molasses or not?


Active Member
im in week 6 of flowering and was thinkin of adding molasses is it to late to do this and if its not when should i cut them off if at all? also should i cut nutes and just use molasses? its in soil


Well-Known Member
I add molasses to mine. I stop everything two weeks before harvest. !-2 tsp per gal.


Active Member
i add it to my final flush for the first 5 days and then flush with straight water the final day of my 6 day flush.


Active Member
cut your nutes when you start your flush. the point of the flush is to get rid of all that build up cuased by nutes and give you a richer flavor and smoother smoke. i have done experiments on the molasses, example i had two orange haze and used it on one and not on the other and the one that got the molasses produced buds that were a bit more dense and slightly larger in size. some people swear by it some dissmiss it as snakes oil. do like i did and test it out (part of the fun of growing) and see what it does for you. =)


Well-Known Member
i would only recommend using it in soil if you are going to use it... don't know if you are in soil or hydro, assuming soil though. I've tried molasses among other things (bud candy, botanicare sweet) a few times and haven't ever really noticed any difference between using something and not using anything. I used it only with plain waterings and never with my nutrient solution. I started using it in the last 3 weeks. One time i used it all the way to harvest day and the other i quit using half way through the last week and started using plain water only. Molasses is not the "silver bullet" or "secret ingredient" to growing marijuana like some people will tell you.


Active Member
i would only recommend using it in soil if you are going to use it... don't know if you are in soil or hydro, assuming soil though. I've tried molasses among other things (bud candy, botanicare sweet) a few times and haven't ever really noticed any difference between using something and not using anything. I used it only with plain waterings and never with my nutrient solution. I started using it in the last 3 weeks. One time i used it all the way to harvest day and the other i quit using half way through the last week and started using plain water only. Molasses is not the "silver bullet" or "secret ingredient" to growing marijuana like some people will tell you.
yea im in soil. when u used it all the way through could u tell a diff when u smoked it? harsh?


Well-Known Member
A lot of the sweeteners out there are cheaper than molasses. Humbolt makes one that people like, GH makes floranectar that I think is unstable. Personally, I like sweet. When used throughout the whole fruiting process, it'll improve your crop, no doubt.

mookie brown

Active Member
I use molasses @ 1tbsp per gallon of water at every other feeding during flowering. Molasses is for feeding the micro organisms in your soil carbs & micro nutrients that when those organisms shit it out the plant will uptake those nutrients. Molasses wont effect taste IMO. I'm 12 days away from harvest & in 2 days will be my last molasses feeding. Straight water after that every other day until I chop. The smoke is always smooth when I use molasses up until 10days before harvesting my organic buds :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yea im in soil. when u used it all the way through could u tell a diff when u smoked it? harsh?
I honestly don't think molasses does anything for taste and if i knew it did i probably wouldn't use it because then it would add homogeneity in taste between all of my strains... i'd rather have all of my strains taste the way they are meant to, you know? Taste is dependent on a lot of things, A harsh tasting bud can be caused by bud that is dried too fast or even an improper flush.... for example, taste and smell can depend on how well the plant was flushed, trimmed, and how fast the bud is dried after it's harvested. drying has more to do with your climate and humidity of your drying area. Also, how long and well it is cured. I've had buds that just tasted sweet and smelled like grass after they were dried and once they cured for a month, the fruity/skunky smells that they had when they were growing came back and the taste was a lot more fruity and musky. So it's really hard for me to say that molasses really did anything for me as far as taste or smell because those are both dependent on a lot more than using a certain additive IMO. As for yield, i've never noticed a difference either way. To say it increases yield you would have to take batches of several clones from the same mother and test half of them with and half without while making sure everything else about the grow and harvest is identical. Then compare your yields. That would really be the only way that is even close to scientific research into whether it affects your yield. If you just use two seperate plants of the same strain they could be different phenotypes and would could vary in taste, yield, and smell anyways. I'm not necessarily saying use it or don't because results you get would vary on so many other things. Really, you should try it for yourself. I just think molasses is overhyped, but i have also had a lot of people trying to tell me with 100% certainty that molasses has done so many great things for them when in reality they don't realize how many other factors there are to be looked at.


Active Member
I honestly don't think molasses does anything for taste and if i knew it did i probably wouldn't use it because then it would add homogeneity in taste between all of my strains... i'd rather have all of my strains taste the way they are meant to, you know? Taste is dependent on a lot of things, A harsh tasting bud can be caused by bud that is dried too fast or even an improper flush.... for example, taste and smell can depend on how well the plant was flushed, trimmed, and how fast the bud is dried after it's harvested. drying has more to do with your climate and humidity of your drying area. Also, how long and well it is cured. I've had buds that just tasted sweet and smelled like grass after they were dried and once they cured for a month, the fruity/skunky smells that they had when they were growing came back and the taste was a lot more fruity and musky. So it's really hard for me to say that molasses really did anything for me as far as taste or smell because those are both dependent on a lot more than using a certain additive IMO. As for yield, i've never noticed a difference either way. To say it increases yield you would have to take batches of several clones from the same mother and test half of them with and half without while making sure everything else about the grow and harvest is identical. Then compare your yields. That would really be the only way that is even close to scientific research into whether it affects your yield. If you just use two seperate plants of the same strain they could be different phenotypes and would could vary in taste, yield, and smell anyways. I'm not necessarily saying use it or don't because results you get would vary on so many other things. Really, you should try it for yourself. I just think molasses is overhyped, but i have also had a lot of people trying to tell me with 100% certainty that molasses has done so many great things for them when in reality they don't realize how many other factors there are to be looked at.
sounds good thanks for the info. i messed this crop up anyways so ill try a few new things next time with all the good info everyone is givin me


Well-Known Member
I had a good aticle saved but can't find it. Molasses helps the microbs in the soil. They in turn help feed the plant. I think the ag school doing the research proved their point an the benefits of molasses. someone said it's not magic and there right. It's just something to help out your soil. some people say crabo loading the plant helps. So far I can't find any proof one way or the other. I use it the whole grow. very light in veg and a little more in flower. heavy near the end. I've done it that way so long can't say if it helps or not. But after starting I kept going with it so I must have liked what it did.


Well-Known Member
i used molasses every other flower watering and flush with it in the water and my smoke report for that widow was GREAT