Best food to eat Stoned

Well its 1:14am in the morning where i live and i just ripped a bong to my face and my stomach is really starting to send me some distress signals. So this topic came across my mind - what is your favorite thing to eat high? or combination of things you like to eat high?

For me it has to be mostly any type of large pizza loaded with a variety of toppings an a good old order of buffalo wings. What is it for you RIU folk?


Well-Known Member
Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. I eat them slowly...savoring each molecule of greatness as it melts across my tongue.


Well-Known Member
NUTELLA!!!!! OMFG its da shit wen im high i put it on everything: toast, crackers, bagels, cheetos, ruffles, and even ice cream. omg the best sandwhich ever is a reeses peanutbutter and nutella sandwhich hands down.

o ya all of these go great with an ice cold glass of milk


Active Member
a big gulp aka 40 0z coke for drink , and for the grub id have to say burritos ,taco bell ,i also love ices ,really when im stoned everything looks good


Well-Known Member
Coke, when at a chilled temperature, over ice, and in large portions, is a wonderful thing.
personally im a pepsi man

EDIT: wait i coulda sworn your avatar had a red no ghost sign on it yesterday not a green one
maybe i should stop smokin so much lol


Active Member
personally im a pepsi man

EDIT: wait i coulda sworn your avatar had a red no ghost sign on it yesterday not a green one
maybe i should stop smokin so much lol
It was red, but then he smoked too much and changed his anti-sign a different color. lol.


Well-Known Member
Lunchables are one of my fav but the ultimate stoned food is WATERMELLON kill munchies and cotton mouth double whammy lol

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
marshmellow fluff, peanut butter, strawberry jelly, a touch of maple syrup All on a toasted sandwitch with a glass of Ice milk Mutha fuckas YEAH