Out of all my pet-peaves, ignorance is the my worst.
The other day I was talking to a friend about how I like to go on a walk after a good smoke. Then, one of my more conservative aquaintences told me, ''you what?! That's dangerous! You might jump in front of a car or something!'' Needless to say, I was livid.
Then just today was helping my friend move and we discussing acid. One of his friends who was helping move told me that ''acid is weak, don't do it.7 of my friends who tried it for the first time died. The most Ive did was 15 drops per eye'' 15 LSD drops PER EYE?? who the hell claims to do 30 drops of LSD, much less by eye.
Are these people ignorant or just plain dumb?
Sry. My rant for the day
Happy token
The fuck? Yeah man, 30 hits of acid...?? I dunno about that. You shouldn't even be alive dude.. or in a mental hospital at that.
true story: 9 years ago I headed over to my friends house because he was hosting a party that night (Friday night). Well, to put a long story short for you guys.. once the party had ended.. was around 4am in the morning.. and I was walking back to my car along side a friend of mine who had parked his truck in the same area I had incase the cops broke up the party right? Well, a bicycle cop, came flying out of a side alley adjacent to the sidewalk we were walking on... little did the two of us realize.. but we were about to be detained and questioned. Apparently the bike copper had been watching the two of us for the past 10 minutes.. but neither I or my friend knew where the fuck he came from.
Anyhow, apparently he was close enough to the two of us for that 10 minutes, that he was able to listen and hear everything we both were saying. So he knew that both of us had acid on us. I had two hits, (paper acid), in my left hand.. which I had just gotten off the other guy(my buddy). Well, my friend, this mother fucker had about 35 hits left on that sheet. He only had the one sheet.. sheet of 100 hits... but alot of hits still on the sheet.
So anyhow we're standing there.. the cop is questioning both of us to try and catch us lying about where we came from and everything else. Well, the cop turned his back to me.. and I in that very instant, I licked the two hits from the palm of my hand, while he searched my friend first.
Well, in that instant.. as soon as I started to bring my hand back down after looking at it to make sure I got both hits into my mouth.. at that very millisecond.. my buddy took off running. I stayed there, they cop yelled back at me while running after the other guy and said "you better stay there! I got your license!!!!!" so I did.
Well, after everything was said and done.. I find out a few days later from his girlfriend that when he was running from the cops, he had a sheet of acid tucked into his waist-band. I'm thinking alright.. so what's the prob? Well, she's starts balling/crying like Niagra Falls.. and tells me that he had ran through someones backyard.. and those people had their lawn sprinkler on. He got soaking wet.. and so did the sheet of acid. Well, at least 60% of the acid from that sheet.. leaked into the pores of his skin...
fucked up huh...? i lost a good friend that day.. he's still alive too believe it or not people. But! He's in a state mental hospital.. and the state has custody over him. He's in pretty bad mental shape now.
Just thought I would share that story.
-peace everyone.