Average yield per plant


Active Member
Well mike. . . That depends on a couple of things.
#1 Genetics, diff Genes will produce diff amounts.
#2 Growing techniques, SCROG, Supercropping, ect.
#3 Length of growing time. A plant vegged for 1 month wont produce the same amount as the same plant grown for two months.
and many other factors are accounted in yield.
You need to specify, like, whats the average yield for a supercropped, hydro grown, 2 month veg'ed, White Widow strain. Or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
How much d oyou guys think i will yield off of this little fucker?? Sorry to thread jack. But like they say every garden is different this is just a perfect example.

LOL check out my grow if your interested.


Well-Known Member
Simple question, simple answer: slightly over 2 oz. per plant, 26 day veg, 5 gallon pots, 26 plants jammed under 2000 watt hps........Northern Lights hybrid.


Well-Known Member
How much d oyou guys think i will yield off of this little fucker?? Sorry to thread jack. But like they say every garden is different this is just a perfect example.

LOL check out my grow if your interested.

Not as much as you could get if you feed em some N


Well-Known Member
if your looking for an average between all plants of all strains by all growers indoors only, my personal opinion is 2.5 zips per plant. thats if you eliminate all ruderalis (autos). your light makes a huge difference.


Well-Known Member
Not as much as you could get if you feed em some N
lol. Thanks.. nobody gives me advice it seems. Some nitrogen huh? I havent gave her any nutes so would it be ok to just feed her some fox farms big bloom or should i get a nitrogen substitute in itself? If so give me a good example of what. Im a noob. Sorrry


Well-Known Member
lol. Thanks.. nobody gives me advice it seems. Some nitrogen huh? I havent gave her any nutes so would it be ok to just feed her some fox farms big bloom or should i get a nitrogen substitute in itself? If so give me a good example of what. Im a noob. Sorrry
No that plant wants veg nutes, not bloom

read my Callin All NooB Growers thread (sig link)


Well-Known Member
No that plant wants veg nutes, not bloom

read my Callin All NooB Growers thread (sig link)
just opened it will read now. I have fox farm grow big should i feed her some of that? If so should i dilute it more than usuall or just like im suppose to.? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
You may have some rootlock going on there alex. maybe nute burn judging by the others in the background. flushing would be a good idea and then idk what, because your going to want mor P&K cause they are already flowering... Hmmm I say, 12 grams. happy growing~~~ dude


Well-Known Member
the ones in the back are actually my little test dummies. they were given to me and were really sick so im trying to revive them so i can learn from it. Actually one of them died. :( But i transplanted her out of the party cup and i honestly have no idea how long shes been flowering for or anything else about her for that matter. If you really want to help me out go to my grow in my sig. I feel like i jacked this guys thread hardcore, and i apologize for that. 12 grams would be the shit.


Well-Known Member
I agree with shrubs under 1 600w i get about 2ozs per plant growing 8 plants in 2 gallon buckets in a 3'*4'*7' space.


Active Member
i see that most of yall that know your average yields pretty well are gettin like .8 s per watt. example of a gram per watt is like a little over 2lbs off a 1000w. lately it was been my goal in my indoor growing adventures. the best ive done so far is 3 1/2 lbs off two 1000w lights.

would yall say that your grow room space is keeping yall from adding extra weight or is it the strain/ system of growing the herbs max output potential.

i am trying to decide on a good number of 2month vegged 3gal plants to put under 2000watts. i am also adding a trellis for support

thoughts and ideas appreciated