My first grow


Well, here I am about 2 weeks in now, and I am beat like a baby seal. Give u guys credit, I never realized the work and thought that goes into a grow op. Here's a little of my back ground I was a chronic smoker in my teens but have been straight edge for about 19 yrs. For the last 10 yrs the boyfriend has hounded me to death to start growin cuz he is a hard core smoker. Long story short I have gotten quit sick, 45 doctors and numerous drugs later, I have started smoking in the last 2 weeks and I haven't slept this well in years. Plus if I am gonna grow and luv my ladies, might as well enjoy them to the fullest.

I have started out with a 400w MH for my veg and 1000 HPS for flower
My room size is about 12 x 4
I1 lowryder #2 and one clone from a native friend that is killer, still thinkin bout what to name her. I am open to suggestions.
I have a few pics and will post more later.



Well-Known Member
Well, here I am about 2 weeks in now, and I am beat like a baby seal. Give u guys credit, I never realized the work and thought that goes into a grow op. Here's a little of my back ground I was a chronic smoker in my teens but have been straight edge for about 19 yrs. For the last 10 yrs the boyfriend has hounded me to death to start growin cuz he is a hard core smoker. Long story short I have gotten quit sick, 45 doctors and numerous drugs later, I have started smoking in the last 2 weeks and I haven't slept this well in years. Plus if I am gonna grow and luv my ladies, might as well enjoy them to the fullest.

I have started out with a 400w MH for my veg and 1000 HPS for flower
My room size is about 12 x 4
I1 lowryder #2 and one clone from a native friend that is killer, still thinkin bout what to name her. I am open to suggestions.
I have a few pics and will post more later.
Very nice my friend I'm scribed come on over and take a look at my single lady Antoinette she is in my grow journal titled Northern Lights KC Brains.

Peace out (little bro):weed:

Zoso914 :joint:Here's a sneak peek:shock:



Very nice my friend I'm scribed come on over and take a look at my single lady Antoinette she is in my grow journal titled Northern Lights KC Brains.

Peace out (little bro):weed:

Zoso914 :joint:Here's a sneak peek:shock:
She is a beauty. Still figuring the forum stuff lookin for ur stuff now


Active Member
whats your plans for when they get bigger? If your going to use the same space you may want to consider a system that utilizes small pots. Like hydroponics, if you have room you can grow with soil. you want to figure about 1 gallon of soil for every foot of growth. Read on the forum it's a wealth of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
It looks like you got a nice little setup going for ya. I'm noob too, so I'd like to follow your progress and see how things turn out for ya. I'll be lurking around in the shadows.

Good luck to ya.


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far, thats me subbed too so looking forward to some regular updates.

Glads to hear the sweet MJ is helping with your medical problems. Amazing how mother nature can just step in and help when the docs cant.

My mate got shot in the back of his neck and has been suffering for the past few years with severe pain causing nausea and i'm trying to convince him to try some weed to see if it helps as I think its the ideal treatment but obviously he is concerned about the legal aspect here in the uk.






Here are a few pics of the changes I made today. I rearranged my whole set up.
First one is how it looked before I started, it was all right infront of the door and it drove me bananas!
There is one of my mystery lady who is no longer a mystery, she is a skunk strain, I found out today.
The last one is how it looks now. I switched the lights to the back end and wired it through the wall, all neat and tidy.
Looks like I have some more transplanting to do in the morning, so layout will change again.
Feelin like lil' Miss Mcgivor over here,lol. The work has paid off, the family luvs it and I am gonna be starting to build my flower room soon.
I am planning to do one a bit bigger than this one. I have to watch though I am running fuses on 100 amp service. I think I will have to incorporate AC and enclose both rooms as I am building beside this one.
Think the layout of the veg room like this is better this way, I am not bumpin into everything. Thanx for all ur comments guys, nice to talked to others hooked on growin'. People I know don't know I have started smoking again, let alone growing. Should be interesting, my aunt is coming for the weekend, but apparently she has personal experience so it shouldn't be that bad.



Looking good, Keep up the great work.
Ty, transplant day today both indoors and outdoors. Think the nice weather is here to stay. I am glad ur friend finds relief too from smokin' , but I have noticed already that it all depends on strain. Some strains actually agrivate a whiplash injury I have as a bonus health problem. I will post a progess pic tommorow, I am just so fatigued its time for a hoot and bed 4 me.


Well-Known Member
Ty, transplant day today both indoors and outdoors. Think the nice weather is here to stay. I am glad ur friend finds relief too from smokin' , but I have noticed already that it all depends on strain. Some strains actually agrivate a whiplash injury I have as a bonus health problem. I will post a progess pic tommorow, I am just so fatigued its time for a hoot and bed 4 me.
Plant is looking very cared for bro and you seem to be doing a great job. here's a little up date.:blsmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie




Plant is looking very cared for bro and you seem to be doing a great job. here's a little up date.:blsmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie

I topped a few today, and am freakin out about my clones, OMG they r droppy, I don't want to go to bed, worrin' way too much. I keep going in and spritzing, a few look better than they did.


Well-Known Member
I topped a few today, and am freakin out about my clones, OMG they r droppy, I don't want to go to bed, worrin' way too much. I keep going in and spritzing, a few look better than they did.
:idea:Party Cups They work perfect to use a ziplock bag over for a humidity dome for maximum humidity perfect conditions for clones rooting.:weed:

Peace out
zoso914 :fire:


:idea:Party Cups They work perfect to use a ziplock bag over for a humidity dome for maximum humidity perfect conditions for clones rooting.:weed:

Peace out
zoso914 :fire:
Thanks, did that, but not sure if I keep them in veg room, under 400 watt 18/6 cycle or in seedling cabnet with flor lights on 24hr cycle.


Bin a while since I updated the progress in my secret garden. I am attaching a pic taken about 4 days ago, and it has been crazy busy in the garden.Since this photo was taken I have bumped up my exhaust by making a large carbon filter using kitchen sieves, white sheet fibre, crushed carbon, and a ladies dress sock. I then added an extra fan onto it, to increase air flow, and added thick weatherstriping between them for noise reduction.
I sorted through my plants and pulled the obvious males, 2 still not sure about. Saved my favorite one of the 4 I pulled. He is under floro light in another room.
I also started the next round of beens about 5 days ago. The next round consists of white widow, white rhino, chronic, and american dream.
My next mission is to add my 1000 hps to the room along with the air conditioning system. 2010_0422truck0008.jpgI will attach the pics of my ladies when they wake up shows where I am at, but for now here is a pic from a few days ago2010_0422truck0007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Keep up the good work. Hows the weather there in Canada? Mines already in the 90's.I have to keep my favorite inside now the other one I am experimenting with.Come check out my journal new pictures were put up few days ago. Antoinette is dead and gone turned out to be a male.New seeds in the ground are now almost three weeks old check them out bro.
Peace out,


I have been checkin ur thread here and there, sorry bout Antoinette. I just started my new cycle too. I faired quite well so far 4 males of 16. The funny part is my son inlaw gave me my first round of seeds. He said they were lowryders and I had no clue they r autoflowering I thought they would just be shorter, was I pissy. Guess my family was testin me, lol. I passed with flyin colours, the ladies r good. I can post a pic tommorow, the old man came back early from fishin trip today so didn't get a chance.
The weather has been ok, a little windy last few days. A month ago it was rediculously hot. It was very strange. We are planning an outdoor batch, but will have to elsewhere, the lady I bought the house from is like stocking me and the house, she lost it all cuz she fell into doin rock. Sooo, no garden grow for me this year. Got word she is watchin to see if I "plant some", guess that is where she used to grow. Aparently my green thumb makes her ill,lol. I forsee troubles ahead from this one.
Ur setup pics look sweet btw. I was thinkin bout trying some but I am good with soil and chickened out. Figure if it ain't broke....


Well-Known Member
Hey MJfriendly I am using soil. My medium is M.G. Organic about 75% ground soil from outside my house and bout 4% sand,for drainage. I'll post one picture here. Than you go visit my old journal for the rest and I also started a new one for the Lsted girl called "Tilda's Bain" with 10 first pictures of my grow last year that shortly after june I didn't get to it in time in the Morning to move to shaded area and she burned up , boy was I pist all the long and hard work to maintain,live and loine.

Peace out,
zoso914 :weed:


Sorry to hear u lost ur baby. Is a sad thing, all the care we take with them. I am soil too. Pretty much all organic here. Hmm, the sand is nice touch funny I was putting seedings into cups today and was thinkin bout adding sand to the bottom. It's a bonsai thing,lol. Works well though. Do u sterilize ur soil? I found it helps, thought it was crazy at firstbut I can see the differenct cuz first few plants I potted, I never did and I actually have to weed them. I take the pot I am gonna use and fill with sterile soil and dump it into a mixing pot. Then I add 1 tsp. blood meal, 1 tsp. bone meal, and 1/2 tsp. dolomitic lime and approximately 1/3 part perlite. I should be adding epsom salt but I am out.
Once a week they get fertilizer mix via soil, & every second day they get foliage fed.
the soil fetilizer has fish emulsion and molasses added, every saturday when they wake up. The fertilzer is hand me downs from son in-law called super nutrients by advanced nutrients. They seem happy so far. I am really excited for this round that just started but will be facing lots of work cuz adding a room so I have a veg and flower room. I am striving to get enough studing under my belt to start dabbling in breeding. Sorry I did't get the picture up today. I went to get the pic I said I would post and the battery died, lol. Its charging and will definately be up tomorrow.