Need advise quick!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys 5 and hald weeks flowering. one of my plants has lost all its leaves to yellowing, should i just grow it out or is there no point? cant check the trichs as i havent got a looking glass, but all the hairs are mainly white. The 2nd plant is on its way to doing the same, any recommendations, dont want to lose em after soooooo long!


Active Member
It is normal for the plants to develop yelow leaves at the end because it should have been polinated in nature and its dieing, however all the leaves sounds very extreme. If you can post a pic should be easyer to tell if its ok or not.


Active Member
you either have a defiency or nute lockout. If you've been fertlizing alot then id say you need to flush. What is your nute regimen?


Active Member
i would advise you to get some advice

yellowing leaves is natural during mid to end of flowering. flush those babies and release any salts or buildup/lockout


Well-Known Member
will post up pics when the lights come on, posted a few weeks back about the problem but no one replied. Havnt had a feeding regime as such but given them full strength budzilla doses every 2nd 3rd watering, noticed i burnt one. PH is about 6.5 and the runoff seems the same


Well-Known Member
this is one of them, need a lens to see the trichs really i guess but they are about 5-6 weeks, buds seem to still be puffing up.

any input appreciated, and plus rep for those who it matter bongsmilie

After though: bottom leaves yellowing and crisping up since their hard life as clones



Well-Known Member
theres nothing wrong with those plants. these are my purple kush plants at 5 weeks. I crop every 6 to 7 weeks and all my leavves are yellow and I pull 18 zips a light. thats the key to harvesting quicker if you have a 8 week strain you let it stress. let them limp a little then water each 3 gallons of soil with one gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
theres nothing wrong with those plants. these are my purple kush plants at 5 weeks. I crop every 6 to 7 weeks and all my leavves are yellow and I pull 18 zips a light. thats the key to harvesting quicker if you have a 8 week strain you let it stress. let them limp a little then water each 3 gallons of soil with one gallon of water.

mine are a fair bit worse off mate. They have lost 80% of the few leaves they had by week 5./12ish. Cant be too normal

i believe these to be an 8wkish strain, but would like not to prevent them from ripening before i harvest, or stop them from puffing up before chop


Well-Known Member
mine are a fair bit worse off mate. They have lost 80% of the few leaves they had by week 5./12ish. Cant be too normal

i believe these to be an 8wkish strain, but would like not to prevent them from ripening before i harvest, or stop them from puffing up before chop
Oh im sorry. didnt realize the leaves were droping as well.