Jimson weed


Active Member
I am growing it as a decorative and partly curious if it can be used to teach vermin to not snack in my garden. Has anyone grown jimson weed?

I do not plan on experimenting with its psychoactive properties. I'll stick with my cannabis. But just out of curiosity, is there anyone out there who has experimented with the hallucinatory effects of this drug?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
It grow abundantly in the wild where I'm from.

I've never tried it myself only because I've seen other people trip on it.

They are completely in another world, talking to people who aren't there and the whole bit.

It was like watching Refer Madness.

The people who took it said that they couldn't really remember much about the ordeal, other than it wasn't very pleasant.
I believe I have some growing in my backyard. When I found out you could trip on it I did a bunch of research. I found out mostly that you shouldn't do it unless you know exactly how much you're taking, seeing as you can die from it pretty easily. I imagine it's something like salvia and DMT, kind of just sends you to a different meditative state.


As nds101 said, it's a deliriant, it is distinctly different from salvia and dmt(as are salvia and dmt from eachother for that matter). It has a tendency to produce people and objects(cigarettes especially) where there are none. It can often be a disturbing, malicious high, I wouldn't advise it. Wandering on datura is a frequent occurence, one of my friend ate most of a plant, wandered along the highway and eventually he made his way over a mile out of town and ended up harassing and being kicked by, a goat.


Active Member
I have a lot of skunks around. I don't know if I want to deal with a skunk on deliriants.


New Member
Ive heard a lot of horror stories about doing this stuff so be careful and learn as much as you can, also make sure to get a sitter or a sober friend to follow you around.


Well-Known Member
About 23 years ago I had a friend (that I'm still in touch with to this day) that ate some and he went completely nuts on the shit and he did it on a dare. Like someone already said he was talking to people that weren't there. He also stripped down naked, destroyed his bedroom and was trying to grope his sister. Man we were all just stupid teenagers back then and still living at home. His parents had to call 911 and take him to the hospital. They had to put him in 2 north west which was the loony bin for a cpl of days.

Anyway that's one day I'll never forget but as for my friend, he still doesn't remember anything about it, except that he woke up at the hospital in the loony bin ward.

I wouldn't mess with it if I were you. Even if you were going to give it some pesky animals. That would just seem cruel to me. If you have to get rid of em just shoot em. That's quick and easy.


Well-Known Member
About 23 years ago I had a friend (that I'm still in touch with to this day) that ate some and he went completely nuts on the shit and he did it on a dare. Like someone already said he was talking to people that weren't there. He also stripped down naked, destroyed his bedroom and was trying to grope his sister. Man we were all just stupid teenagers back then and still living at home. His parents had to call 911 and take him to the hospital. They had to put him in 2 north west which was the loony bin for a cpl of days.

Anyway that's one day I'll never forget but as for my friend, he still doesn't remember anything about it, except that he woke up at the hospital in the loony bin ward.

I wouldn't mess with it if I were you. Even if you were going to give it some pesky animals. That would just seem cruel to me. If you have to get rid of em just shoot em. That's quick and easy.
Your story struck a chord in my heart!

Not to sound guppy or anything... during my highschool years before I knew everything about the psychedelic TRIAGE... I was given a cup of fruit punch by these strangers at a kickback... they told me it was hellbell's... I had no idea what it was, so I proceeded to sip it slowly. It taste like fruit punch... so I guzzled it down. There was another chick who did the same... she drank 2 cups.

To cut it short... I ended up with fish vision... sort of like a temporary blindness and I couldn't read my literature book for class. I decided to sleep it off...woke up 3hrs later and my vision was still the same... I was freaking out by then... so again, I feel asleep. Awoke in the morning and my vision was restored... thank God!

Only If I could say the same for my lady friend.

I was told by one of my friends that she was walking the streets in a stupor yelling profanities. Eventually, a neighbor called the cops and they had to subdue her and took her to a psychiatric ward where she stood for 3 days. She came back to school with scars all over her arm.



Well-Known Member
Your story struck a chord in my heart!
Yeah I haven't thought about that day in years but when I seen this thread the memories came rushing back.

I wish someone would invent a time machine so I could go back and relive my youth. I had some killer times back then.

80's Rock and hair bands man.

Good times man Good times.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I haven't thought about that day in years but when I seen this thread the memories came rushing back.

I wish someone would invent a time machine so I could go back and relive my youth. I had some killer times back then.

80's Rock and hair bands man.

Good times man Good times.

You can always be the time traveller's wife :lol:


Active Member
About 23 years ago I had a friend (that I'm still in touch with to this day) that ate some and he went completely nuts on the shit and he did it on a dare. Like someone already said he was talking to people that weren't there. He also stripped down naked, destroyed his bedroom and was trying to grope his sister. Man we were all just stupid teenagers back then and still living at home. His parents had to call 911 and take him to the hospital. They had to put him in 2 north west which was the loony bin for a cpl of days.

Anyway that's one day I'll never forget but as for my friend, he still doesn't remember anything about it, except that he woke up at the hospital in the loony bin ward.

I wouldn't mess with it if I were you. Even if you were going to give it some pesky animals. That would just seem cruel to me. If you have to get rid of em just shoot em. That's quick and easy.
Thats funny too, but it wouldve been better if your buddy harrased and got kicked by a goat too..lol, jk


Active Member
the treshold between halucinations and death is very narrow. jimson weed is extremely dangerous . it will get you very high right before you die.


Well-Known Member
There was an episode of CSI devoted to jimson weed growing in the southwest that i saw roughly 4 years ago. Several kids went out into the desert and one didn't come back but the others had no recolection of what went down after they came to again