Cloning question

Hey RIU, I have a question. So I recently took a clone and I am useing the water cup method.
I cant leave it next to a window sill, but i have a 26 watt 6500k cfl i can use, or a 250 watt hps. This method says to use indirect light so I plan on making a makeshift humidity dome which will block a little light. In addition, the lights will be far away; say aproximately 6 inches if I were to use the cfl, or a few feet if I were to use the hps. Which bulb would be good to go with?
oh, If temperature is a factor for rooting clones, the lights are in seperate rooms. The cfl room is around 75*F while the hps room is around 85*F.
they like it a little warmer than plants in veg - between 75 - 85f is ideal. 60% or more room humidity as well
haha, well it looks like I got the two extremes than. I am guessing clones are more fond of blue light right? In which case I guess I'll keep it under the cfl. Unless someone opposes that idea.


Active Member
Dude dont do 12/12 to root clones 24 is better jus make sure the dome is always moist and it shuld root in abot a week


Active Member
My first clones were in rockwool and from a batch of 3 only 2 made it. My second batch I used 1 inch blocks of regular potting soil, all 4 took well, rooted faster than in rockwool and were generally healthier, in rockwool it took 10 days for roots to be properly established, in soil only 5 (both examples in otherwise identical situation).

My next cloning test will be to see how it goes with a really ghetto setup (yoghurt pots with a clear sandwich bag over the top). Personally I expect it to go just fine.


Active Member
cloning is very easy to do possibly the easiest part about growing bud there is just make sure your rockwool and dome are always moist and keep a cfl on 24/0 ahove them