High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Some dude on riu caimed to have paid about 1900.00 usd for 10 seeds that were about 40%thc, i'l post a link soon for it.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised this thread has 3 pages. Are you people asking these questions seriously? If such a strain existed there would be no cannibis cup or any other seed banks. We would all be growing elephant bud and going into THC comas after 1 too many bong rips. I will just stick with the old shitty Train Wreck and White Widow even though I only harvest a modest amount of weed that only makes me forget parts of my day.

Negative Rep

Active Member
bcseeds = great marketing, that newsletter on april fools shows they know that theyre full of shit... which is beyond hillarious.

and I don't remember seeing any reports of bcseeds not sending seeds, but if you fall for the descriptions thats your fault.



Active Member
I have orderd Bseeds gear and i am growing it. they are legit.. i don;t know if all of their products or claims are.


New Member
haahahahaha, I got the same E-mail and just laughed my ass off and deleted it.
Is there really morons that fall for this shit?


Active Member
BTW that car is a hydrogen car, created by Stan used electrolysis to generate the hydrogen from water...and of course the oil mongols and taxers made from oil is trying to tighten it's grip... 2 late though. h20 = h h o