leafs hangin straight down!! 2 days like this

hey guys iva looked over theses forms for a while now but I can't find what's wrong with my girl!!

my prob is that my plants leafs are all hanging straight down at the hydroten..I don't know what the prob is but I need to fix this vary soon or 5 mouths of my work time and money would be all wasted :/

Plant info:
my lowrider #2Xak47 plant day 50/75 days from seed atm
Plant was pollenated to make seeds and you can see the seeds on the plant now.
humity is 30-35%
PPM is at 940
light is a 600 watt 6" from top of the plant
grown in a 3 gal bubbal bucket with hydroten
3 -2" airstones in bucket
no burns on the plant
PH is 5.2-6
Temp is avg 75

I use these nuts:
general hydroponics 3 part set
beasty blooms


I need to get this fixed asap I have been trying to fix this for 2 days now!!any help on this prob would be so great!! thanks!!


Active Member
Whoah that's strange, you're posting from two different accounts.

Wish I could help, but I don't know much. Those don't look droopy like a plant that isn't getting enough water. Are the leaves at the top pointing down as well? Maybe the bottom leaves are just blocked from direct light so are aiming to get light reflected off the walls? That's my very uneducated guess.


Well-Known Member
that plant definatly looks like a female to me. i dont know what makes you think its a male? it looks like its overwatered to me. i dont know much about growing hydroponics, i grow organicly in soil myself. maybe your roots arent getting enough oxygen, maybe add another air stone. i dont know man but that sucks good luck


Active Member
I was thinking water/temp issues, but I'm no expert.... what do your roots look like...


Well-Known Member
It appears to be a root/O2 issue. Check to make sure the airstones are not clogged and putting out bubbles. Check the water temp in the bucket, if its too high, it cant carry much O2. Check for Root Rot?

bongsmilie Good Luck!
It appears to be a root/O2 issue. Check to make sure the airstones are not clogged and putting out bubbles. Check the water temp in the bucket, if its too high, it cant carry much O2. Check for Root Rot?

bongsmilie Good Luck!
I added more airstones lastnight and picked up some H202 from my local hydro store bit I am not sure how much to add to the wanter.. I have a 3 gall bucket and has 1.5-2 gal of water in the bucket.I also moved the light on a angel so the plant gets more lightI also changed out all the water and put in normal flowering nuts without beasty bloomsand the temp of the air in the bucket is around 75-77 F with a 40-45 persent humity in the bucket


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie Sounds Great! With those improvements, I assume they are doing much better now? How about a quick update w/pics?