Whoa dude nor reason to get testy now. Just ststing a fact that foggers and hardwater mean a short fogger life span.
A fogger emits water vapor in a droplet size so small (5 micron and smaller) that it is not even considered a watering device by most growers. It is instead considered a device used to maintain a high humidity where needed, such as with seedlings and clones.
Plant root water up takes is optimalin aeroponics with a water droplet size of 50 microns. An ultra fogger's 5 micron mist is so small that it seldom even condenses on the plants roots at normal indoor plant growing temperatures but instead stays in the air until it condenses on a colder object. Coming from a foggy country I would assume you knew fog does not condense on objects when the temperature is warm but when it is chillier as the objects the fog contacts are cold than the air. Cold enough that the water condensce when the aic holding the fog is cooled by the colder object. So unless you want a slow grow in order to water your roots with a cold condensated water I would not suggest using a fogger for anything other than boosting humidity or a special effects toy if you like disco dancing in fog clouds. Perhaps for a home made horror video with a fog scene. Fog without the dangers of dry ice.