help a newbie. nutes question

hi all im growing 12 white rhino in coco and using the canna products ive just put them in flower i have just bought pk3-14 and canna boost accelerator i no when they need to be used im just not too sure on the strength. on the bottle the pk says to mix 15ml to 10 litres and the boost 20ml to 10 litres so if thats 100% strength what strength do i want to be startin them on and do i up the strength each week or keep it at the same . any help would be much apprechiated.


does anybody else have more info on this in more detail im still not sure what strength to go at
From the information I've gathered all over RIU I've decided that I go with a 1/4 st and work my way up. The way to tell when to up is that ur plants will show it. Mine do show it especially when it comes to the nitrogen, of course you notice this at the end of flower. Or you could go up maybe every 2 waterings. say you water the first time with nutes, then the next with water, then after that water maybe up it to half or a lil bit less. all plants are different so it's kinda just trial & error, they all have different needs. I hope this helps. You could always search nuteing schedule or something like that since I AM a newb on the whole nutes ideal.