Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?


Active Member
i've come'd to the conclusion that if the police firtst show up and their in my living room, then its already a bust and wheter my plants are welded into a magic locker or not, the k9 is gonna sniff it up anyways,

so i decided (if possible) to just change my light bulbs into 2700k
and germinate a couple of seeds and just "smack" them in a pot with som soil in my living room, thus making them follow my habbits as to light and temperature..

so do you think i will get some (not looking for some magic super yield) by having it follow my unregular light schedule and temps at 19-23 celsius?

any input from people actually tried would be nice :weed:


Well-Known Member
I"m medical so don't care about the po po and my last grow was in my living room next to my tv, you can follow it in my goin loco journal (sig link)

but you can not have erratic light cycles, that won't work


New Member
No dude i am not even an expert but that isnt gonna work.If you wanna grow it you need to have the light on for at least 16 hours a day ,and if you want buds you need to have it on for no more than 12 hours a day with no light interuptions at all.some how i think that will be impossible.PLus the lights wil be too far away and the plants will stretch,and even if you did somehow keep it in 12 hours of dark,the buds will be weak.try a closet grow instead


Active Member
nice grow, about the smell, was it like a little smooth smell in the livingroom or like hitting a wall of weed at the front door?


Active Member
No dude i am not even an expert but that isnt gonna work.If you wanna grow it you need to have the light on for at least .... i thhe plants will stretch,and even if you did somehow keep it in 12 hours of dark,the buds will be weak.try a closet grow instead
yeah, a closet grow would be an idea, but who is to say that i dont have a growroom on hand?

the ones in the living room is there for ZEN only^^ and even so i still want them to flower


Well-Known Member
8yrs ago when i started growing i grew a sativa leaning bag seed in my house once im my spare room, just using light from the window.Started in june so it would flower asap an stay short. Fail

It was soooo stretched, an due to lack light the buds were pretty little caue they got light to em. And i had to havrvest early cause it stank so bad you could smell it outside in the street. (but it was the best weed i had ever smoked hella dank)

I have been growing off and on since then an now I use a 2x2x2 grow bow (175 wats cfl fully mirrored for reflection). Its my choice to start em indoor or for the outdoor, I get the clones going, pre flower em by pulling em out, an i grow autos there for imeadiate satisfaction.

The box lets me do it better cause an i can control the smell with 2 carbon scrubber pc fans the humidity, the light,the dark an what spectrum of light for optimal growth. IAM GOD HERE:twisted:

If you cant hide your plant you cant keep em, DEAL WITH THIS REALITY.

If the cops get a dog over there its prolly cause someone you know saw your plants an opened their mouth an got you cought. Your "friends" will steal em, the neighbor might see em, the johovas whittness might come by an snitch you out.

Your cat may try an kill em also if he does YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO !!!!!!


Active Member
8yrs ago when i started growing i grew a sativa leaning bag seed in my house once im my spare room, just using li... ...will steal em, the neighbor might see em, the johovas whittness might come by an snitch you out.

Your cat may try an kill em also it he does YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO !!!!!!
not to worry my grandma is jehovas witness LMAO


Active Member
Having them hidden away is not just about the stealth! People grow in contained spaces so they can regulate that light and what not. It's the light schedule that regulate the cycle of growth... you can certainly keep it alive as a 'houseplant' but it's not going to flower unless you have those strict 12/12 light conditions


Well-Known Member
Go with autos... You could have these in your window and they are going to flower and contintue to flower regardless of light stress. No gaurantee on herming or quality of bud though.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if i got all bitchy, my firend was growing some widow in his dads house in plain sight, (his dads a smoker, but wasnt cool on growin in his house duh) an i gave him he same speach an he ignored me an of couse his dad cought him an trashed hundreds of dollars in seeds an hydro equipment. So im ranting cause he owed me some clones lol.

Decrection is definiatly the best course for the health of the plants an for your freedom.

I did it once an looking back it was dangerous an a waste of potentulay good budz.


Well-Known Member
My living room is the only place I dont have anything growing. I have my cloner and early veg plants in my bedroom(I havent slept in the dark in almost 2 years). Big vegging plants are in the hall, and the second bedroom is the flower room. There are lights hanging everywhere and extension cords running from every outlet. This shit may be getting out of hand.


Active Member
was thinking of two lowryders on top of my speakers..

and i dont have a trust issue since i dont have anyone visit me, exept a few exclusive friends.. so no worries there.

and after the cops raided my house in a major drug case, the landlord dosent mind me having a few ladies around,

so none of the above is an issue, only the practical around the plant;)


Well-Known Member
My living room is the only place I dont have anything growing. I have my cloner and early veg plants in my bedroom(I havent slept in the dark in almost 2 years). Big vegging plants are in the hall, and the second bedroom is the flower room. There are lights hanging everywhere and extension cords running from every outlet. This shit may be getting out of hand.

WoW, thats crazy!