how to neem oil flush soil for fugus gnats


my three plants have been in the blooming stade for 1.5 months. found flies in my grow room. later on saw larvae in the soil. I put fly paper which is working well. also put the potatos on soil. tried dish soap also. nothing worked. heard about neem oil. purchsed some called "Triple Action Plus" by ferti-lome. Active ingredient : clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil 70 %. is that what i need or has all of the azadirachta been clarified out? And how do you do a soil drench?


thanks for the info. mountain farmer are you sure thats the right dosage. i would not like to injure my girls. maybe that mixture and sand.


also how do you sterilize the sand? i know fo get white sand to reflect light. dont want to bring anymore bugs into my grow room. any help is greatly appreciated.


man I just went through a gnat problem for a while!! Finally got ride of them, used a product called "go gnats" which i'm not sure if it worked to well.. But then used "azmaz???" Not sure about that name, ill check when I get home for sure and let you know. So shortly after this product they are almost all gone. I used sand, stripes and neem oil and still couldn't get ride of them.. Another thing I did which could have been the biggest help was change soil, was using a local nursery brand and I think it was is the soil when I bought it.. So I would try changing soil and ill hit you back with the name of the stuff I used.. I had the problem BAD for months and months, this finally helped... Sand does help a lot just a pain in the ass, makes pots very heavy


carter, i think its called azamax. i have been looking into it. about the sand how do i know i'm not bringing any more bugs in the grow room. Hot shots no pest strips work well too.


Active Member
1 tbl spoon/gallon. add till soil is drenched
i just read an article that says that it would take alot of peroxide to hurt your plants. he uses one part n2o, to 4 parts water. make sure all top of soil is watered. after a few minutes, the n2o is nothing more than water and oxy! both good things.


Well-Known Member
There's a long thread on fungus knats, do a search ' fungus knats'. I've been having a nightmare but getting on top of it.
Today I sprayed the top soil with Neem which was a 0.3% mix.