major claw leaf problems. any help?


Well-Known Member
So as you can see from the picture, my sativa is having some major issues. It has developed major claw leaves. I have tried flushing the soil, and it has not done much to improve the situation. Any suggestions?
Thanks for any input!



Well-Known Member
fuck man thats some sick plant.. sorry for not helping :) maybe coz its so tall the water can't find its way up lol, so you keep the ph stable/temp/rh/lots o light/appropriate nutes/fresh air ect?


New Member
if you had all that lighting for one plant it should have been ok.
the reason it looks that way is it is almost dead. I am not sure if it is even salvagable. If there is any new green grow I would cut it down to the 2nd node and see if it can't start growing again.:peace:
The lights need to be close. It has stretched so much because your lighting is way too far away. More them a lot closer next time but not Right after you clip it. Clip it and take it out of the light for a day and let it try and reco-operate.

150w HPS and 5 CFLS


Well-Known Member
i got a mate who loves me for it he calles it his gold. pretty funny nothing wrong with it just small bits cant be bothered pickin stems out and crumbly bits. i give him good stuff aswell gets rid of a lot for me


New Member
yeah me too. only the best for this babe. I can't even wrap my head around smoking anything but.:peace:

i got a mate who loves me for it he calles it his gold. pretty funny nothing wrong with it just small bits cant be bothered pickin stems out and crumbly bits. i give him good stuff aswell gets rid of a lot for me


Well-Known Member
i dont even get high anymore should chill outa bit just habit all about the taste for me. only get light buzz when i try new stuff got to quit few weeks it hard when alwaysgot it


New Member
yeah sure...:-| too:roll:...just once in a while:?

i dont even get high anymore should chill outa bit just habit all about the taste for me. only get light buzz when i try new stuff got to quit few weeks it hard when alwaysgot it


Well-Known Member
you trying to grow a basketball player?
well its a pure she is stretchy anyway, and i used to have the lights really close but I thought that may have something to do with the claw leaves. I am still getting plenty of new growth on her. She is starting to flower.


Well-Known Member
I'd chalk this one up as a fail. On your next attempt put the hps about five inches from the top of the plant and the cfl's along the sides at about one or two inches distance. Keeping lights close will stop all that stretching and give you more, better buds. Good Luck