Lowryder Ninja PC hydro-grow - UK Grower


Active Member
Just got this little lady into wet towel for germination.
I have a pc grow box almost ready. In it is a Jamaican weed baby which is 10 days old.
I will not grow the Jamaican as I used it for testing the pc case. People say its wise to do a couple of bag seeds before your real one.

So this sunny weekend a friend gave me one of his lowryder seeds. I am not sure which exact variety of Lowryder, but I ll find out soon.

I ll use the Root Riot cubes instead of Rockwool and when the roots are strong enough I ll move it straight into the nepod of my DIY bubbleponics bucket \m/

I am worried about the fact it is white. I saw on youtube that white colour is not the colour you want your seeds to have. Dark big seeds are good they say. Is this true???

I have many more questions and info to post but not enough time and no camera in the house.



yeah you want seeds that are dark brown with black spots on them. Yes grey and white looking seed are not optimum. but try it and see what happens!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


Active Member
yeah you want seeds that are dark brown with black spots on them. Yes grey and white looking seed are not optimum. but try it and see what happens!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
I was afraid of that...
Hope the little one will germinate. I will know on Thursday night as I am away from home till then. If not I need to start preparing my credit card.


Active Member
The seed is now dead. :wall:

I tried to germinate it using the towel method and a plate on top.
I was stupid enough to put the seed into the pc and although something came out, when I came back 2 days after it was very warm in there and not very wet, so the little one died.
I tried reviving it but it was too late.
On top of it, the Jamaican test little baby has some trouble with her leaves. She has 4 and tries for 6. I realy want her to live so that I can test DWC bucket, but I ll speak about the equipment on another post. (She was on 20-4 light)

What I decided is that Seeds are better germinated into a wet towel but NOT covered with plates, but into a sandwich bag. I also saw a lady on youtube doing it that way, so I trusted her.
Also the sandwich bag will go on TOP of the pc case. Nice...
Hope the above is the absolute solution, as I have ordered my Lowryder Diesel Ryder seeds from attitude. They should arrive on Tuesday.
After some research I went for the Regular NON-feminised seeds.

I got some cool pictures of the lady and some about the equipment. I want to test the blog diaries too.
Speak after I do the photo editing.


Active Member
Ok ok,
One dead seed will not stop me. While the baby was dying I was taking care of the generations to come.:clap:
After hours of smoking and reading, Here is what I got...

LAMP: Two 45W 6400K Blue light UK made "Green Lamp". Was not easy finding something less than 100W which give blue light insted of white, apart from those lamps, found them on ebay.co.uk. Not sure at all if they are good.

  • They are NOT warm I can touch them and its all cool.
  • CFL Blue light and < 45W.. I didnt have much of vaviety to choose from...
  • They are HUGE. The pc can fit max two. And they take TOO much of the space on top.


To be a good dad, I got the best Myla diamond reflective material from a local shop which promises to be superior to normal Mylar. Designed for small places! Sounded good for my pc box design, so I got it.
It feels of very good quality and I am happpy with it.

Last are the Root Riot which I ll use, although the Jamaican baby-lady is in rockwool, I thought that the lowryders will take better treatments.
After all they live for just two months, so I 'd better make it comfy for them from day 1 !
Too bad the baby died inside a towel covered with a plate...

Also got a 24-h manual timer for a fiver. 20-4 is the photo-period that I ll do to the lowryder.
People say it is what they love.

Thats for the equipment update. I realy hope my choices are right and that I ll be ready for the lowryder, as I need a humidity thermometer and a PH tester.
Bless... :joint:
Any input will be most welcome.


Well-Known Member
yeah you want seeds that are dark brown with black spots on them. Yes grey and white looking seed are not optimum. but try it and see what happens!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
I agree but 3 of my seeds were like that and germinated fine


Active Member
I am running a few more tests on the pc box, before the Lowryder seeds arrive.
The Jamaican baby is not doing very well in there.
Whenever there is sun I take her out so that she gets some fresh air and some sun.

At the moment there is one 45W Lamp inside, no fans and I would say it is quite dry.
I do not have a thermometer to give accurate humidity and temperature broadcast.
In the meanwhile I decided to spray the box with fresh water every 30 mins or so, to create some humidity.




Well-Known Member
I am running a few more tests on the pc box, before the Lowryder seeds arrive.
The Jamaican baby is not doing very well in there.
Whenever there is sun I take her out so that she gets some fresh air and some sun.

At the moment there is one 45W Lamp inside, no fans and I would say it is quite dry.
I do not have a thermometer to give accurate humidity and temperature broadcast.
In the meanwhile I decided to spray the box with fresh water every 30 mins or so, to create some humidity.

Nice thread man. I'm more then sure that you have to get a fan there. It will increase humidity and lower temperature inside also it will provide your plants with fresh air and reinforce stems. Instead of spraying box inside every 30 min you could place a wet towel inside as I did during my grow. That's definitelly gonna increase humidity there. I was changing towel inside every day for about first 30 days of my grow.

I hope that's gonna help. Bless!


Active Member
I'm more then sure that you have to get a fan there.
I hope that's gonna help. Bless!
I did not get a fan yet. That is why I am not closing the box yet. Not very ninja, but I am still training

Instead of spraying box inside every 30 min you could place a wet towel inside as I did during my grow.
I hope that's gonna help. Bless!
Sure did. The towel is working. The Jamaican baby is doing very good. Her lower leaves will die but I guess they touched the nutrients while they were tiny and that is why.
I noticed that the small strawberry I found in a kids bag is popping out too. This must mean my greenhouse's temperature, humidity, light ratio etc are doing OK.
Yesterday I added the second 45W bulp. So The box is on 90W blue CFL light in total.
The second bump was placed lower so that I get into the habit of following my plants height.

jamaican-n-strawberry.jpg 2nd-45w-cfl-in-place.jpg

In the meanwhile the diesel ryder seeds have arrived and I have put two of those into germination.
It has been 14 hours since...
I havent opened the germination box yet to check. I will tonight when I 'll have a camera to give a photo update...

I now I pray for the seeds to grow in the best collie weed in town :joint:



Active Member
Got a cheap camera and a usb cable from a friend, so I can now give a proper update.

As I said my 10 regular NON-FEMINISED seeds arrived all fine.
I ordered them from attitude.
I also got two freebies. I left those in the drawer and took two lowryders out and placed into my new germination box:

germ-box.jpg lowryder-box.jpg lowryder-box-front.jpg

A bit on the details on the germination box and technique I used
  • I filtered the water. I do not trust tap water
  • I made sure the towels do not have anticeptic of perfume
  • picked a plastic tupperware
  • Kept it close to the laptop and near the PC case to be warm
  • Kept the towel just wet. No water was dripping while I was holding it
About 30 hours after my first seed has germinated and migrated to the little cube.

pc-view1.jpg seed germinated.jpg

What I did after that..
Changed the paper towel with a fresh one and fresh warm water, placed the second seed back in the box and continued my prayers.

My mineral air stoves arrived and I made a small 1,5 litre pot for the Jam sis. Little Jamaican sis is doing good, so is the strawberry :p. That is how the box look now.
airstones.jpg inside-pc.jpg pump-germ-pc.jpg

I got many worries about the ScrOG and how will I change te water while the ryder(s) is "ScrOGing".
I guess I will have time to think about those things. For now I hope the second seed will germinate too.

Either way we can say today is day 1 from seed.
I am staring counting


Active Member
Second seed has NOT germinate yet :-(
I am not sure if I am doing something wrong.
I added some more water on the towel and will leave it until tonight.


Well-Known Member
what up marlboro,

you should deff somehow move the plants closer to the lights, less stretch. check out my pc grow. fun stuff. goodluck man lemme know if i can help.



Well-Known Member
Got a cheap camera and a usb cable from a friend, so I can now give a proper update.

As I said my 10 regular NON-FEMINISED seeds arrived all fine.
I ordered them from attitude.
I also got two freebies. I left those in the drawer and took two lowryders out and placed into my new germination box:

View attachment 908412 View attachment 908446 View attachment 908447

A bit on the details on the germination box and technique I used

  • I filtered the water. I do not trust tap water
  • I made sure the towels do not have anticeptic of perfume
  • picked a plastic tupperware
  • Kept it close to the laptop and near the PC case to be warm
  • Kept the towel just wet. No water was dripping while I was holding it

About 30 hours after my first seed has germinated and migrated to the little cube.

View attachment 908422 View attachment 908423

What I did after that..
Changed the paper towel with a fresh one and fresh warm water, placed the second seed back in the box and continued my prayers.

My mineral air stoves arrived and I made a small 1,5 litre pot for the Jam sis. Little Jamaican sis is doing good, so is the strawberry :p. That is how the box look now.
View attachment 908481 View attachment 908459 View attachment 908462

I got many worries about the ScrOG and how will I change te water while the ryder(s) is "ScrOGing".
I guess I will have time to think about those things. For now I hope the second seed will germinate too.

Either way we can say today is day 1 from seed.
I am staring counting
Hi man. Nice grow I can see.
How many plants are you gonna grow in there and what are dimmensions of ur case? Mine were 42.5 cm width, 62 height, 19cm depth and apparentelly wasn't big enough to grow two full size auto plants. Also how many pots are you gonna use ? How many L per pot and are you gonna grow them all hydro or some in soil ?

BTW don't worry to much bout 2nd seed. Sometimes it takes longer i guess. Just make sure towels are moist all the time and everything should go well.

Many blesses! Nice tune btw lol


Active Member
you should deff somehow move the plants closer to the lights, less stretch. check out my pc grow. fun stuff. goodluck man lemme know if i can help.

Check the image. Does it look good now?
Feels good when I place my hand there. If I was a baby plant I would love my pc case :dunce:

Less stretch? You mean LST?
I am not doing LST. Its just that I am moving the plant around too often and the poor thing tries to follow the sun.


Active Member
Hi man. Nice grow I can see.
How many plants are you gonna grow in there and what are dimmensions of ur case?
What you mention here is my nightmare for days now.
My pc case is 42 cm width, 43 height, 19cm depth. Surely not big enough to grow 2 plants.
Surely not big enough for one as Diesel Ryder becomes 45-60 cm according to the package instructions.
Either way ScrOGing will be the way forward
I want to germinate two as my seeds are not feminised. If both are females I ll do the one outdoor, or give it to a friend.
If one is male I will pollen parts of the girl to get some seeds. (TO BE CONFIRMED)

. Also how many pots are you gonna use ? How many L per pot and are you gonna grow them all hydro or some in soil ?
Two separate pots, like that I get more chance for experiments. Also it will be easier to take care of the plant.
After following your journey I want to use about 3-4 litres for each plant. I haven't figured out a way doing that yet. But I have some ideas. A post will follow soon.
Hydro only for now.

BTW don't worry to much bout 2nd seed. Sometimes it takes longer i guess. Just make sure towels are moist all the time and everything should go well.
I might have killed this seed too. I covered the box with a towel and when I came back from work it was very warm and not very humid in there. Lets see. I ll "add" more prayers :p

[Many blesses! Nice tune btw lol
indeed \m/ Bless


Active Member
YEAH! Some full frontal nudity action took place this evening.
The 1st Diesel ryder baby just showed its face out of the cube.
I got it into a DIY mini greenhouse under 20-4 lights.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

At that point I am thinking that I need a ninja name for my baby.
I went to http://www.ninjaname.net/
and typed "lowryder diesel ryder"...
The machine replied with :
Hello, Ninja! This is your new name! Keep it secret!

Your real name : Lowryder Diesel Ryder
Your ninja name : Tamomeishifutekushi Tekikuarikuta Shifutekushi
Right... So Tamomeishifutekushi Tekikuarikuta Shifutekushi is its full ninja name but I ll call it Shifutekushi

The other seed is still not germinating.
I placed one more seed directly into the cube. Just to test a bit more. It looks to be like this journal will be a "Single Shifutekushi" grow.

Jamaican sis is doing good too. No name for her yet. She will pick her name as she grows, like rastas

Style matters
Last but not least. I got a nice WWI post card with hints on economy.
It was £3 on ebay
Looks cool on the pc box...

Ninja Bless

