Did my room mate just get me fired?

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I've never really cared that people smoke pot. What they do on their own time to their own body, what ever. Having grown up in sonoma county, ca I've seen it, smelled it, extra.

But today, I was heading up stairs when I realized the very clear and distinct scent of Pot. I've been living with my room mate for almost 3 years. But I've never caught them doing any kind of drug. I don't know how much they smoked, or for how long. But the room stinked heavily of it even with all the windows and doors open.

Truthfully I wouldn't care, not at all. except that I have a blood test for my new job tomorrow! I had to work there there as a temp for 6 months on shit pay, just to get this offer. I can't a ford not to get this job. Latterly I'd be out on the street, and I'm sure word would get back to the temp company.

I swear to god if I loose this job over her stupid drug use I'm going to find her stash and report her to the police.


Agreed, pretty hilarious.

Im pretty sure that blood tests will not be able to detect any small amount you may or may not have taken in.

DONT call the cops & when you remove the sand from your vag, I highly recommend smokin a bowl.
I don't know they hot boxed the whole up stairs, that's like hot boxing a 4 car garage. It's not funny when it's your job on the line. x.x and I really wish I was a troll; then this wouldn't matter to me. But it dose matter. I'm freaked out. And who smokes when they're room mate has a drug test for their new job. it's such an ass hat thing to do. I'm really starting to get pissed off.

But it all makes sense now. she rarely come out of her room, she always had blood shot eyes. I just though it was her job.


Well-Known Member
i live in sonoma county. you'll test dirty just driving thru the county with your windows down.

is your roommate hot?


Active Member
OP, are you serious? You won't pop poss for just smelling the scent of weed! Did you get high off it? Or did you just smell weed? Yes, you only smelled weed. You'll be fine. But if you don't get the job, maybe you should take up smoking weed. It'll calm you down. Plus you already have the paranoia of some smokers.

Best of luck with the new job.


Active Member
LOL fdd. not as hot as some of your glass pieces! ;)

Imagine the PPM required to get stoned off stale air...that would have had to be some INCREDIBLE smoking going on..who cares of shes hot lol sounds like you wont be seeing straight anyways :)

Maybe after your drug test you can ask your roomie to let you light one up with her! You might just enjoy yourself.

unfortunately, plus she has a BF. I moved out of sonoma in early 2000, I now live in LA. One of my room mates was the double for whats her name in the new iron man movie. Her BF look like some sort of WWF wrestler. I was up there for like a minute and change and it was enough to start to feel high.


Active Member
OP, are you serious? You won't pop poss for just smelling the scent of weed! Did you get high off it? Or did you just smell weed? Yes, you only smelled weed. You'll be fine. But if you don't get the job, maybe you should take up smoking weed. It'll calm you down. Plus you already have the paranoia of some smokers.

Best of luck with the new job.
+1 youll be fine dude seriously


Active Member
damn thats funny your gonna call the popo cuz you fell a drug test what the hell, never herd of anybody felling a drug test from smelling weed


New Member
I ate a pizza once before a job interview and I tested positive for Garlic. It took me a half hour to convince them I wasn't Italian. I got the job, but they wouldn't let me handle any cash... :sad:
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