My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.


Keep a eye on the leaves, flush with water if you get any yellowing. Do you flush every now and then with plain PH'd water? I dont know loads but i have read alot! I have almost killed mine many times but the Easy Ryders just seem to bounce back once i got it right. check out my easy ryders still 5-6 weeks to go but are 8 week already dont know why but they didnt flower. I did shock them a few times


Well-Known Member
yeah, Well I dont really have a very strict watering routine, Just water her with nuted water when the soil is dry, and then water with plain water when i see crystals on it.

seems to be working ok so far.
Pics pending...


Well-Known Member

Here she is, 1 month, 17 days old.

Nutes doing their thing :)

Ive noticed that she is growing two new "stems" on either side of the main trunk.
I get the feeling that she is gonna be pretty bushy.

can't wait!


Active Member
Looking good Bumgoon, looking through this entire thread, I think the older leaves were turning (yellowing/browning) because you was watering too much at the time, however it seems you have it perfect now so keep it going !

Btw, be careful when watering not to get the leaves wet whilst there under there light, you could get some burn if you're not careful (can tell from the last pic that splashes of water have dried on the leaves) :)


Well-Known Member
so this is interesting,

i noticed a few browning hairs on her, I know that she isn't even near harvest time yet, I expect it to take at least another 3 weeks, but i tried to get a decent picture of them, but it isn't too clear.

Is it normal to get brown hairs this early?



It doesn't sound good if it's been a few days and hasn't come up yet. I use a normal lamp light for mine and it took like a day and a half for it to pop up but after that it grew fast as hell and it's as tall as my middle finger. I only did 15 hours of daylight tho. Hope it goes good for u I was hopeing someone would be at the same stage as me but I guess ur like 4 days behind:)


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, yeah through its life they will start all trurning brown and putting out new white ones etc. Just check the trics


looking good mate wish mine had a normal life would be smoking her now but on she goes. I still think i have at least 4 weeks to go not happy.

Is she smelly?


O And what's better a 40w normal house light or a 25w green light I heard that diff colored lights can make the grow better or make the plant bushy.


Well-Known Member
Yea really so when do they start getting smelly so I don't have to wory about anyone smeling them?
If you put your nose to it, you can smell them at a week old more or less, but at around a month old they will smell extremely stong and your whole room will smell of weed. :weed:


Well-Known Member
O And what's better a 40w normal house light or a 25w green light I heard that diff colored lights can make the grow better or make the plant bushy.
Don't know, i have read different things in different places, some people swear by HID, CFL or LED lights and i guess that can affect your crop.

I however have used a single 165w (Not sure about the wattage actually) CFL light from start to finish and she is budding up nicely, so thats what i would go with.
CFLs dont put out much heat, they are relatively cheap, long lasting, and most of them come with ballasts attached, so you dont need to worry about wiring, just plug into the mains and off you go. I didn't even use a timer after a while, but bear in mind that EasyRyder and Lowryder are autoflowering strains.



Well-Known Member
So she is definitely budding up now, does this mean that I shouldn't expect much more vertical growth? she seems really short to me, even by Low ryder standards.

Is it possible that she is pot bound? I get the feeling that the pot she is in may be too small.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Maybe you should put the joint down before looking at it :p.

you guys have no idea how tempted i am to just cut this plant down now and smoke her right away, she smells so good!

Seriously though, judging by the last picture, does anyone think she could be potbound? or can i really expect much more upwards growth?


Well-Known Member
update, Almost half of the hairs have turned brown now, and she is only a month old!

Surely this isn't normal right?

(pics pending)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will always turn brown and then throw out new pistils. Trust me worth the wait you will need to wait to make sure you get the potency. Thats why you have to check the trics :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will always turn brown and then throw out new pistils. Trust me worth the wait you will need to wait to make sure you get the potency. Thats why you have to check the trics :)
Trics you say?

Oh aye, i have had a nice long look at them;
I'm quite proud of this pic actually.:joint: