The MOST GHETTO grow room ever


Active Member
High people, i just wanna show my most ghetto piece of junk grow room *box* setup ever. and there are some pics of my plant and things any advice you can give will be very helpful thank you. the box is usually over the plant when the light is on i just took a picture to show how plant looks like without box. plz give me some helpful advice thank you. advice like if i should use any nute if yes then what type, or what type of light i should get or anything thanks again and plz no haters



Active Member
lol yea the one that is already on it is a spiral bulb yes its a cfl and the one on the ground is a walmart piece of sh*t light,

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
well you might want to ditch the box it might be a fire hazard and will probably just lead to heat building up and poor air circulation and the plant might not last long. Try to build a better grow box if that's the route your gonna take. If your just gonna grow one plant and your still learning maybe just get like 3 or 4 CFLs on it and you should be okay. Get the soft white, warm white or 2700k or something for flowering. Read the FAQs be safe and have fun.


Well-Known Member
This made me laugh, I'm sorry.
You're right, that is ONE of the most ghetto grow rooms I've ever seen.

I'm gonna be brutally honest with you though man, and it's not because I'm trying to be a dick.
This is not going to work. Period. This will not accomplish to grow anything..... and even if it did it would be a .5 of airy crap... I'm just being honest.

Invest in a better light, and maybe a better grow box (laughed at the staples on the paper) and try again....

Sorry man, don't believe me if you want too... keep trying to grow that thing and you will see I am right.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
i have two grow rooms. lol (threadjack jk)

1 for the slow fuckers
2 for the fast ones.

my second one is dope but i bet my first one is more ghetto'er then all of yours


Active Member
dont let these guys tell you you cant grow with that set up. you certainly can. i grow outstanding quality, dense buds, that aren't very big (but its personal whatevs) with only two 23 watt cfls and a tube thats exactly the same as yours. i dont know the temps of the lights but they grow excellent. if you tell me how to post pics ill post. just havested a crown bud thats 9.6 grams wet.


Well-Known Member
I'm not doubting plants can be grown with CFLs, look at my avatar... she was grown with nothing but two CFLs as well... and came out to just under an ounce of primo bud....

I just mean that with one bendy desk lamp that can't even reach to the top of a full grown plant, and one tiny CFL.... you ain't going anywhere.


Well-Known Member
true. hey, do you know how to post pictures. would you like to see my a grade closet bud?
You have to press "reply now" and then go down to manage attachments and upload them. It's retarded...

The best way is to upload them to a 3rd party image hosting site like photobucket, and then just copy the [*img] tags with the picture... its about 10 times faster than uploading to RIU.


Well-Known Member
Set your photobucket album to private so you need a password to view the album, and only able to see the pics by direct link.
I live in Canada, weed aint legal here either and I upload my pictures to a private album and so do many other people.

edit: were also jacking this mans thread, so start a new one if you want to know how to upload pics. ;)


Active Member
haha thanks for all the comments... i dont care if you guys laughed because i laugh at it everytime i see it lol. im using this as a begginer setup. i grow the plants here until they are to big for the box, then i am planning to get 3 75 watt clfs and use them the rest of the way. i am planning to grow the plant for 2 months in flowering stage then i wanna put them outside for the vegging stage. tell me if you think that is a good idea. and like people said the lamp wont reach the top of the plant, but i am going to lift everything so i am not worried abiut that .


Well-Known Member
Vegging is before flowering. Maybe you could look up some other low budget grows and have a better plan, cleary your interested in growing but don't have the know how or equipment for the best possible herb. But at least your trying.

The internet is great tool to use for learning stuff. This is no different, lots of good advice here.

Keep in mind you do have to spend a little time and money on this hobby. Ain't nuthin in this world for free!