

Well-Known Member
oh look up dr. kenewel he will do it for $450 ....3 visits of $150 each and youll get it on the third.


Well-Known Member
well it looks like Jennifer Granholm actually did something good...awhile back she signed some bill that would give Production Companies HUGE tax breaks if they came to Michigan to make their movies, she want Michigan to get a piece of the Hollywood pie. :weed: So far there have been a couple movies shot around the detro-metro area, Samuel L. Jackson may be coming to Michigan this year, Sigorny Weaver (spell check) will be coming to Michigan this year too. But the reason for my post is that there is another movie being shot here, its a Shawn Levy and Dreamworks movie starring Hugh Jackman called Real Steal....and guess what? They may be shooting a carnival scene on our farm! About a week ago while i was at work a movie scout stopped and was talkin to me about possibly shooting some scenes here. Yesterday my dad got a call from someone saying the Producers were gona come out today at 8 this morning to talk to us and to check out the farm. They showed this morning (Shawn Levy included..well i think anyway, it looked like him and they introduced him as Shawn and he had a little bitch boy assistant with him lol) and they seemed VERY happy with it, i heard the word perfect a few times. they said some more people would show up sometime to look at things and then after that of course we talk money :hump:

its not for sure yet but i would say its 95% for sure from what they all said this morning. but from what they were saying they wana do might be too much hassle for us though (put a road in thru our field and have a "camp site" for 200-350 cast and crew members, store 4 rodeo bulls in our barn and there is a possibility of the bulls destroying our barn...it happened before when we stored a rank bull for a friend of ours and set up a ferris wheel in the middle of our field) but if they're payin...

so i dont know, we'll see, i'll keep everyone updated. oh yeah, we were also told if we wanted to be extras that would be a ok, so if they have a casting call or anything ill post it on this thread so maybe some of us riu'ers can get in a movie. :joint:

Real Steal on IMDB
you can also google Real Steel Michigan and there are a few articles about it.

anyway, here is a picture out my kitchen window, they want to shoot way in the back there by the trees.

edit: i fucked this one up lol, the picture is a few posts down...


Well-Known Member
dude this is sweet! i hope you end up doing it. i wanna see that pic you posted but its not showing up.


Active Member
What the fucks up fellow Michiganders? How did I miss this thread? I am a cg in WM. That sounds pretty bad ass about them using your farm cmt. Bringing movies here is just about he only thing Granholm has done right.....

just L

Active Member
i m interested to know if anyone has been to these clubs and bought anything? i have been hearing of them but theres always talk. As far as i can find that isnt legal under the michigan laws. the only legal way is throw a caregiver. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member

justL, i stated already ive been to the annarbor and ypsi ones. i buy buds and edibles like once a week. my buddy goes to the aa one like everyday.

this is at the top of this page....
Originally Posted by cephalopod
first time that I've heard of this do they exist in michigan and if so how do they work?

they work like this....you pay a 10 or 15 dollar yearly membership fees and you can now go in and purchase any goods they sell ie;edibles bud clones paraphanelia. there is one in annarbor and one in ypsi and others i have yet to find.


Well-Known Member
also, once your a member you can order on the phone and get it fedex the next day at your door. its 15 a gram and 12 for delivery.


Well-Known Member
also one more reminder since this is tomorrow...

Event Date: 17-April 10 0:00 (Single Day Event)
Let's All Get Ready to Saddle up and March on the Capitol Building. The People's house. The Law is ours to protect. On this day we will walk together and change the world. We all want the same things. So let our Voices be heard. The people spoke to the tune of 63%. Let's stand up for the voters. They stood up for us!

A joint effort of:

The Michigan Medical marijuana Association,

Michigan Medical marijuana Education & Defense Organization,


Are sponsoring the

Michigan Medical marijuana Rights Rally On 04/17/10
Time 3:00 pm till 5:00 pm
on the East Steps of the Capitol Building
in Lansing Michigan

This rally is to bring attention to the State’s delay’s in issuing Medical marijuana Cards
And the resulting horrors the sick and dying are put through while waiting for their card.

Pre Rally meeting at Gone Wired Café on the day of the Rally 1:00 pm to 2:30 and after the rally from 5:30 to 6:30

There will be items available for sale form each organization.

There will also be drawings for Medical marijuana items and 50/50 tickets.

There is to be NO medicating in or around Gone Wired Café

We need volunteers to help with the Rally

If you can help please email Welj31@hughes.net

Public speakers will be announced soon.

If you would like to speak email Greg F. jjfarm@bcwildblue.com

There will be a moment of silence for Swampy

And maybe a reading of names of those harmed by the delay of issuing cards.

This is not an effort to get to the politicians who won't be in their offices, but a media event. The media will be there!


Well-Known Member
hey CMT i dvr the news at 5:00 everyday and watch it at midnight. they are talking about tht movie right now LOL


New Member
Thanks a lot guys, I will keep looking - I am from Genesee county btw - really appreciate your help I think I am going to call that doc you mention above rzza - anyway really appreciate everything guys - I am gunna be around the RIU a lot so ill catch you guys around for sure and I def wanna be an extra in that movie :P


Well-Known Member
also one more reminder since this is tomorrow...

Event Date: 17-April 10 0:00 (Single Day Event)
Let's All Get Ready to Saddle up and March on the Capitol Building. The People's house. The Law is ours to protect. On this day we will walk together and change the world. We all want the same things. So let our Voices be heard. The people spoke to the tune of 63%. Let's stand up for the voters. They stood up for us!

A joint effort of:

The Michigan Medical marijuana Association,

Michigan Medical marijuana Education & Defense Organization,


Are sponsoring the

Michigan Medical marijuana Rights Rally On 04/17/10
Time 3:00 pm till 5:00 pm
on the East Steps of the Capitol Building
in Lansing Michigan

This rally is to bring attention to the State’s delay’s in issuing Medical marijuana Cards
And the resulting horrors the sick and dying are put through while waiting for their card.

Pre Rally meeting at Gone Wired Café on the day of the Rally 1:00 pm to 2:30 and after the rally from 5:30 to 6:30

There will be items available for sale form each organization.

There will also be drawings for Medical marijuana items and 50/50 tickets.

There is to be NO medicating in or around Gone Wired Café

We need volunteers to help with the Rally

If you can help please email Welj31@hughes.net

Public speakers will be announced soon.

If you would like to speak email Greg F. jjfarm@bcwildblue.com

There will be a moment of silence for Swampy

And maybe a reading of names of those harmed by the delay of issuing cards.

This is not an effort to get to the politicians who won't be in their offices, but a media event. The media will be there!
Got the truck loaded,,,, signs made.. I'll be there or should I say WE will be there.I'll be at gone wired at 1 and then off to the capital.


Active Member
Also, everyone needs to check out Wild Side smoke shop in ann arbor, and in east lansing, mi.

They have the best selection of quality made pieces i have ever seen, and thier bong collection rivals anyones if not better! Check them out!!!!!!:mrgreen:

just L

Active Member
also, once your a member you can order on the phone and get it fedex the next day at your door. its 15 a gram and 12 for delivery.
ok, but how are they getting away with it? those are not legal under michigan law. i would be very careful dealing with these places, there going to be the DEAs first stop in michigan.

dont get me wrong, im all for them but not if its illegal. i would open my own next week if you could explain how they are operating legally. i have three harvests rready togo.

dont get upset im just interested in doing this legal, ive gone the other way for 13 years with my crops, want 100% legal with no questions.


Well-Known Member
dude just go into the place today and talk to the guy. i have already and hell explain why its legal. its legal cuz your becoming a member of a collective and you can legally trade and sell your meds with anyone in your collective. it is legal and if the cops were gonna take em down they would have already im sure. ypsi has been going a long time now and ann arbor for a few months. they will buy your "overages" (last three crops) but i dont think they pay alot. they sell for 420 a zip and im sure theyll pay half that.

on another note ...anyone gt a 1000 watt hps for sale? i would concider 600w.


Well-Known Member
ah ha..now it makes sense to me, they are technically a co-op, not a dispensary. once i get my card (dr's appts are this week) im gona talk to the hydro shop dude about starting a co-op.

rzza, this land (200 acres) has been in my family since the early 50's. my grandpa and uncles and dad farmed it until my grandpa died then my dad bought out my uncles and now my dad and i run the farm. we also rent/lease land..almost 2000 acres total. my family also had 100 acres in warren...back when it was 100% farmland, no paved roads anywhere....i think that farm was on 13 mile and dequindre...


Well-Known Member
oh wow ..thats pretty cool. how long ago was warren farmland like that? shit things really change now its all little trashy houses and white scum of the earth being invaded by ghetto blacks crossing 8 mile to move to the suburbs LOL

just L

Active Member
still sounds sketchy.rzza chill bro, just because we live in michigan doesnt mean we have to live up to being" the biggest dicks in the US". i was just curious because our lawyer says that selling to anyone not registered as your patient is illegal. Anyone got a link to the law thats says co-op our legal. Seriously ill open my doors in kalamazoo in a week if i can be made to believe the DEA would kick my doors in. people ran places in cali. for more than five years before they got closed. just because they havent been busted doesnt mean they wont.

p.s. i only charge my patient 150 a zone. kushs only


Well-Known Member
hey man...what the heck are you talking about? LOL
i just went through the past few posts and i dont know how i was a dick?

anyhow the law is open for interpretation. its not going to adress a co op ..you need to go thru and find how it is ILLEGAL.

law enforcement cant say "the law doesnt say its legal for a co op so your going to jail" they would have to say something like "the law states you cannot sell to a patient who isnt your patient" which it doesnt say.

these two excepts contradict each other. read them carefully, K tells me i can legally run a co op while B tells me i caannot

(k) Any registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who sells marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under this act shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.

(b) A primary caregiver who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for assisting a qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department's registration process with the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act, provided that the primary caregiver possesses an amount of marihuana that does not exceed:

(e) A registered primary caregiver may receive compensation for costs associated with assisting A registered qualifying patient in the medical use of marihuana. Any such compensation shall not constitute the sale of controlled substances.

heres a link to the whole statute



Well-Known Member
i havent read much of this post... but i have been a few large scale places that act as a dispenserie/co-op and openly dispense to the public

they have been raided once and cops stop in frequently to question... but the grower/owners maintain the legal amount of plants and is a patient/caregiver and told me that Patient to patient is 100% legal. If you are just a caregiver and not a patient, then it is kind of a grey area

i am not a legal professional and would never try this myself... but people are doing this and making a ton of money while selling an average product for 15/20 a gram and people pay this amount all day
you should see the waiting area at the places i have gone to

again, if the last few posts arent even related to this aspect... i will edit and delete this post but im not about to read through 13 pages lol too much medication tonight