First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??


Active Member
Hello everyone...

I am trying to estimate what I may yield dry weight off of my 3 main plants flowering which are Purple Haze #1, Lemon Skunk, and Hashplant Kush.

This is my very first grow but I think I am doing ok so far. I am flowering under a 400 hps and a 250 hps right beside it hovering over my 3 main plants.

Method is DWC in 5 gallon buckets and I am using Advanced nutes. I think I might have waited too long to start the flowering process as my plants seem really big already for only day 12 flowering.

Any guesses at what these plants may produce??



Active Member
Sorry for the newb question, but I am a newb. Also, just really looking for a ballpark figure... I understand you cannot predict my yield as there are a ton of variables. However, with another 6 weeks or so to go... how much may these girls produce in your opinion?


Active Member
looking really healthy, just keep doing what your doing and you should have no problem getting 3-4 oz's total... just a rough guesstimate..


Well-Known Member
do i see a a good bit of yellowing? or is that just cuz of the lights? they look pretty good so far, id say 2-4 oz's


Active Member
do i see a a good bit of yellowing? or is that just cuz of the lights? they look pretty good so far, id say 2-4 oz's
Some of the bottom leafs are turning yellow and falling off but other than that they all seem pretty green looking to me. I was thinking or hoping rather that I might be able to pull up to 2 zips per plant off the two larger plants. So, is a zip per plant about the avg. for newbies? I must be doing something wrong because these plants are going to be huge by the time they are done?


Active Member
how long have u been n veg stage for?
Started these around Feb. 20th or so and I'm on day 12 flowering now. So... Vegged them for about 7 weeks or so I guess. They were vegged under a 90 watt ufo 5 band L.E.D. and 4-26w cfls for nearly the entire veg. I did put the hashplant kush and purple haze #1 under 400 MH for a week or so before moving to flower room tho.


Well-Known Member
its not possible to veg for too long unless you just dont have the space. vegging longer = more yield. keep that in mind. also imho, about an ounce to an ounce and a half is average for newbies. if you have problems or cut too early because a) your noob, or b) your plants have problems, you might go under the ounce per plant.


Active Member
its not possible to veg for too long unless you just dont have the space. vegging longer = more yield. keep that in mind. also imho, about an ounce to an ounce and a half is average for newbies. if you have problems or cut too early because a) your noob, or b) your plants have problems, you might go under the ounce per plant.
I am anticipating the plants to reach 6ft. tall and I only have 8ft. ceilings. Maybe they won't get that big. I don't know, but I thought I read somewhere that you can expect to triple the size of the plant when flowering. These things were at least 2 ft. tall before entering flower stage. If I'm only gonna get a zip per 5-6ft. tall plant, maybe I should just do autoflowers instead. I could fit a lot more of those in my space and it seems some auto strains will produce a zip or more per plant.


Well-Known Member
I am anticipating the plants to reach 6ft. tall and I only have 8ft. ceilings. Maybe they won't get that big. I don't know, but I thought I read somewhere that you can expect to triple the size of the plant when flowering. These things were at least 2 ft. tall before entering flower stage. If I'm only gonna get a zip per 5-6ft. tall plant, maybe I should just do autoflowers instead. I could fit a lot more of those in my space and it seems some auto strains will produce a zip or more per plant.
Don't forget mate, a LOT of the size is in the large dense resinous buds that form. This is most of the weight that the plant puts on. Don't keep your lights too far away and you shouldn't have many issues with height.


Active Member
Don't forget mate, a LOT of the size is in the large dense resinous buds that form. This is most of the weight that the plant puts on. Don't keep your lights too far away and you shouldn't have many issues with height.
Thanks brother. I am trying to keep my lights no more than 8-12" away.. and have been trying to keep them more like 4-6" away but I burned one of my leafs on Hashplant Kush so I raised it up about 4". I just thought I'd get more bud off these big trees.


Well-Known Member
In those pictures it looks like there are 4 mature plants, unless my eyes are fooling me. Since you're doing a DWC and they are already that big this early in flowering, I'm going to guess a bit more. I'll say between 4 and 6 ounces total. Probably closer to the 4 oz mark. A lot of it depends on the strains and if the buds end up really dense or more airy. I've seen my friend grow 5 plants at a time that were about that size in a deep water cultivation and he pulled down about 2 oz's per plant. That was under 1000 watts of light though and he isn't new at this. What kind of yields do the breeders say each strain will produce??


Active Member
In those pictures it looks like there are 4 mature plants, unless my eyes are fooling me. Since you're doing a DWC and they are already that big this early in flowering, I'm going to guess a bit more. I'll say between 4 and 6 ounces total. Probably closer to the 4 oz mark. A lot of it depends on the strains and if the buds end up really dense or more airy. I've seen my friend grow 5 plants at a time that were about that size in a deep water cultivation and he pulled down about 2 oz's per plant. That was under 1000 watts of light though and he isn't new at this. What kind of yields do the breeders say each strain will produce??
Man.. that would be great if I could pull 2 zips per plant on these 3 girls. I would be really happy for my first grow. I also have 2 more smaller plants going which is another Hashplant Kush and a Red Dragon plant. They are maybe 14-15" tall though right now...

Purple Haze #1 is supposed to flower for 70 days.
Outdoor: 350gr per plant
Indoor: 400gr/m2

Lemon Skunk
Flowering Time: 8-9 weeks
Yield: 400-500g/m2

And the Hashplant Kush one I do not know as I received them from a friend. But this plant is the biggest/tallest so far although it's more stringy and slanky like. The Purple Haze and Lemon Skunk have both bushed out nicely.

I topped the Lemon Skunk and Purple Haze#1 to get 4 main colas as I followed Uncle Ben's thread and cut the Hashplant Kush to get 2 main colas but then I had to FIM it a few times.


Looks like 4-6 to me as well, of course depending. If you are concerned about height, besides topping yu may want to tie and train. Also helps with yield as well, just start earlier in vegging next time.


After lots of trial and error, I like a 18/19 gauge wire(coated or insulated if possible) or bent paper clips (harder to use, though, but cheap), don't use floral wire (too sharp and cuts through plant), string(gets wet and nasty). Go to Lowe's etc. in the bulk wire and buy cheap. You'll need wire cutters as well. The wire is rigid enough to loop around your stake and hook onto your branches yet thin and pliable enough to bend into and secure almost any shape anywhere and stays sanitary.


Active Member
After lots of trial and error, I like a 18/19 gauge wire(coated or insulated if possible) or bent paper clips (harder to use, though, but cheap), don't use floral wire (too sharp and cuts through plant), string(gets wet and nasty). Go to Lowe's etc. in the bulk wire and buy cheap. You'll need wire cutters as well. The wire is rigid enough to loop around your stake and hook onto your branches yet thin and pliable enough to bend into and secure almost any shape anywhere and stays sanitary.
Ok, so I have 190 ft. of Twine... That won't work? Will get wire if the twine will not work out. Thanks for the reply.