What are you doing for 4/20?


So first who actually celebrates 4/20? Are you going to do anything special, or just smoke as usual?
I'd love to hear some people's plans!

Personally I plan to blaze, attend my 3 hour Philosophy class then cruise over to my girlfriend's and smoke a 1/2 O of sweet, sweet dispensary weed ;] bongsmilie
Maybe pick up a couple edibles.
When that's all done with I'll go home and hang out with my plants a bit xP


Well-Known Member
I might smoke I might not. I have been taking a break been almost 3 weeks now without smoking. My tolerance was so high I burned through a 1/2 oz of SourD in about 2 weeks which is very fast for me.


Well-Known Member
ill be having a smoke off with some friends just like every year. everyone brings atleast $50 to the table, we pool the cash(250-400) and we get an ounce of reggs and spend the rest on good weed and cigars. the point is to stay in the circle and smoke untill youpass out or you realize its after 4:20 the next morning. last 4-20 i rolled about 20 blunts and who knows how many joints

im also thinking about picking this magical day to bring my plant outside


Well-Known Member
i`ll be bongsmilie on the little bit i got that my sister gave me yesterday..

it was just swag. but it still made me :eyesmoke: like a motherfucker

since i have zero tolerace for it right now for being in prison so long.

but its was nice all the same..:peace:


i kinda wish my tolerance was lower. ive been smoking so many pre-rolls from the dispensary because of the convenience xP had Grape Soda yesterday, anyone ever heard of it?


Active Member
I hoped to have harvested my first ever grow by then, but they won't be ready.

My back up plan is find someone in a medical state to help "me" acquire some keif.

If that does not work, it will be to just chill by myself and smoke shitty weed hoping my girls grow faster.


i grow outside so i only get one massive grow in per year, which i harvest in the fall. too bad the smoking holiday couldnt fall on some date around then :P


Well-Known Member
The only time I celebrated 4/20 was the first time I smoked weed. On 4/20. After that there's no real point unless you have some party every year with your friends... gayin' out on each other's "pipes". :)


Active Member
A holiday is a holiday, and if it is one you actually like, then i say who cares if your machismo drops a notch because you choose to hang and smoke with good, friendly people.


Well-Known Member
I'll be embarking on one of the greatest journeys of all times into the emerald triangle. I'm sure ill see some fellow RIUers on the way


The only time I celebrated 4/20 was the first time I smoked weed. On 4/20. After that there's no real point unless you have some party every year with your friends... gayin' out on each other's "pipes". :)
word, man.
once you become a regular smoker, it's just another day
i just try to step it up a little. ya know, clean the bong, the vape, roll some blunts, tulip joints :]
any holiday gives me an excuse to celebrate!
plus, my bday's the day after 420 so its a 2 day thing for me :blsmoke:


im going to civic center park in Denver, CO for the first part of the day. Then I'm heading off to CU Boulder for 4:20. It should be a fantastic day like always, its the one day out of the year the world gets to see what its like when marijuana is legal. 15,000 people get together in boulder and get high as shit and what happens? nothing. what would happen if those 15,000 college students got hammered ass drunk?? boulder would get burned to the ground. it just shows the common sense behind the cry for marijuana law reform.


haha, if there were a national drinking day, the country would go to hell, and fast :fire:

i have a friend.. somewhere in English Canada. she told me its practically legal every day there. she was telling me how on 420 a bunch of people go to the lawn of some government building or something and light up their blunts. theyre big joint smokers up there :]


Active Member
ok, i couldn't have killed the thread just becuase I asked for the origin of our beloved holiday.

Anyone...Bueller Bueller?