Help with beginner in aerogarden


Well-Known Member
Im planning on buying the aerogarden to grow some plants, autoflowering to be exact. Im just wondering what should the setting be in? what should the pH levels be in?nutes? etc.. and how should i go about doing this.

Pleese, if anyone has an expirence with the aerogarden plz help me as im excited and i really want to try these things out.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its not the right size for marijuana. If your lucky it can grow 1 small plant that will yield less then a quarter and you d still have to go buy lights as the light it comes with is too small to grow all the way through.The cost of the aerogardne is way more then building a simple hoesetup that will actually work to grow. Lot of late night noobs get sucked into thinking these will work but look at each persona who fell for it and thier plants died, look like death or the yield after 3 months was so small it cost them big time to grow it.Now if you have $300 and 4 months to pay for an 1.8 then sure its perfect

XtC in me

Active Member
Filthy Fletch is right for the most part, however I have seen very successful grows in the Aerogarden, the only problem is, is that you are going to have to do some tweaking to get the aerogarden to grow what you need.


Active Member
The aero garden has worked fine for me. I have seven healthy plants all flowering females!
I leave it on germination mode on strawberries setting for sprouting then i put it into the super grow setting. Every night wen i go to sleep i turn the lights button off (usually around 1am) and it comes on and 9 am when i wake up and stays on with the pump running all night till i turn it off wen i sleep again.

I use dr. hornbys voodoo juice for all points of its life cycle as well as 2 of those crappy nutes that come with the thing....dnt recmnd. Im going to use some big bud for the last few weeks and ill get a pretty good yield........coming soon fruity tai in the aero or northerlighsxskunk not sure which i will plant first.

prob only gunna do 1 plant at a time for the future...that way i can focus on it better with lights


Active Member
Its not the right size for marijuana. If your lucky it can grow 1 small plant that will yield less then a quarter and you d still have to go buy lights as the light it comes with is too small to grow all the way through.The cost of the aerogardne is way more then building a simple hoesetup that will actually work to grow. Lot of late night noobs get sucked into thinking these will work but look at each persona who fell for it and thier plants died, look like death or the yield after 3 months was so small it cost them big time to grow it.Now if you have $300 and 4 months to pay for an 1.8 then sure its perfect
Everytime the aerogarden is mentioned, you proceed to shoot it down. With proper preparation, people have had successful grows. Your points regarding the AG would be more believable if it didn't sound like you were beaten with one as a child...


New Member
I have an aerogarden and I tried 2 times and they do not work...yeah you can modify it, but why? my aerogarden cost $150... the homemade setup I have now cost me about $75. If you can grow 7 plants they must be tiny mothers. My setup is 3 times the size of an aerogarden and my 2 plants are huge and I do not have room for more. They are a waste of money....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Like most things in life

How fast can you afford to go?

Lights from cfls for $10,

Or 400w hps lights for $175

A simple rubbermaid tub for $8 can grow nice plants in DWC with a simple airpump.

An Aeroponic setup for 3-4 hundred
can rocket your grow experience to the next level.

No matter which way you decide to grow,
the first thing you must buy before you start hydro,
is a good quality Ph meter.


Active Member
I am not an expert, as you can tell by my name, but everything I know I learned by reading Teknique's post that is stickied at the top of this forum. Read every post, and you will find answers to each of your questions. :mrgreen:

The N00b


Well-Known Member
The aero garden has worked fine for me. I have seven healthy plants all flowering females!
I leave it on germination mode on strawberries setting for sprouting then i put it into the super grow setting. Every night wen i go to sleep i turn the lights button off (usually around 1am) and it comes on and 9 am when i wake up and stays on with the pump running all night till i turn it off wen i sleep again.

I use dr. hornbys voodoo juice for all points of its life cycle as well as 2 of those crappy nutes that come with the thing....dnt recmnd. Im going to use some big bud for the last few weeks and ill get a pretty good yield........coming soon fruity tai in the aero or northerlighsxskunk not sure which i will plant first.

prob only gunna do 1 plant at a time for the future...that way i can focus on it better with lights
Wow, thats great man. May i ask what you yielded over all?

Also what setting do you put it on once they sprout? and did you use any of those tablets that the aerogarden came with? How would you rate your first overall exp, btw im planning to grow Auto Flowering plants in them, so i though it would be ideal


Well-Known Member
I don't use and have never used an aerogarden but i did spend money on a small box grow thing and regret it. i just wanted to get my feet wet with growing not realizing that using less-than-ideal (doesn't necessarily mean expensive) equipment for growing weed can be very discouraging to first time growers.

And from what i've read, the aerogarden requires modification to make it yield a reasonable amount so why not take the money you spend on aerogarden (plus the money you need to make the modifications) and custom build something (for probably less total money) that is designed from the ground up for what you're trying to grow.

If you do decide to DIY - one thing I would not scrimp on - LIGHTING!
But - it is your time and money - just my $0.02


Well-Known Member
Filthy Fletch, you are full of crap. The AG is big enough to grow 2 full-sized plants. True, the light is useless, but everything else is just fine. Towards the end of the grow you will find yourself filling to res 1 or 2 times a day and balancing the Ph just as often. My last grow, using 2 AG's under 400 W MH/HPS produced 150 grams DRY weight. Each AG contained two plants. Each plant was about 3 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
Filthy Fletch, you are full of crap. The AG is big enough to grow 2 full-sized plants. True, the light is useless, but everything else is just fine. Towards the end of the grow you will find yourself filling to res 1 or 2 times a day and balancing the Ph just as often. My last grow, using 2 AG's under 400 W MH/HPS produced 150 grams DRY weight. Each AG contained two plants. Each plant was about 3 ft tall.
So the aerogarden has three feet of canopy space (including hydro system and lights) so that makes them at least six feet tall and comes with 400w MH AND HPS lights? All for 200 bucks! hell - maybe i'll buy one!


Active Member
I think folks fail to understand that many are interested in a small, generally autonomous system. I have many visitors, and the tools and materials to create a DIY system would inevitably create suspicion. You must also consider the cost as one that is relative. My whole AG system w/ lights, nutes, ph, tds, temp, fan, ozone, etc cost about $300. The street value of the strain is more than $400/oz. Thus, after two months, I will have recuperated the costs with what would be considered to be a failed grow. I smoke relatively infrequently and thus an oz ends up costing me somewhere on the order of $540.


i think filfth was just pointing out that if you have the money to spend on an aero garden, then you can build a better system yourself for much cheaper thats not too difficult to put together...

they're way over priced
and therefore, you should avoid them...

my two cents.... adios


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hey magic you been here a month so Im sure you ve read all the posts in the last year or 2 only a quarter million posts before you were even a member right as thats a pretty bold statement. I have yet to see a decent grow from any poster on this site that makes it a resonable choice to grow.Like stated by people after me who tried it and apparently have the same opinion for the same reason I explained so Im not alon on this one. The point for the aerogarden is its res and light and small platform do not function well and I hate to see someone who is asking about them before coughing up that much money how well they are and then once they buy it find out its just not right for this kinda grow. Figur a 30 gallon rees setup is just big enough for 6 plants so a 1 gallon setup isnt gonna do it.You will have heavily cramped roots so slow stunt growth with lack of equal nute intact your loose crystals and potency.The light no matter what anyone says will not produce a nice bud maybe a few small fluffy airy buds but for the time and money it would cost way more then just buying decent sacks.Its fine you like these things and I have 1 for my girl in the kitchen growing some herns and it works good for that just not weed as these plants need more room. I even posted a how to buils a 30 minute aero setup for a small closet a 400 watt switchable digital light is only around $99 new so for less then the aero garden you can get a true 6 site aero setup with a 400 watt digital light and have have 20 times more nice big buds in half the time.To me thats why the aerogardnes suck but new growers dont really think about all that they think wow thats cool and its aero I can grow some weed in that compact thing....just doesnt work.Please feel free to post all the great aerogarden grow pics you have foun in the month you have been here.Thanks...And its up to the original poster if he wants to buy this thing or not but as asked for our thoughts those are my tried and tested findings.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Mr Intricate email simplified it alot but I will give you the benefit of doubt since I dont know you or your grows.please post at least 1 picture to show proof of that claim as I find it quite suspect that you got 150 dry grams per plant in an aerogarden.I persoanlly specialize in aeroponic growing have seen hundreds of units built 100s and have used dozens myself and have yet to see something of that magnitude from the aero garden. Also I am curious where you got that aerogarden with a 400 watt switchable HID oh wait or was the aerogarden light it comes with not good to grow weed like I said??so you paid $150 for an aero container you could make in 10 minutes for alot less under 30 bucks


Active Member
i buit basicly the same thing as in your 30 min aero setup and its sweet, havent started the grow yet but im excited, only change i made to your setup was a bigger container and a few extra sprayers it was a great diy thanks filthy!


Active Member
Wow, thats great man. May i ask what you yielded over all?

Also what setting do you put it on once they sprout? and did you use any of those tablets that the aerogarden came with? How would you rate your first overall exp, btw im planning to grow Auto Flowering plants in them, so i though it would be ideal

AS far as yield im still flowering.

For sprout i left it on the strawberries mode. Its actually for germination. Its the best mode for germination of any other seed so why not for this stuff i figured.

but if you want just use the super grow setting and manually use your lights.
the pump rolls 24/7

for veg growth i turned off at 1am and they automatically turn back on when i happen to have to get up at-lol 9am

but now they go from 9to just have to make sure you remember to turn the ag light on then right back off again at 1am to assure your schedule
1 quick click-lol