Plant has stopped growing! Pictures Inside


Active Member
Hey Guys,

I have been having problems with this plant, see the previous thread here:

Strain: Easy Ryder
Light: 250w CFL
Soil: Bio-Bizz All-Mix

I decided to cut the leaves off the very bottom (The crispy, dry, dying ones) so the plant wasn't trying to keep them alive and could focus its resources elsewhere. I also fed it some balanced nutrients as people told me that was the reason it was looking so bad and growing so many tiny leaves (only 6-5-5 i had nothing else that was balanced on hand, I have ordered some).

It still hasn't really grown at all and there are still so many small little leaves that aren't showing and signs of growing.

Help!! How can I save this plant? :(



Active Member
hey buddy i had some that did basically the same thing. i was running 2 100 w cfls and once i switched to my 1000w mh they just took off. my guess would be they want more light.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the plant is in flower it must be an auto flowering strain or its just gone to flower , ive never had any luck switching a plant back into veg , i would suggest going balls out on the grow feed and light right away


Well-Known Member
i have no suggestions however i can add this

i grew out some easy ryders and they are garbage. i grew them along side of other strains and the others thrived and the easy ryders did not. also they smelled like hay after drying out and a short cure.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I have been having problems with this plant, see the previous thread here:

Strain: Easy Ryder
Light: 250w CFL
Soil: Bio-Bizz All-Mix

I decided to cut the leaves off the very bottom (The crispy, dry, dying ones) so the plant wasn't trying to keep them alive and could focus its resources elsewhere. I also fed it some balanced nutrients as people told me that was the reason it was looking so bad and growing so many tiny leaves (only 6-5-5 i had nothing else that was balanced on hand, I have ordered some).

It still hasn't really grown at all and there are still so many small little leaves that aren't showing and signs of growing.

Help!! How can I save this plant? :(
Wrong fertilizer bro.

You need some decent soil ferts like these>>

Its called the "Dynamic Duo"

Veg and flower ferts. :-P

Very cheap, straight up the best soil fert out on the market today.

Ill put money on it.

Ive used them all, this stuff really works!!!!! :clap:


Active Member
i have no suggestions however i can add this

i grew out some easy ryders and they are garbage. i grew them along side of other strains and the others thrived and the easy ryders did not. also they smelled like hay after drying out and a short cure.

I grew Lowryder #2 automatic before and they turned out great for lowryder plants... I was expecting this to be just as good?

I guess not then....


Well-Known Member
i grew it along side buddha seeds white dwarf, lol they made the ryders look pitiful, all the same nutes everything.


Well-Known Member
For the first 2/4 week there was no need to feed any nutrients in this kind of soil all the feed is in there i normaly start about week 3 with quarter strenth and work my way up to full over a couple of week.I think that the reason that this plant is not growing is due to the lights like i put in my other thread.Add on more cfl''s if this is the lighting that you want to use.Make sure that you have a good intake of fresh air and a way of getting the old air out of there.There is no need to spend a fortune on a exaust fan get a couple of bathroom exaust fans the 4 ince one's there about 20 pound each put one at either end of the grow room one bringing in new air one takeing old out.Also have a small ossalateing fan blowing on the plant so it always has fresh air surrounding it's leave's.Keep a close eye on the ph of the feed that you are useing and there is no reason why you should not grow a good healthy plant...............................tyke.........................................


Active Member
Hi Tyke,

The only reason people had recommended nuts is that its an autoflowering strain so they said it needed them early.

Also, I am adding better exhaust/intake this week.

Also I added a 2nd 250 CFL so now the plant has 500w CFL close up.

It does actually seem to be improving slightly! However now some of the leaves are starting to get some yellow/browny spots, what defficiency is this?

