How far to keep light from plants?


Active Member
Hi All,

I am about to move my plants from the veg tent (where I have been using floros) to my flowering tent where I will be using a 400W HPS light. The 400 W HPS was purchased from HTG and came with a glass shield. Has anyone had any experience with the same light system? and if so how close will I be able to keep the lights to the plants? I have heard 12 inches but was not sure if I could get the light closer because of the glass shield.



Active Member
Hi All,

I am about to move my plants from the veg tent (where I have been using floros) to my flowering tent where I will be using a 400W HPS light. The 400 W HPS was purchased from HTG and came with a glass shield. Has anyone had any experience with the same light system? and if so how close will I be able to keep the lights to the plants? I have heard 12 inches but was not sure if I could get the light closer because of the glass shield.

12" is about average for HPS, although u can get closer with good ventilation, do the hand trick, put your hand under the light, if its too hot for u, its too hot for the ladies..


Active Member
hes right about 12" ,,,, hes also right about checkin with your hand.. put your hand under the light and if its to hot for your hand its too hot for the plants