Growing In The Woods


Active Member
Man you only need to germinate in the paper towels for two days max its only to get the roots started. I do it every year with nearly 100 percent success. Sure check on them after a day and see if any has cracked if so plant them in a solo cups filled with soil from your grow area for quicker adaptations to outside conditions. Plant them with white root facing towards the bottom of solo cup. Only go deep enough with your seed into the soil to barely cover it so that it is easy for it to break the surface. After the seed breaks the surface place them under any kinda household light until they are completey green in color. The seed casing will fall all before this happens and in some cases can use a little help getting it off but be gentle. Once they turn green plant them outdoors in your gro sights. It works every time buddy I promise you.

cool cheers man i would but i cant have anything in pots in my house its too risky and plus id never be able to sneak them outside i just have to germinate them inside and carefully take them outside and just plant them its all i can do


Well-Known Member
Hmm well my seedlings have been outside for about 5 days and have not grown ONE bit. I am confused as to why, the only thing i can think of is stress from transplanting in the ground. The weather is not bad its been 65 degrees for the past week and really sunny. The spot does not get the best light, but they have NOT grown at all. Any comments or suggestions?


I also have a few plants outdoors right now. i did some RnD on a few different wooded areas in my surrounding location, i was extremly lucky to find a place that was surrounded by thick thorn bushes with asmall 10x13 clearing of just grass.....i was very excited when i found this. I hope your grow goes well, keep us updated.


Active Member
well im gonna germinate today im gonna start it off fairly soon while i have the chance, itd a nice day but im stuck babysitting grr so im gonna have to go to the woods on wednesday with the seeds germinated and find the spot there and then.

it may not be the best idea doing it that way but it takes half an hour to get there i just havent had the chance haha also how often should i water them cos its gonna be hard finding time a few days a week to get up there to do it


Active Member
well ive jus done it got the plate put the paper towel on put the seeds on it put a nother paper towel on folded it wrapped the cling film and now they r in darkness
i just hope these seeds are good they re all different shapes and sizes


all seeds want to germ, its what they do. However id hold off on planting them for awhile, we had a frost last night which killed my autoflowering very dissapointed in myself for not bringing it inside, but i got 3 more seeds to work with so im keeping them inside until the last frost has DEFFINETLY happened. Dont just throw them outside cause you dont think you can do anything else


Active Member
haha it's ok man i was gonna say what u on about the weathers been great here, they are in complete darkness just hatching like little eggs i put about 15 in one plate though is that alright, well i guess im gonna plant that many so fuck it, and if this goes ok ill germ more ive got about 100 seeds but i just cant see myself planting them all


its going to be difficult taking care of the ones you already have, no one man can take care of 100 plants....well you could if you didnt have a job lol.


Active Member
well thats me sorted then seeing as im an unemployed loser haha

basically one day a week i have almost the whole day free, how often do you have to check back on plants? i can't get up there very often, it's gonna be hard if i have to go back more than once a week :/


Active Member
still i've learned a little more about germination now, im gonna try the shot glass filled with water and put the black thing over the top and see if the seed sinks, then ill have some more seedlings


Well-Known Member
well thats me sorted then seeing as im an unemployed loser haha

basically one day a week i have almost the whole day free, how often do you have to check back on plants? i can't get up there very often, it's gonna be hard if i have to go back more than once a week :/
Hey Schecter,bongsmilie
If you cant really dedicate urself to ur babies, In some cases they could become poor health in matters of a day if u dont check regularly. You have to put in time to get a nice crop. Btw i found useing a paper towel and a cd case works really good when germinating,all you have to do is water the case ever 12 hours to make it moist. Good luck with ur grow.:bigjoint:


Active Member
oh right cool

cos my paper towels on a plate in cling film is doing jack shit

nothing from the seeds :(

ive put one in a little cup thing and put it in darkness to see if it sinks and germinates that way

josh b

Well-Known Member
Man just get a plate,lay down like 3 wet paper towl sheet's on it,spread the seed's out,put another 3 paper towl sheets on top and make sure that the paper towl's stay wet at all time's but not so there is a puddle of water.

Keep them in darkness and check on them every 12 hours to keep them moist.

This is what i have done and now my seedling's are all going great and about 7" tall.

Gl man.


Well-Known Member
oh right cool

cos my paper towels on a plate in cling film is doing jack shit

nothing from the seeds :(

ive put one in a little cup thing and put it in darkness to see if it sinks and germinates that way
From reading some of your posts it seems like you still live with you parents or someone who dosn't approve of you growing? You said you won't be able to sneak cups outside? Well what is a good thing to do is when your sprouts have ample roots and are only a couple inches tall you can carefully pull them out of the cup with their soil and wrap them up with newspaper snd slip them in your pockets. Or if you use small cups you can slide them in your pocket and walk to the woods with your hands in your pocket to look natural. I do those when i walk to my spot to plant, shocks them a little but works.

Also don't plan on germing those 100 seeds, you will be way to over whelmed and wont be able to tend to them all. It would be too stressful and you would have lower quality as compared to giving a lot of TLC to a few plants. I am only trying 5 plants as they are going to be scattered around. Even 5 plants is stressful for me.

And don't feel bad my germ rate is horrible. I duno if its that i use bag seeds or my technique but i have a like 1 in 4 germ rate.

Anyways GL

pot scott

Well-Known Member
i've always germinated in a SLIGHTLY moist paper towel folded in 4th's then gently folded aluminum foil around it to cover it. and i have about an 85% germination rate.

josh b

Well-Known Member
I have just had a 16/16 germ rate using my method,not using clingfilm or tin foil shit ,just in a dark draw,with layers of wet tissue on a plate lol.


Well-Known Member
Man just get a plate,lay down like 3 wet paper towl sheet's on it,spread the seed's out,put another 3 paper towl sheets on top and make sure that the paper towl's stay wet at all time's but not so there is a puddle of water.

Keep them in darkness and check on them every 12 hours to keep them moist.

Gl man.
^^ this is what I also do to germ.


Well-Known Member
Speak of the devil i went out to check on them and one of them was torn up. I saw something dug it up and it had some nibbles taken out, and barely any roots left. So i brought it inside and im trying to rehabilitate it. I doubt it will make it tho, it was dry and had no roots really from being ripped out.
its bc your plant was too small.

many small animals like rodents will eat small seedlings. rabbits things of that nature.

When you find plants that are pulled up in the manner your describing Its not usually rabbits or the like. It is turkeys or racoons that pull up your plants looking for grubs and such in the loose ground that is under your somewhat freshly dug in plants.


Active Member
yeh man i live with the parents, well after two days i only see one small white root out of about 20 fucking seeds, so i just planted them all today and see what happens, maybe they will continue to germ underground tbh i wish i could have waited longer for them but today was the best day for me to do it

i found some ground in the woods, really fucking wet although covered in leaves, no leaves on the trees now so hopefully the spot will stay clear, gets plenty of sunlight and covered from one side by a holly bush, let's just see what happens

and yeh im not gonna plant 100 lol ive planted 20 not in rows though just randomly with some space between so it looks like they just popped up in random places, looks too obvious if you do it in a row, i just hope theres enough space either side, shud be

and josh do u have any pics or ur plants??

oh yeh btw guys do u think those seeds r fucked?