LED Grow Noob Style


Well-Known Member
Hi, I guess I'm doing this for sh#ts and giggles. A friend of mine gives me a bunch of strectched seedlings. His set-up wasnt going so I took them. Not knowing squadoosh, I embarked on my weed journey. I started doing research and this is basically what I came up with for a system. The seedlings I got had sat in a clone tray for about 4 or 5 weeks after they outgrew the the lid. I wasnt sure how many would survive but surprisingly, they all did. Also, thanks to all you guys and gals for your post. I feel like I learned so much here from your trials eand experience. Thanks to all those who have answered my post and questions. thanx bud man. thanx guy for the clones. Special shout out to Google. What what I do without you?



Well-Known Member
Since I didnt have anything I decided to split a closet in half and use that space. I made a veg side and a bloom side. I bought flouro's til I decided on which lights to use. I orginally made the veg a drip style but later opted to just use two of the same (Ebb & Flo) but use the diffently. The veg I use as a FIM style where the H20 and nutes run on the bottoms. I decided to use grodan blocks as well.


Well-Known Member
woa those ladies have a lot of stem.Have you thought of LST them?

yea man, stretched is the word around here. lol way past that now. However, check this out i did take one and completely made a loop in the stem. he's lame but still alive. hahaha


Well-Known Member
those are pics of my gals after I sexed them. 11 total 2 are tiny but I kept them anyway. 9 are going strong. took clones from the best ones. they just took root so I need to get in together here


Well-Known Member
fogot to mention there are 3 sativa's and 8 indi. theyre all in clay pellets and get flooded regularly. I didnt want to bore any1 with this until I actually got the lights and had them set up. the lights came but the dumaz forgot to send the pullies for them so had to wait. we are almost to the fourth week of flower and seem ok. no major problems. feels good to save lives, even plants. I'm planning on going into the military. So, I am going to get really fukn high until I need to piss clean. Then when I get out hopefull the it will be already legalized. Not like it matters, lol, hasnt stopped us yet.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to anyone who followed this. I had some problems and had to rethink some things. SO anyway, the lights suck. I sent them back. They dont compare at all to HD. If u want to save money vegging your plants just use floro's. Near the same growth from what I saw. As far as flowering thyre pointless unless the aim is to grow small bud. It was just an experiment.