when to flush, close to harvest CLOSE UP PIC


Well-Known Member
do i keep giving full strength nuts of farmfox tiger bloom (3 tsb per gal) or should i start flushing with straight water?(ph balanced at 6.0)

day 51 12/12 from seed



Active Member
I wouldn't flush yet.. least another week of nutes. Your still all white pistils even, shes still building.. Impressed you are running full strength tiger bloom, stuff can be pretty serious ;)

Nice looking plant, any idea the strain?


Well-Known Member
no idea of strain bag seeds from some mids... haha
but yeah i slowly started on the nuts like 1/2 teas per gal then 1 teas per gal then 2 now upto 3 no nut burn

its turning out nice, not much smell at all
i have two magic odor absorber brushed cotten- $4 at homedepot

i thought i would need more

rh right around 50%
temp between 69 and 77


Well-Known Member
if you harvest now a few grams if you let them go you might get an ounce big might tho. i had a plant over 5 ounces wet got an ounce and a 1/4 dry sucks


Well-Known Member
I'll be waiting for 3 more weeks full nuts for 1 week then slowing down to half strength for a week, then strait water for the last. also some one had told me to use molasses during the flush to break down the nuts and fatten up the buds any advice?


Well-Known Member
yeah bs can be iffy i flowered a bs for 3 months and it was super fluffy still got a couple oz's but seemed like it would never end...i still chopped early probably the weekest shit i grew that cycle...