Quick question about a plant's sex.


So, I'm super new to growing. My first seed is germinating as I type(just picked it out of a sack, so it isn't feminized or anything). What I am curious about is whether a plant has both male pollen sacks and the female buds? Or are they exclusive per plant?



Well-Known Member
hermies have both balls and nugs. Males make balls that are full of pollen, and females make the beautiful nugs. Males are useless unless you are trying to cross, as seed production lessons the strength of bud.


Well-Known Member
hermies have both balls and nugs. Males make balls that are full of pollen, and females make the beautiful nugs. Males are useless unless you are trying to cross, as seed production lessons the strength of bud.
Also, hermies can self and create seed filled bud as well as pollinate other females.


Active Member
So, I'm super new to growing. My first seed is germinating as I type(just picked it out of a sack, so it isn't feminized or anything). What I am curious about is whether a plant has both male pollen sacks and the female buds? Or are they exclusive per plant?

A plant will normally produce either male or female flowers. Males will generally show sex first, females slightly later so its fairly easy to eliminate the males from a grow. Initially it can be hard to spot but a few more days growth will show a clear difference if you are unsure. Its basically tiny 'pumpkins on sticks' or 'balls' for the males and 2 tiny white pistil emerging from a slightly elongated sac for females.

'hermes' are very unusual, I've seen probably just 4 or 5 in the last 10 years! that's from several grows per year so they are rare and more to do with genetics than 'stress' although this can happen in extreme cases. Feminised seeds are still prone to this but again its rare thesedays.

Hope this helps in some way :-) Good luck with your bagseed, I've seen some amazing BS grows here at rollitup.