
Well-Known Member
Have a Super day!! One day Ill make more, and Ill be able to send em out to some of the cooler people out there.

It'll happen. Watch :)
I hope I'm around when it does happen! And that I've proven to be cool enough :mrgreen:

Keep up the good work so I can keep learning!


Active Member
OK so Ive done a little research on your Peters fertilizer and apparent Schultz bought out Peters company and discontinued some products, changed other etc. But Jack Peters apparently ended up buying his product line back but he couldn't buy the name back so Schultz still owns the Peters name and are using it with their formulas and if you go to either the Peters or Schultz website they even look the same but with different colors schemes there obvioulsy the same entity . But Jack did relaunch his original product line under a new name Jacks professional for commercial farmers and Jacks classic for everyone else and the 20-20-20 is still available in its original formula.


Active Member
cg i read on a thread today that ph drop is due to bacteria growth. if you clean everything and use h2o2 and hygrozyme it should fix you right up.
Really I always wondered what caused it. I heard somewhere that when you use PH up it continues to slowly raise your PH for a few days because some of the ingredients are more slowly acting and continue to buffer the acids unlike the acids in PH down that work immediately .


Well-Known Member
OK so Ive done a little research on your Peters fertilizer and apparent Schultz bought out Peters company and discontinued some products, changed other etc. But Jack Peters apparently ended up buying his product line back but he couldn't buy the name back so Schultz still owns the Peters name and are using it with their formulas and if you go to either the Peters or Schultz website they even look the same but with different colors schemes there obvioulsy the same entity . But Jack did relaunch his original product line under a new name Jacks professional for commercial farmers and Jacks classic for everyone else and the 20-20-20 is still available in its original formula.
Yea, I finally found an online store thats sending me the jacks professional 20-20-20 and the bloom booster for a fair price.

Want to keep some of that handy for experimental purposes.

I got rid of the 8 clones that were in the clone bubbler today, after I realized I have way too much going on. LOL!

Christ, gotta keep the plant count down.

What Am I thinking.

My medicinal contract will be void if I go over.

Getting carried away. :roll:

And plus, I wanna take clones when the plants are in flower(first week).

I dont wanna go through the same scenario, Of over grown vegged plants.

My current vegging plants are WAY too big...

Ill do my best to grow em out..Ill try.

Not sure If Ill have to cut a hole in the roof or not. :lol:

2 months veg, nahhh..aint gonna work.

Way too long veg time.

Now, I have my Northern Lights #5 in with the flowering plants.

Gonna find the females, and discard the males..

Should know within a few weeks.

Which will be the time I harvest.

Then Ill take the female NL5's and plant em in a bucket.

My plan is to do 4 Nl5's and 4 Glass Slippers next time.

Thanksfor taking the time do the research my friend. I owe you one.

Have a nice eve, CG :)


Well-Known Member
cg i read on a thread today that ph drop is due to bacteria growth. if you clean everything and use h2o2 and hygrozyme it should fix you right up.
Oh ok, well I put the fresh batch in the bucket yesterday, maybe it needed some time to settle in?

The bucket and stones were washed thoroughly.. But yea..

Im trying to do up this one experimental plant with nothing but GH Micro and bloom, and that is all.

If it drops below 4.0 I may have to do something about it.

Thanks for your input my brotha' ;-)


Well-Known Member
I'm in lets smoke those buds... Lookin damn good closetgrowth gonna be a nice yield

Yea, there looking pretty sweet. :weed:

Now if I can only have the patience to wait til the 60 day mark :)

One problem, the longer I wait to chop em down, The bigger the vegged plants will be.

Its crazy man. Heeheeeheee!


I'm with you on this one, I do research, and a damn lot of it.
People say growing marijuana is easy, but if you want to grow it good and proper then it ain't, technique and experimenting is the way forward.

I love researching but sometimes it really does do my head in because I always get confused to how these systems work, I mean, all the information I get makes me really confused and I mean, I been researching for a good couple months now and I don't even know the simple things like difference between DWC/aeroponic/bubbleponic, or if there even is one, it's just finding that right source of information you know.

And damn, if I wasn't on such a tight budget i'de go all out and get the best stuff I could get and plus I live in the UK so I can't get stuff like foxfarms and all these things that are easy to get hold of in US ain't easy to get hold of in UK, at all!

I'm sure with a few more long sessions of researching and gathering some more money together I an actually make this thing a go!


Look at Holland Hydroponics on the web they are based in the UK, Do mail order, no their stuff and deliver excellent, no nonsense service,


Well-Known Member
Well, its not hurtin' anything over on this end, thats fer sure.

Beautiful Plants...

I like the whole idea of the lucas method..

Keep it simple, and grow em large without spending a ton of cash.

What more can ya ask for?

My vegging plants have grown alot faster and healthier with GH nutes, than with the Fox Farms.

They look as if Dirt Free grew em..But not quite as healthy.

DF's thumbs are a lil bit greener than mine.

We'll slowly prey the info out of him, or else we might scare him off!...Heeheehee!

Here's what 50 days of flowering looks like around my crib. Peace brother. CG :)

Im gonna let you in on a lil secret..Dont tell no one k?

Ive been running the lucas method on these plants for over a week and a half now. I dumped the Fox Farms. and gave em all 0-8-16 GH. I didnt say anything, because I wasn't sure how they would react with the chemical change, but as you can see, its working real well, Im happy....see pics below.. I did it at the right time, last 3 weeks of flowering..Glad I did! :mrgreen: 10 days left!!! YES!!!!!!!!!

One last thing, I turned off the co2.. Everywhere I read about co2 supplementation states that if you run co2 the last 2 weeks of your flowering cycle, it can lower potency.


How's your evening my friend??

I see your grown plants coming along nicely...regarding on the GH nute, from a scale of 1-10, what would you give it? Please tell me one good thing and one bad thing about it~

- howali


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm goin first page, last page on your journal. I'll get into it a little more later. Great stuff, man.