The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
i keep comin back to tend the girls but never take pics lol. Im a big fuking tease lmao. Will do an update tonight we we get back and a full update tomoz wen ive had a bit of time with them lol. Oh yeah i get my new car tomorrow at 11am, fucking diesel tho init so im not to excited lol.


Well-Known Member
Diesels aint so bad thesedays. My mate has got a focus and i didn't know it was diesel until i borrowed it and had to put some fuel in it, i did put the right fuel in lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cuz It was nill diposit and at the time of ordering it i was skint lkmao. 1.6 tdi polo, like a golf but not a golf lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
had one of those a few years back after i turned my 1.9 sport into a cube :lol: now i'm on a 1.2 skoda. basically VW. slowly working my wway down to the 1.0 mark before i suddenly go mad and buy an M3 :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
aye haha. little bit too much of the magic sauce :lol: learnt me lesson. although ironically the very first day back in my car, i almost crashed into the airport racing some guy in a vaxhaul that cut me up. i get terrible road rage. nothing serious just cursing the sky black and blue and sometimes possbily tailgating :D

my last flatmate, who is still asleep in the sunshine 11 hours later, we were at a set of traffic lights, and a car slowly pulled off infront of us, so he jsut drives upto their tail, literally 10cm, and jsut sits there honk honk honk honk ho ho ho ho ho honk etc, laughing and grinning, not road rage in any way, just found it absolutely hillarious. i cannot comprehend that kind of mentality.

if i could do anything other than grow and smoke my weed, it would be a touring car driver, or some sort of race driver. driving my pissy little skoda to and from work, i have rarely been happier. i love driving. if i lose my job i'll see if i can get on as a delivery driver :lol: white van madness!


Well-Known Member
DPD? I looked into doing that but i didn't like the idea of sorting my own tax out, the taxman don't fuck about you HAVE to pay him or you're in jail.
I've never understood tailgating coz if anything happens you're the first person to die.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i don't stupid tailgate. i just tailgate for a minute in a safe manner (i'm not on a death crusade :lol:) to let them know they're being dicks, such as driving at 30 in a 60, or bad driving etc, i let people know when they're driving like a cunt :lol:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I canny be fooked to do a propper update today cuz im nakerd lol but heres a tent pic i hope urll like.

evrything is budding now lol



Well-Known Member

the tents looking happy bro :).

i get road rage something cruel. granted i allow for mistakes here and there we all make them but some people dont deserve a fucking license and i make dam sure they get as pissed off as i am. theres been a couple cases where ive gone to get/gotten out of the car ready to smash on. though most people are chikenshit or realise what they do was fucking stupid and oppologise. even though at times you can tell its just to save there ass on the spot, the fuckers will be doing it again in another ten minutes.

im not afraid to say it lol.
also when people tailgate me i just chuck the brakes on or slap it into reverse if im at lights ;). just coz i can and coz im a prick :lol:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Damn, Mr West those plants are everywhere in there... looking nice:bigjoint:
Its mental init, I got anoither cupboard full of plant waiting for the tent too lol. Im thinkin of 12ing my veg space aswell lol
Mr WEST! Long time no see. Im back!
Nice grow!
Yes its been a wile mate how ya doing?

the tents looking happy bro :).

i get road rage something cruel. granted i allow for mistakes here and there we all make them but some people dont deserve a fucking license and i make dam sure they get as pissed off as i am. theres been a couple cases where ive gone to get/gotten out of the car ready to smash on. though most people are chikenshit or realise what they do was fucking stupid and oppologise. even though at times you can tell its just to save there ass on the spot, the fuckers will be doing it again in another ten minutes.

im not afraid to say it lol.
also when people tailgate me i just chuck the brakes on or slap it into reverse if im at lights ;). just coz i can and coz im a prick :lol:
Jester mate we all make mistakes and i think we should be more tollerant
[QUOTE="SICC";4081664]Lookin nice and lush westy[/QUOTE]

Cheers sicc mate its getting mental in there.


Well-Known Member
yeah but im an asshole hehe...

but again in all honesty ive seen some stupid drivers in my time... and like i said its not the odd mistake here and there thats a problem its when someone really shouldnt have a license.. fair go i may drive a bit faster than most normally and if someone was pissed at me for speeding past them in a ridiculous manner there agression would have just cause and id appologise and make up for it any way i could.... and if they get out of the car and start on me good on em and if they so happen to beat me well by golly more power to them. it may even be beneficial being on the losing end for a change ya know knock some sense into me or something but hey that day hasnt happened and i have a feeling wont happen in a hurry so untill then you guys have to put up with the self obsorbed,, knowitall smartass that you all know as jester :lol:

yeah thats right my shit dont stink...... but my medacine's do ;) lmfao j.j


Well-Known Member
Awesome looking tent....1 pic update will do until the next time I guess, lol.....Funny you mention your veg tent, I think my veg tent is soon going to be a deidicated flower space as well. Just need to see how long these cheeses take to get their swerve on.

I always like the flick on and off of the fog lights, makes tailgaters think you are breaking when you are not!!!