuz i was curious how you did it...not for advice...everyone is different."

"whatever..i'm cookin dinner, peace"

WTF!?!?!? I seriously wanna punch this kid straight in the face...

I was just curious...and he's gonna straight up tell me i'm wrong? I mean come on...he didn't even no what a photoperiod is...grrrrrrrrrrr... :finger:

Any comments? lol


Well-Known Member
Dont take it personal he probably really dont know and thought you were trying to insult his growing inteligence lol.


Well-Known Member
Dont take it personal he probably really dont know and thought you were trying to insult his growing inteligence lol.
Nah...this is just how he is...he's a little cry baby...i like how he just got offline when i was trying to actually trying to explain. AHHHH:cuss:


Well-Known Member
lol fuck him then.Or if you really want to prove him wrong give him a link to here or even better this thread.


Well-Known Member
lol fuck him then.Or if you really want to prove him wrong give him a link to here or even better this thread.
haha...i really should. I'd like to update my journal before i do that...my babies are takin' off...proud of myself...haha


Well-Known Member
it shows that he doesn't like to take advice or get help from others, he's a total sociopath and a idiot, i've got alot of those back here on Guam man, these people don't even know what hydroponics are! haha, whenever i bring up hydro, they think it's a strain, when it's really a grow method! it really frustrates me trying to explain things to people who don't care to listen and think their always right! ughh!


Well-Known Member
it shows that he doesn't like to take advice or get help from others, he's a total sociopath and a idiot, i've got alot of those back here on Guam man, these people don't even know what hydroponics are! haha, whenever i bring up hydro, they think it's a strain, when it's really a grow method! it really frustrates me trying to explain things to people who don't care to listen and think their always right! ughh!
Agreed...he likes to avoid confrontations. Like...i started getting worked up and he logged off before i could hit the send button...haha.


Well-Known Member
haha, what a baby! he can't handle being wrong, so he doesn't give you a chance to prove him wrong...complete and utter douchebag!


Well-Known Member
haha, what a baby! he can't handle being wrong, so he doesn't give you a chance to prove him wrong...complete and utter douchebag!
agreed. bongsmilie

Makes me feel good when people agree with me...just had to make sure i wasn't the one being the douche...haha


Well-Known Member
no problem man, and you really should send him a link to this thread to show him how fuckin' stupid he is to try and challenge you! haha, hey do you have a thread on one of your grows...if so, send me a link, i would like to see how you do your thing! thx!


Well-Known Member
no problem man, and you really should send him a link to this thread to show him how fuckin' stupid he is to try and challenge you! haha, hey do you have a thread on one of your grows...if so, send me a link, i would like to see how you do your thing! thx!
Yeah, it's in my sig...haven't updated with pics in a while though cuz my gf went back home...and took her camera phone with her...will try to update asap. They're getting big...and healthy!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I know somebody like that, wont go to the hydro store to buy soil, because he thinks they "track that shit man"

When I tell him how ridiculous that is he's just like, "whatever man"

He's using some home depot nutes even though he lives 5 min from a nice hydro store

lol he even once used dirt from his backyard, and tried to grow a bagseed, I was over a week later and saw like 8 blades of grass in there, and I'm like dude you know thats grass, he's like "dude you never know one could be it" - then I facepalmed.

Then I told him to get 6500k CFL's if he wanted to grow with CFL's, so the mother fucker goes and buys a "grow lamp". You know the thing that resembles, and is next to the heat lamp on the shelf that you use for reptiles? If you put your hand in front of it, where his seedlings were, it burned you.

I told him it wouldnt work, he didnt believe me, telling me that "everyone has their ways man" and I tell him, "dude, it's established, like MATH, can you apply your own theories to MATH and get the right answer?" - - - they never grew their third set of leaves LOL

Last time I tried to give him advice


stays relevant.
My favorite way of getting even with people who act like that is by producing a better crop, more of it, and getting rid of it cheaper than they can.

Thats the ultimate "fuck you" to everyone who you know that grows... and is sort of obligatory to get anywhere if you want people to get YOUR shit.

and I would like to end this post with...


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
My favorite way of getting even with people who act like that is by producing a better crop, more of it, and getting rid of it cheaper than they can.

Thats the ultimate "fuck you" to everyone who you know that grows... and is sort of obligatory to get anywhere if you want people to get YOUR shit.

and I would like to end this post with...

It's so true hahahaha

When I harvest I'm gunna give him a tiny nug so he can see how your SUPPOSED to do it, then feel like a dumbass for producing some shit with his "methods" lol


Well-Known Member
This guy technically knows what he's doing he just doesn't know the tricks I guess you could say.He still probably grows some good bud and has good yields if he veg's that long.


Well-Known Member
This guy technically knows what he's doing he just doesn't know the tricks I guess you could say.He still probably grows some good bud and has good yields if he veg's that long.
He's a caregiver...but he rips his patients off. I was gonna have him be my caregiver...but he wouldn't do it for me unless i GAVE him my 400 watt cool tube....umm...yah, ok dude.

another quote from him.

"dude...if you really new the science of plants you'd know you can't flower until they show sex" :wall: