Polak Grow


Well-Known Member
Hi Cracker! Warmest time of the day is still on the chilly side, 60 or 65 at best with overnight frost every other night. The latter is not a concern really, because they will be in flowering chamber during the night. Anyway the last possible frost occurs usually on May 15th. I'll start putting them outside when the temps get to 70' which may happen any time. Take care!


New Member
holy crap.... May 15th!! I've lived too long in the south....that seems extreme to me :lol:

They look good.... keep it up!!


Active Member
Looking good! I am going to attempt to top my second grow wich seeds just popped throught soil last night. Bubblelicious. Keep up the great work.


Well-Known Member
Looking good! I am going to attempt to top my second grow wich seeds just popped throught soil last night. Bubblelicious. Keep up the great work.
Thank you and good luck. Decided to veg them for one more week. The bigger the better. Weather still sucks. We've had hail yesterday and no more than 50F. Global warming at its best. Everybody have a smashing weekend!



Well-Known Member
Hey meathook. My Polak girlfriend says czesc. I say jak sie masz kolego? She hates my growing but is all excited now that a fellow polak is around. We are in Australia though. Where are you? Warsaw or Krakow? They are the only cities i know.


Well-Known Member
Hey mate! How is it going down under? Say hello to your girl! I'm from neither of those cities you mentioned. I live in the north, rural areas. Don't want to be more specific. Are you from the west, east or maybe interior?


Well-Known Member
Hey mate! How is it going down under? Say hello to your girl! I'm from neither of those cities you mentioned. I live in the north, rural areas. Don't want to be more specific. Are you from the west, east or maybe interior?
Mate i am from Sydney in Aus but my mrs is from Krakow. Do you eat that smalec stuff? She loves it but i find it putrid. All i can say really is dwa piwa prosze. Poland is a great place. I am going to sub in just for the Polak interaction.


Well-Known Member
No, I find smalec gross. Yikes! Polish food is average I would say (hope no Polaks can see it lol). I know a band blood duster from Melbourne. They kick ass.


Well-Known Member
Cracker! Good to hear from you! Blood sausage is a different story indeed. Love it to bits, hehe. Got a bit plastered last night, just woke up, it's 9.30AM. Looking outside, yeah, right, still friggin' 45F. Sweet satan, will this cold cease finally?


New Member
Heheheh it's 75 here....:lol:

Yah, last time I was in Puerto Rico, my wife was flown over to "fix" a corporation. I dropped her off for the day and slid on up to El Junque rain forest. On my return about a half mile from where my wife was, I spied a local deli. My wife wasn't ready and said in about 20 minutes. Well another fellow in the office came out to talk to me, but found I had left. He was all worried... what if he gets lost?....where could he have gone?

My wife just laughed and told him...Cracker knows what he's doing...always.

15 minutes later I was back with tons of roasted pork and Blood sausage for the entire office. These folks weren't from P.R. and had been eating at some Mexican restaurant and fast food. Here comes Cracker with the real deal.... I told them it was at that place that looks seedy and dirty down the road. They couldn't believe how good the blood sausage was. They never stopped there because of how it "looked". I just go where the locals go... :wink: ... always.


Well-Known Member
Indeed man, in the times of corporate holidays and all-inclusive bullshit not many people have balls and wits to go around the corner. Their loss. Getting a bit warmer over here, still frost overnight though. 25 this morning. But it's sunny as hell which is a bonus and wind changed direction meaning no volcanic ash any more over my part of Europe. Not that it was visible but almost all planes were grounded for a week at least. So it's all good news plus I'm extra happy coz Adamek kicked Areolla's ass last night in CA. Hope everybody had a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
Finally I'm gonna put them into flowering chamber for the first time. All of them but one satori which has just been topped for the second time. Hope to see first signs of sex within 7-10 days.



New Member
Looking good! I probably have some satori seeds somewhere.... I just don't know which is which anymore.... I try to recognize the strains as I grow them out.


Well-Known Member
aaah, those oktober fest waitresses. Not a beer belly myself although german and czech lager is awesome. We have sailing season opening today (mucho lakes around). I'm gonna have fun. Have a great weekend Cracker and everybody else in RIU!!!