What tobacco is in your spliff?


if i smoke anything other than shesha from a pipe or bong or whatever, it makes me feel like a drug addict! no offence! like speedy seedz said, spliffs seem more civilised.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
''Mongolitis'' lmao my bird actually calls weed my '' mongojuice'' the bitch lol

no what ya mean tho but i get threw too much if i just smoke joints 10 .7 joints a day aint hard n thats a Q gone!
bloody hell. i've just come in from the hurricane outside, but that joint will do me good till probably about 4, 5pm


Well-Known Member
I used rolling tobacco in my joint's, I find a pre rolled cigarette is very harsh on the throat and when it gets toward's the end it gets worse..


Well-Known Member
bloody hell. i've just come in from the hurricane outside, but that joint will do me good till probably about 4, 5pm
its nuffing to do with quality TT at the mo its some tutti fucking nice stuff n once thats gone back to the blueberry, im justa greedy bastard lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i hear ya, i just know i've to do a lot of washing up, washing, tidying, and get to sainsbury's for another tote, gotta take it easy. then this evening once KFC is in hand, i kick it off :P


I've found that it creates a very different effect when smoking with tobacco, and its to do with having it combined as you can have pure weed and a cigarette/roll up without this altered effect. I would describe it as getting intoxicated as opposed to getting high with pure weed.

Personally I smoke more spliffs (mixed with tobacco, namely American Spirit or Pueblo rolling tobacco) then I do joints/pipes/bongs/vapourisers, though when I started I mainly had joints (no tobacco, no cardboard 'roach'), bongs, pipes, and occasionally a poor quality vapouriser. I think the preference for spliffs is down mainly to the social thing of getting intoxicated with people, like the majority do with alcohol, that and also the addictive habits of 'smoke' (mental) and nicotine (physical).

Some say they mix in tobacco as they are unable to make it burn properly when rolled without, but just like rolling a decent spliff take a few goes and a bit of practise, so does rolling a good joint.


Well-Known Member
Mayfair smooth is the way to go, they are the only cigs i smoke and roll with.
I think rolling tobacco tastes like shit and totally ruins the taste of the weed your smoking, yeah spliff do last longer with it but i couldn't enjoy it.
i use mayfair smooth the white ones i have for years:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So rolling a spiff with large rizla in one hand isn't that difficult?
not for me, i use small rizlas and join them together to make a nice big joint too. I can roll with one hand, i can roll while driving, I can' roll in a dark room where you can barely see anything. I can roll after 11 pills and a strobe lights flashing in my face making the papers jump across the table.


Well-Known Member
when i put baccy in my j's i generally prefered silver bensons or if im havin it large on the whites i buy regal

imo rollling tobacco is too strong a flavour to mix with weed spoils it. but thats just me
I agree with Don... I only quit putting tobacco in my spliff's about a month ago... and i have to admit it took a week to adapt to the coughing.... But i realize now, if your smoking pure its alot more important to make sure you flush the plants Very
verrrry well... dry and cure them to perfection.. and it'll reduce the coughing by far.... alot of friends who grow dont tend to flush so long and dont care bout cureing.. All there bud rips my throat..

Now when i smoked with tobacco, i used normal cigs (marlboro lights) up until 3 years ago i tryed with rolling tobacco to try and cut the amounts of cigs i was smoking... Finding one that tasted light enough not to ruin the taste of the bud was a mission... but i found one now that i smoke ( without bud) thats smooth and pretty much tasteless.... But only available in belgium or netherlands... its called belga 21..... If you can get your hands on some try it, and youll love it...
Then again you might as well smoke more weed and less tobacco... Youll get higher in a healthier way!! :p

Respect & Love!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol how fast can you knock a j up? my record is about 40 seconds the world record is like 17.
is that rfom complete scratch?

was in a coffee shop and the dude at the front window was rolling joints from a big ass pile of pre mixed stuff, fill roll lick twist done. he was popping them out every 5 seconds.

i think i would totally fail one handed, ever so majorly :)


Well-Known Member
ive seen people roll one handed i carnt personally do it but ive seen a few, am pretty good at the rolling when extremely fucked up have rolled smokeable joints on some very mad combinations of drugs lol

ne1 seen/rolled a flameing backflip i think thats whats its called?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man ive completed the joint rollers handbook even the cigar which was a fuck on. i havent tried a speed roll for a while but i reckon with a pre ground pile of dope i could knock up in 20 secs flat no prob

one handed isnt really that hard apparently john wayne could roll up one handed whilst riding his horse.