Thanks for the new format and the retrun of MyRollItUp - love it


Well-Known Member

I may have been checking the forum yesterday before all the features were added but with MyRollItUP back I find this forum is easier to use than the older version, and the visuals better laid out.

To those who get lost when you come - set your bookmark for the Forum page rather than RIUs Homepage and it's just like the old forum with a slightly different format.

I think people will come around, I love the new format.

post ... comes back here? ...

post .... post damn you! .. what the hell is wrong with this site?!



Thanks guys and gals!!! Much appreciated!



Total Head

Well-Known Member
i want the last 5 posts section in myrollitup back but otherwise i don't mind the change. what i don't understand is what happened to the reps (not mine i don't have that many lol). but some people like hobbes have grayed out reps now? the words are the same when you hover but it looks weird grayed out. some are not grayed out. the home page is kind of growing on me. the journal updates are nice with the pot news and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
Hobbes, Its Haze hey off the subject I apologize I need to speak with you about that DUTCH MASTER REVERSE and you PM box is full please get back to me asap!! Thanks Haze