I have traveled to other countries and I’m always glad to be back in the US. Most other countries are just corrupt shit holes devoid of hope, prosperity, freedom and individual rights so I feel compelled to add my 2 cents.
The Constitution is as perfect a document as man was able to compose. The founding fathers were highly educated, worldly scholars who knew history, law and what kind of governments had been tried in the past. They knew this form of government would be the only structure that would guarantee freedom and prosperity for its citizens.
They knew that men coveted power above everything else and that the powers of Federal government had to be tightly regulated. They knew that the State Government was much easier for the local citizens to monitor and control than some far off government entity. They knew that the locally controlled, State government, had to control the Federal Monster to keep it from becoming our master.
Do we have problems? Oh HELL YES! We The People, have fallen asleep and let the Federal Government take over as the controlling force of law when in fact, the State is the one that controls the Feds. It is now working exactly opposite to what it was intended and what the constitution allows.
Our rights and liberties have been stolen and our freedoms have been chained up in the cellar under the pretense of safety & security. Federal abuse of power is rampant and individual rights are nearly nonexistent anymore.
The citizens of this country became too lazy to pay attention to what the politicians were doing.
The Politicians became more and more corrupt, greedy and ambitious.
The Great Depression caused people to look to the Feds for help and that was all the opportunity they needed. They grabbed the reins of power and never relented.
After that, the Feds perverted the laws of the lands in order to maintain their death grip of power.
Supreme court judges fell in lock step to the wishes of the Fed.
Lawyers replaced morals, judges replaced fairness & good conscience.
Case law replaced Constitutional law and most of the new laws invalidate common sense.
It spread like a cancer from there, to the State, the Local Government, the Schools, the work place and then to the family.
State Government became shills for the Feds in order to obtain more federal funding. What the feds said, was what they did to keep the dollars rolling in.
America was divided into the left and right, dems and repubs, whites and minorities in order for the parties to maintain and grow their power. It had nothing to do with concern of the constituents, it was only promoted for power. Until we understand that, we will never unite as citizens and that’s the intended goal of the Fed. Divide and conquer has always worked and is working now as well.
Tenure replaced a teachers effectiveness and despondency and indoctrination replaced education.
Sound bites in the media replaced thoughtful reason and trendy ideology replaced our moral compasses. Truth became a victim of the “agenda of the media”.
Lazy boy recliners replaced family time and TV replaced the parents.
In a disposable society, some things are worth holding onto. We have made it this far as a country in just over 200 years. Now at least, we know some of the problems, some of the wrong ways to do things and some of the best ways of doing things. We’re a young nation, we’re entitled to make a few mistakes so long as we learn from them and never let them happen again.
We should also hold onto the fact that we as a Country have done more for the world than any other nation in history. We have shown more charity, decency, fairness, strength of character and sacrifice. Name any other country that is first on the scene when there is disaster or trouble anywhere in the world. What is the first country that the rest of the world looks to in times of need?
The question is: do we have the strength of character to say we need to return to the ways of our forefathers? We need to call right, right and wrong, wrong. We need to stand against evil and stand for good. We need to fight our enemies with our full might and help our allies with our full favor.
We need to reign in the Politicians & Lawyers who have seized total control over us and made “We The People” into “you the slaves” of Washington & State.
Politicians have stripped our individual rights and sold them to the highest bidders (like the Tobacco, Pharmaceutical and Liquor industry to name just a few).
Do we have the balls to eliminate the Nanny State and stand on our own merits?
Do we have the fairness to say, some things the conservatives say make sense, some things the independents say make sense and some things the left say make sense?
Do we have the common sense to say that BOTH the Dems and Repubs have SCREWED us! They have “tag teamed” us for the last 75 years!
Are we steadfast enough to make them pay for their actions at the polls?
Do we still have the strength to fight those foes of freedom?
Do we still value freedom, liberty and individual rights?
Our Politicians have tried to make us into slaves, we need to make them our bitch…
The way to do that is to vote for the constitutional candidate in your area.
Just be sure to do your homework as they will all be saying they are supporters of the Constitution.
Just the ramblings of an old curmudgeon. S